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Stretch, Then Drop it Down

Headed out on the trail this week? Ever thought about adding a little stretching and leg work to your hike? Here are a couple of good exercises for this week from Wendy Foster of Mamalates Birth Recovery Method. Let's get those legs strong and long on trail! TRAIL STRETCH SQUATS It's not too late to sign up for Adventure Baby Boost, the 6 -week Mama Love program with Hike it Baby founder S...

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Winner Profile - Phaedra Connell

Meet Phaedra from Hike it Baby Anchorage.  She entered Kinley in the March HIB30 Challenge and won a Klean Kanteen Kid's Kanteen by logging 41.6 Miles and 871 Minutes!! Way to Go! Tell us about your favorite hike in the world! Turnagain Arm - there's a spot to sit and enjoy the 180 degree view of the ocean. Gorgeous! Favorite Hike it Baby moment so far? Nothing specific- just the feeling of...

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Winner Profile - Selina Scott

Meet Selina Scott from Hike it Baby Portland. She entered her daughter, Renee in the March HIB30 Challenge by logging 26.57 Miles and 804 Minutes and won Bollé Sunglasses for her entire family! Tell us about your favorite hike in the world! Pre-baby, we hiked to the Lake Agnes tea house above Lake Louise. It was a beautiful hike, and we got to hear the rumble of distant avalanches! Favorit...

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Celebrate National Trails Day with Hike it Baby, Win Superfeet!

June 6th marks the American Hiking Society’s National Trails Day—the country’s largest celebration of trails. National Trails Day events will take place in every state across the country and will include hikes, bike and horseback rides, paddling trips, and more. Here at Hike it Baby, we’re celebrating the day by inviting all of our mamas, papas and kiddos to join us for a hike out on the trails...

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Easy Baby Snacks for the Trail

You probably already have your own go-to snacks for hitting the trails, but what works for your baby? Happily small amounts of baby food are exceedingly portable, and little ones can experiment with finger foods from the time they start solids. So tote along your baby’s favorites, or use one of these ideas. They’re perfect for hikes or anytime snack time finds you on the move. 6-8 months Duri...

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Winner Profile - Tamara Geary

Meet Tamara Geary from Hike it Baby Sacramento. Her daughter Autumn logged a total of 33 Miles and 1085 Minutes in the month of March for our HIB30 Challenge. Way to go and we hope you enjoy your prize of a Flashback Windbreaker from Columbia Sportswear! Tell us about your favorite hike in the world!   "I haven't hiked anywhere further than an hour outside of Sacramento, CA since having baby...

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Hike Yums: Chocolate Almond Coconut Protein Bars

As an avid hiker and mom of two, I am always in need of a healthy and quick source of protein. Having something on hand that will sustain my kids for a hike is an absolute must as well! Not only are these bars a fraction of the cost of store bought protein bars, they contain wholesome ingredients and no processed junk. These delicious chocolate squares don’t require any dairy, soy, refined suga...

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Winner Profile - Natalie Brucken

Congratulations to Natalie and Avellina from Hike it Baby Portland!  They crushed the HiB30 March Challenge by hiking 55.3 miles and 2885 minutes outside and won Oakiwear Rain boots! Tell us about your favorite hike in the world I love hiking Mt. Washington in New Hampshire. Being from New England, every October we would travel there to take in the foliage, try a new route, and see how close t...

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Winner Profile - Marielle Ambroch

Meet Marielle Ambroch from Hike it Baby Golden. She entered her baby Malo in the March HIB30 Challenge, logged 53.79 miles and 1729 minutes outside, and won Tifosi Scout kid sunglasses! Tell us about your favorite hike in the world! My favorite hike in the world, so far, took place in the Alps, I know, fancy huh? The views were just majestic everywhere you looked. It began overcast and even ...

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Winner Profile - Abbie Phillip

Meet Abbie Phillip and Joe from Hike it Baby Anaconda. They participated in the HIB30 March Challenge and won a Black Diamond Wiz Headlamp!  Congratulations! Tell us about your favorite hike in the world!   My favorite hike is in Slickhorn Canyon along the permitted portion San Juan River for river floaters, between Mexican Hat, Utah and Clay Hills, Utah. Slickhorn is a sandstone canyon that ...

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