There's SNOW reason to stay indoors!

Join OutšŸŒ±Grown this February for our Winter Walk with Wox! It's free, it's fun, and the benefits of time outside are yours to keep!

Already a member? Fantastic! You're all set! Event updates roll out February 1st.

Event Tracker

Track how many days your family gets outside this month! 

Frozen Craft Ideas

Check out our blog featuring Wox's favorite frozen craft ideas and find new ways to create in the cold!

Coloring Page

Take the crayons and markers outdoors for 10 minutes of coloring en plein air!

10 minutes is all it takes

to raise serotonin levels, increase Vitamin D production, boost immunity and relieve stress!


10 minutos es todo lo que se necesita

¡para elevar los niveles de serotonina, aumentar la producción de vitamina D, aumentar tu sistema inmunológico y hasta aliviar el estrés!

Lo Básico Para Aventuras de Invierno


Aventuras de Invierno

Winter Adventure Basics

Como Mantenere a Tus Niños Calientitos en la Caminata

How to Dress For Cold-Weather Hiking