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Adrienne's Story

THIS BLOG IS PART OF OUR ELEVATING VOICES SERIES IN PARTNERSHIP WITH My name is Adrienne St Clair. I work as a botanist with a local government in Portland, Oregon. Working in natural lands management means that I work toward equitable access to nature, and all the benefits of a clean environment, while considering how to maintain and restore healthy plant populations in that space. I ...

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Bring it Outside Family Hiking Workshops: Our First Summer Series

This summer we launched our first Bring it Outside family hiking workshop series. In the series, families from underrepresented and low income communities were provided the gear, resources, and a supportive environment to take their first steps out hiking with their families. We ran our hiking series in two locations in Oregon - Curry County and Clackamas County, thanks to a Ore...

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10 Ways to Squeeze Nature into Your Busy Schedule

September tends to be one of the busiest months for families. Between back-to-school chaos and busy work and activity schedules, it can be difficult to find time to enjoy nature. However, countless studies have shown the benefits of spending time in nature for the whole family, from stress relief to tighter parent-child bonds (check out this article to learn more about the benefits of getting o...

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On the Subject of Footprints- An Early Environmental Awareness Initiative

A collaboration for Early Environmental Awareness between Hike it Baby and Joules. Together we can raise the next generation to love and care for our planet. One could say a footprint is simply the impression left by a foot. But this sneaky little word can mean so much more. To a wild animal it could mean food, to a detective, a new lead to pursue. A footprint can also measure the impact w...

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How to Visit a National Park with Kids

The United States has some incredible protected lands open for exploration. Aside from the 63 National Parks to choose from, there are 360 other national park sites across all 50 states and US territories. That’s a whopping 423 sites (and counting) to learn about ecosystems, wildlife, history, geography, and so much more across our nation! Add in the breathtaking views and fun events and ...

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Kids Explain: Bugs and Bug Bites

In partnership with Natrapel We asked some of our community's youngest "experts" the questions we’ve all been dying to have answered about bugs and bug bites. Read on for our highlight of responses, and who knows, you might even learn something too! Then be sure to watch our “Kids Explain: Bugs and Bug Bites” video created in partnership with Natrapel. Wha...

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Together We Hike 2021

Can you believe Hike it Baby has been at it for eight years? Eight years of empowering families to confidently take their first steps outside Eight years of connecting families with nature and each other Eight years of normalizing the idea that getting outside is for everyone Eight years working to redefine outdoorsy Photo: Michelle Craig @theroamschoolfamily Hike it Baby means communit...

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Hiking my Way to Happiness

The joke among my friends for many years was that a depressing day for me was the same as most people’s emotional state on a good day. Then I turned 38, and I won’t go into details, but I reached a point where I couldn’t even talk to my life coach without crying, so she eventually suggestion medication. For the first time, I was depressed with a capital “D”. Things...

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How babywearing benefits you and your child

Originally posted October 2018. In honor of International Babywearing Week (October 1-7), I wanted to share my own babywearing experience along with some evidence-based facts and community input regarding the many benefits of babywearing. My son, now an average, rambunctious 3-year-old, was born two months premature via emergency C-section, weighing just under 4 lbs. We were lucky in the sen...

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Bike it Baby!! Biking with Kids from Trailers to Training Wheels

In partnership with the awesome team over at Burley Photo: Michelle Pearl Gee @michellepearl It’s as simple as riding a bike, right? Said the person who never had to coordinate three kids at three different ages and three completely different skill sets ALL wanting to bike. But, that’s where we come in. Here’s a handy little guide and some parent-sourced tips for...

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