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Adventure Is a Mindset

Let's be honest. Adventure changes as we age. Priorities adjust as we have children and plan for their future as well as our own. So EPIC, extravagant, lengthy, expensive adventures are often placed on hold or never planned at all. And that's OK! Better even. Adventure is a mindset, not a destination. Who said that? Someone famous? I don't know. If not ... I'M saying it now. Over the Fourth ...

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10 Tips for Keeping Babies On Trail

Arika Bauer / Zion Adventure Photog As the founder of Hike it Baby, an organization dedicated to getting kids on trail from birth to school-age, people often think adventuring outdoors with a newborn must have come naturally to me. Or they assume I was just a hardcore outdoors person pre-baby. Nope. Neither was the case. While I now may look like a seasoned veteran with my now 5-year-old, I on...

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Trekking Poles: Why EVERY hiker should use them

Trekking poles are an essential piece of gear for anyone wanting to get some elevation. But did you know that they're also important for families exploring even relatively flat terrain? If you've ever considered trekking poles to be an unlikely addition to your family adventures, then read on to learn why you should probably pick up a pair for every walker in your family. Stability is key Fi...

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Risky Play

The habits we form from childhood make no small difference, but rather they make all the difference. —Aristotle We spend much of our lives doing our best to keep our children safe. We bundle them up when it’s cold. We feed them healthy foods. We put plug covers in the electrical outlets. We put child safety locks on all the cabinets. We buckle them safely into their car seats. So...

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3 reasons to get on trail with grandparents

My dad is in his early 70s and suffers from gout. His feet swell in pain and all he can do is sit on the couch, wrap his feet with medicinal herbs, and wait for a good day when he’s not hurting to get outside. When he’s around the family, he pretends to be a model of healthy living in retirement. But we can see in the slow way he walks and drags his heels that he’s hurting. His shoes are perman...

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Finding Balance in the Outdoors

“Look! A Fwog! Come on, Mommy!” cries my almost 3-year-old son as he grabs my hand and directs me to a rocky uphill portion of a gorgeous creek. We slip and slide as we make our way along the moss-covered rocks, scrambling up with both hands and feet and laughing when we lose our grip and a foot or hand splashes into the water. The frog had long since disappeared, but that wasn’t the point. The...

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3 Amazing hikes for families with young children in Wyoming

Whether you’re new to hiking with your baby or toddler, or you’re looking for a new trail to explore, the Hike it Baby community is a valuable resource for finding family hiking trails around the country. In this article, we share three unique hikes in Wyoming to explore with babies and young children. Hiking with young children (under 5 years old) is different from hiking with school-age chil...

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Back-to-School Book Reviews

Back-to-school time is upon us! Whether you're sending your child off to school for the first time, or you're a seasoned veteran, the return of school can bring a range of feelings and emotions as well as challenges. This month, check out these books for kids and adults! 100 Days of Real Food on a Budget by Lisa Leake As a teacher, back-to-school time can be an extra challenge. Meals can be o...

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How to use American Sign Language on the trail

Out of all the research on child development, can you think of any one thing that all the studies agree is universally good for kids? I can think of TWO: learning a second language and spending time outdoors. For most of the moms reading this, I assume you have some experience in getting outside with your kids, but not everyone knows where to begin teaching their kids a second language. Well, l...

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The Art of the Long Road Trip with Kids Under 5

Hike it Baby Founder and Ambassador Shanti Hodges goes on a book tour with family and friends, exploring hikes from the Hike it Baby book. When I first dreamed up the idea to do a month-long road trip hiking a bunch of trails from my book from Wyoming to Wisconsin that I had never been on, it seemed like a really great idea. That was over 3,000 miles ago now, and did I ever learn a lot about t...

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