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April 2018 HiB30 Challenge Winners – Gold Sponsors

We just wrapped up another great Hike it Baby 30 Challenge – the second one of 2018!  We’d like to thank our Hike it Baby Gold Sponsors for the great prizes they provided for April's Hike it Baby 30 (HiB 30) Challenge. The winning participants were entered into the prize drawings simply by signing up to achieve 30 miles in 30 days OR spend 30 minutes outside 3 times per week with their families...

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Motherhood: Finding a balance from work to life to hike

The mom life is hard. Like, really hard. I recently read an article that compared the hours moms “work” to that of 2.5 full-time jobs. Another great article floating around the Interwebs acknowledges the mental load most moms shoulder alone. All moms, whether working full-time, self-employed/work-from-home or stay-at-home, carry the mighty weight of motherhood. Finding Balance With Mother’s Da...

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Balance Bikes vs. Training Wheels

Teaching your child to ride a bike can be one of the most exciting experiences for you and your little one and an amazing milestone. You get to watch them develop a new skill while improving their motor skills, decision making and determination. Riding a bike is challenging. You can't make it any easier for them, but you can guide them through the process and revel in their delight when they fi...

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A Daring Adventure: Discovering Dinosaur Tracks

Hike it Baby encourages hiking with kids, and challenges my 4-year-old son, Cole, and I to explore all kinds of new-to-us places near our Central Texas home. So when I saw a local blog post about real dinosaur tracks nearby, I knew we would have to find them. These tracks aren’t protected nor are they an official destination/trail. Ready to embark on our dinosaur hunt, I happily announced to C...

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Gourmet on the Go - Trail Meals for Families

Whether you want to take a trip into the back country for a few days or want to hike all day, food and water will always be one of the top considerations when planning. When I first started doing day hikes with my daughter, Sky, I would pack simple lunches like peanut butter and jelly and some chips. While I love PB&J, doing this every weekend was making me reconsider day hiking and made me...

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Backpacking 102: Taking the Kids

Backpacking is often the next adventure after successfully taking on longer hikes and car camping. Similarly, backpacking with kids is something parents are excited about and they look forward to making more memories. But going solo (not necessarily by yourself, but without tiny munchkins) and gaining some backpacking knowledge and experience under your belt is a great way to test the waters of...

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Outdoor Family Gear: New Brands Roundup

This past January, our Hike it Baby team ventured to Outdoor Retailer to meet with companies and organizations serving outdoor families. We’re excited to share a few new outdoor brands and products you may not have heard of before. Whether an exciting new approach to outdoor gear, a brand with a compelling mission, or a new product in the market, these five companies stood out to us. Butler Boo...

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Snuggle Up - Comparison of Double Sleeping Bags

When you start to think about backpacking, you start to research gear. A lot of gear. To me, there are three things that can make or break a trip: your pack, your tent and your sleep system. If you don't get a good night sleep, no amount of coffee or tea is going to help in the morning. Splurging on a good sleep system that will last for years can make a big difference on whether you go once or...

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How to teach kids to be trail stewards

Earth Day ... a whole day dedicated to caring for the earth. Earth is truly a magnificent place. Its resources are unique to this planet. As the only known planet habitable for humans, we must take care of it. Every year, on April 22, the importance of this is brought to the center stage. Get started by introducing your children to the concept of trail stewardship now and encourage them to be ...

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Earth Day Book Reviews

Earth Day, celebrated each year on April 22, has been around since 1970. While we tend to think about recycling, caring for the earth and planting new flowers on Earth Day, there are some books you can read year-round with your children to instill a love of the earth and to teach them how to protect it. Earth Day: An Alphabet Book by Gary Kowalski This simple alphabet book will show children ...

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