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HiB30 Challenge Winner - Michelle Moniaci

Was this your first Challenge? If yes, how did it motivate you to get outdoors? If this was not your first Challenge, how was it different from your previous experience? We were also part of the March Challenge.  This challenge was easier because I knew more trails and scheduled my entire month of hikes in the first week. What was the biggest obstacle you faced during this Challenge and how d...

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August Lead a Hike Prizes

Hey Hikers! Did you know that when you submit and lead a hike you are automatically entered to win a prize for that month? This month we have prizes from Prism Kites and Smartwool! So get those hikes submitted and motivate your branch to join you! If you have never lead a hike before and have questions be sure to reach out to your Branch Lead!

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Overcoming Obstacles: Finding Balance

I have always had some challenges with balance – I throw myself completely into whatever I’m doing. Because, well, new and shiny (or rather dirt and mud and outdoors) is always more fun than mundane housework. In March, I left my job to spend more time with my toddler, but also with a goal of finding that mythical thing we call balance. Shortly afterward, I started hiking with Hike It Baby, and...

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HiB30 Winner Profile - Katie-Laine Thornton

Meet Katie-Laine and Rutledge (almost 2). They hiked 25 miles with HiB Nashville in the HiB30 June Challenge and won a pair of Smith Sunglasses!!  Thanks to amazing prize sponsors like Smith Optics you can be entered to win a prize just by registering for the next HiB30 Challenge! Was this your first Challenge? If yes, how did it motivate you to get outdoors? If this was not your first Challen...

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HiB30 Challenge Winner Profile - Morissa

Meet Morissa! She joined in the HiB30 Challenge in June and won a prize from our sponsors at Freeloader! She hiked 33 miles with Logan (age 5) and Charlie (age 1) with the Hike it Baby Livingston, MI branch!! Was this your first Challenge? If yes, how did it motivate you to get outdoors? If this was not your first Challenge, how was it different from your previous experience? Yes. The challeng...

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HIB Winner Profile - Brittany Coleman

Meet Brittany! She competed in the HiB30 Challenge this June and won a HIB Babyclava and T-shirt. She and 2 year old Paxton hiked 15 miles with HiB Nashville! Was this your first Challenge? If yes, how did it motivate you to get outdoors? If this was not your first Challenge, how was it different from your previous experience? Yes, it was. I really wish we hadn't had a virus and been in the pr...

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You Know You Are a Hike it Baby Hiker When:

Your baby fusses when he's not in the carrier and calms down as soon as he's put in!    Heather When you get out of your car at a park and your toddler automatically assumes every kid and parent is there to hike with us!     Melissa Evans  -   Acworth When you tell every mom and dad you meet about HIB and how awesome it is.      Sara J Cary  -  Pittsburgh When you postpone your baby's nap un...

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Hike On! Winners Circle - Serena Brittain

Meet Serena Brittain! She, her husband Chad, and Elim (11 months) participated in Hike It Baby’s July 25 Hike On! event alongside nearly 1400 other families around the world, and won a Hike it Baby Water Bottle. What hike did you conquer on Saturday, July 25th? What was your favorite part of hiking that trail? We hiked around Woodlawn Lake Park in San Antonio. Our favorite part was hiking arou...

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HiB30 Winner Profile - Ryan Behr

Meet Ryan, who hiked for 31+ miles with Dashiell (9 months) in the June HiB30 Challenge with the HiB Austin-Dripping Springs Branch and won a water bottle from Hike it Baby! Was this your first Challenge? If yes, how did it motivate you to get outdoors? If this was not your first Challenge, how was it different from your previous experience? Yes! Especially it being our first summer with an in...

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Overcoming Obstacles: Social Anxiety

Did you know that over 40 million adults live with an anxiety disorder? If you happen to be part of that statistic, you aren’t alone. I am too. I grew up in a small town in rural Southeast Michigan where everyone knew everyone else. Your best friend in Kindergarten was your best friend in 12th grade. You never had to make new friends because, well, you knew everyone. Growing up, I never had an...

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