Make Your Own Energy Bars!

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This recipe was created by Dr. Erika Siegel and is just one of the handful of recipes she'll be offering to those who join the Adventure Baby Boost, a 6 - week get after it accountability program developed by Hike it Baby founder Shanti Hodges. Make Your Own Energy Bars! In our many markets there are huge sections of “health” or “energy” bars to choose from (and be overwhelmed by). You can get dizzy comparing grams of this and that while looking out for hidden, unhealthy ingredients. Most of these processed bars aren’t really that tasty OR healthy, so might as well make your own! This recipe is based in whole foods with dense, efficient nutrition. It calls for dried fruit, which should always be purchased without preservatives (sulphur dioxide), as many people are sensitive to these preservatives and it really changes the flavor of the fruit. For your nut selections, it is best to choose raw unsalted nuts for maximum freshness and health. You can soak your nuts first for better digestibility, (see below) Follow the recipe exactly or add your own special flare to (want to add hemp seeds and spirulina in the mix to roll them in shredded coconut- go for it! Bars are fun to make with kids as they can help with every step. You can nibble on these energy snacks fresh from the fridge or freezer (where they are best kept) and pack them to go in lunches or backpacks on the trail. These home-made bars will make you proud, as they are jam- packed with healthy fat, protein and fruit; fueling you with balanced nutrition any time of the day. (Simple breakfast on the go~ yes please!) We keep our energy bars in the freezer individually wrapped in plastic to ensure maximum freshness and portability. Fig-Almond Bars with Cranberries Equipment: Food Processor Figs are not the sexiest dried fruit around but they are high in calcium and other bone building minerals. Combine that with tahini and almonds and you have a very nutritious, balanced snack! 2 cups raw almonds ¼ cups whole flaxseeds 1 tablespoon organic orange zest 1¼ cup dried figs, destemmed 2-3 tablespoon maple syrup 1½ cup dried cranberries 3 tablespoon tahini 1 tablespoon almond butter 1/4 teaspoon salt Directions: Soaking your nuts first will make them easier to digest. If you desire to do this, cover the nuts (not the flax seeds) in a few inches of water with 1/2 tablespoon of salt for 12 hours. Then rinse, drain and spread the nuts out on cookie sheet. Bake at 150 degrees for another 12 hours. You can bake them longer (24 hours) to have crispy nuts to munch on. Line an 8”x 8 deep pan or dish with plastic wrap or wax paper. (You can use a different shape pan as long as it’s close to the same size) In a food processor, pulse the nuts and seeds until they are well broken-down but still chunky. Do not overpulse or it will turn into nut butter. Then transfer this nut and seed mixture to a large mixing bowl. Roughly chop the dried fruit on a cutting board and then add it to the processor. Pulse until broken down into small chunks, but be careful not to let this turn into mush. If at any point during the process your food processor is having a tough time getting going, at a splash of water. A little bit of water goes a long way and you don’t want ot end up with sticky, wet bars. Add this mixture to the mixing bowl with the nut and seed mixture. Add the remaining ingredients to the large mixing bowl with the chopped up fruit and nuts but start slowly with adding the sweetner and salt. After everything is combined, taste the mixture to see if you want to add some more of either. Then, with your hands, dig in! Mush and mix all of the ingredients together until everything is well incorporated. When the mixture sticks between your fingers, you’re done. You can do this step in the food processor but it may require a lot of stopping, scraping of the sides and the addition of a bit more water. We find it works best when done by hand. Put the mixture into the plastic-lined pan, pressing firmly to even it out. Cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour to let it firm-up and for easier cutting. Lastly, cut into desired size bars and seal in an air-tight container for up to two weeks or freeze for up to two months. Makes 16- 20 snack size bars ErikaBoys2Dr. Erika Siegel is a mom, physician, health educator, and wife: by nature, a juggler of life’s abundance. She has the honor to practice and preach Naturopathic medicine in Portland, Oregon, where she focuses on family medicine. Try her awesome kid friendly superfood product, Nourish Me, in your smoothies! Want to feel awesome this summer? Join Erika and Shanti for the next 6 - weeks in the Mama accountability program Adventure Baby Boost. Program starts April 27th! Make Your Own Energy Bars!    


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Hiking my Way to Happiness
The joke among my friends for many years was that a depressing day for me was the same as most people’s emotional state on a good day. Then I turned 38, and I won’t go into details, but I reached a point where I couldn’t even talk to my life coach without crying, so she eventually suggestion medication. For the first time, I was depressed with a capital “D”. Things turned around eventually, and in 2013 I got married, became pregnant with my first child, and moved to Portland… an excellent change of scenery after years in Los Angeles. As my due date neared, I started to feel the old dark cloud edging back in. Everywhere I looked I saw stories on postpartum depression. People talked about it in my mama preparation classes and in prenatal yoga. I talked to my doctor about whether I could breastfeed and medicate once I had a child. I was convinced I was doomed to postpartum depression because the memories of my dark place were in the not-so-distant past. 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The fear of depression was overwhelming. On about week three after Mason was born, I found myself sitting in a new mama group inside in the middle of summer. I heard myself complaining about my husband and how he just didn’t understand how tired I was and how scared I was of getting depressed. Everything was scary. I was scared of people on the street, cars getting to close to us on the freeway, lead poisoning in our windows, pretty much everything in the world was out to get my beautiful new baby. And as I thought and talked more about all of this, I could feel the symptoms of depression lingering darkly around the edges of my newborn bliss. As I looked out the window at the sunny July day I remember thinking, “What would happen if I got so depressed I couldn’t take care of Mason?” That’s when it dawned on me that the one thing that always made me feel a little better in the past when falling down the dark rabbit hole was sitting outside. Even if I did nothing, just sitting outside breathing fresh air made a difference. Then I thought, “what if we could be having this same experience of talking to each other about nursing and dealing with our new lives and our fears outside, instead of in this cozy, safe little room?” While it was lovely, it was also too sheltered and was not helping all of my depression anxiety. I asked the group if anyone wanted to go on a little hike with me. Nothing hard, just a half-mile trail down the street from my house. There was just one thing, I didn’t really know how to use my carrier, so I was scared to go alone. And it wasn’t really a very good stroller trail. The next week, armed with a ridiculous amount of stuff in my BOB stroller I went to a park near my house that had a mellow trail. For this “major” outing I brought a carrier, a days worth of diapers, diaper cream, water, food and who knows what else. 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I leaned down and kissed his head and breathed in the new baby smell. I moved so slowly, but with every step I felt a little lighter, a little calmer. That day I walked all the way up the trail to the stone house, doubling the distance I had done with the group the previous day. Along the way Mason got hungry, and I stopped and asked a random couple to unbuckle the carrier. I took my wailing baby to a quiet place off the trail and sat down to nurse. I was nervous and not as graceful as I would have liked, but I did get enough milk in Mason to appease him and get back home. And when my husband came home and I announced that I went hiking alone, I felt so proud of myself. The next week, ten women showed up to join me. It seemed I wasn’t alone in feeling the need to commune with nature and “hike it out”. As the weeks progressed my circle of friends widened and new faces showed up to hike with us. I also noticed something shifting in me. With every hike, I felt physically stronger and the dark clouds moved further and further away from me. In June, we celebrated our son’s second birthday on a hike with 30 or so friends whom we had met through hiking with our children. It was a sweltering day, much like those first days I ventured into the woods with Mason. As we approached a shady forested stretch and I watched Mason running and laughing and looked around at all of the smiling families around me, all I could think was how happy I was. The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other in an effort to evade depression got me here. It’s may be a cliché, but the first step truly is the hardest. Once you take it, you’ll notice how quickly the path will open up in front of you and the clouds will lift. Tips for Successfully Getting on the Trail Create a regular hike/walk day. Try to plan at least two hikes a week. (If you plan two, you’ll likely make it to at least one.) Pack the night before so you don’t use the next morning’s chaos as an excuse to stay inside and skip it. Choose a mantra for the trail. As heavier thoughts or stressful things enter your mind, go back to that word and look at the trail. Try to leave the cell phone out of reach so you can enjoy the hike. Find a hike buddy who will help keep you accountable and get you out there. Don’t let your gear hold you back. Think used, think simple, think repurpose. I put my old cashmere socks on my baby’s legs over his clothes and booties to keep him warm on cold days! Keep it close to home. No need to go on an epic journey to find adventure. Some of my best days hiking were no more than a few miles from my house. Don’t get hung up with weather. Rainy day? Carry an umbrella on trail. Too hot? Look for shady trails and water features. Find groups like Hike it Baby (or start one in your area) to help get you out on days you just don’t feel like it. Shanti Hodges hikes between 3-10 miles a week on average and tries to get outside with Mason at least 3 days a week year round. In spite of being viewed as a hike addict, she is not afraid to admit that she needs the Hike it Baby 30 Challenge to motivate herself out on the bad days! Her secret to getting out on days she's not feeling it and there isn't a challenge going on is to text a handful of her hike buddies and get them to guilt or motivate her out the door.  This article first appeared in Green Child Magazine. Check them out for awesome stories about healthy parenting. ABOUT OUTGROWN OutGrown is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works to create a world where everyone can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of spending time outside. We are focused on creating opportunities and removing barriers to access so families with babies and young children can take their first steps outside. We believe all families have the right to connect with nature, benefit from spending time outdoors and be inspired to a lifelong love of nature. Since its grassroots inception in 2013, OutGrown is a growing community of 280,000 families and over 300 volunteer Branch Ambassadors. More information on all of our programs can be found at    EDITORS NOTE: We hope you enjoyed reading this article from OutGrown. We’re working hard to provide our community with content and resources that inform, inspire, and entertain you. But content is not free. It’s built on the hard work and dedication of writers, editors, and volunteers. We make an investment in developing premium content to make it easier for families with young children to connect with nature and each other. We do not ask this lightly, but if you can, please make a contribution and help us extend our reach.
Support a NonProfit That Creates Community and Connection this #GivingTuesday
A Letter from Hike it Baby Founder, Shanti Hodges I’ll never forget how I felt in October 2013, pulling into the parking lot at Tryon Creek State Park, a small urban park in Portland, OR. Mason was just five months old and it was a stormy, gray sky day. I was there to hike. I had put an event in the calendar but thought no one would show up. Hail was in the forecast and it was a chilly day. I bundled Mason up in the carrier and started toward the covered area just down the trail from the nature center.  As I stood there doing the baby bounce, rocking back and forth to calm Mason and put him to sleep, women started to show up. Two women walked up together, then another on her own and then a fourth and fifth. By the time we started our welcome circle, there were 14 women with babies wrapped up under rain jackets and umbrellas. I looked around the circle, both surprised and relieved that I wouldn’t be hiking alone that morning. It had been a hard week and I needed that hike and companionship so badly. Parenthood is Easier Together We set out on the trail and within 20 minutes the hail started. We trudged on, laughing at how hearty we could be when we were together. This was Oregon in the fall and we were getting out there for our sanity, connection and our desire to breathe fresh air, no matter what. It was easier when we were together. After the hail stopped, the sky cleared and beams of sunlight shot through the clouds. We were soggy, but it didn’t matter.   I remember thinking how great I felt in spite of the crazy weather and how much I needed community. I never would have gotten out of my car had I been alone. The inspiration was the fact that people were counting on me. I felt stronger, healthier, happier the whole day following the hike. That was why I needed Hike it Baby. It made me a better mother and a happier human. This is why I think many of you appreciate Hike it Baby today. Support Community on this #GivingTuesday Community is everything. Finding a community that gets you out of the house and into the world when you have a small child isn’t just for you, it’s for all of us. The simple act of getting outside helps to build stronger family bonds and better neighborhood connections. When we experience nature we all thrive. Hike it Baby is one of the pathways helping build our communities up.  On this #GivingTuesday we want to ask you to consider giving to Hike it Baby or other organizations like us that are dedicated to supporting community building in nature.  Happy hiking, and thank you for helping support our ongoing efforts to connect families across the world together on trail.  Shanti Hodges Founder, Hike it Baby About Hike it Baby Hike it Baby is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to getting families outdoors and on trails across the U.S. and internationally, supporting, educating and inspiring families through their more than 300 communities across North America. Since its grassroots inception in 2013 in Portland, Oregon, Hike it Baby is now a growing community of 270,000 families and 500 volunteer branch ambassadors hosting more than 1,600 hikes per month. More information, as well as daily hike schedules, can be found at, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram.