Trail Tips: Hiking with Mosquitoes

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Greetings from the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes, AKA Minnesota, AKA the Land of Ten Zillion Mosquitoes! Yes, Minnesota is known for its miles upon miles of untouched wilderness, pristine lakes, silver winters, and magical summers. But this state, filled with so much outdoor paradise, also has an unofficial state bird; the mosquito. As an avid outdoors-woman who is, married to an avid outdoors-man, grooming our son to be a true outdoors-kid, the mosquitoes have always been a challenge while hiking, camping, or even spending a day at one of the many lakes here in Minnesota. As a California girl, born and bred, mosquitoes were never really a problem for me. Sure, California has its fair share of these bloodsucking mongrels, but the mosquitoes that I have encountered here in Minnesota not only trump the Golden State’s mosquitoes in numbers, but also in size, so much so that I don’t question their unofficial title for a moment. I’m a new mother. Our son is eleven months old. As “the hiking friend” (yes, that is MY title that has been given to ME unofficially) I’m looked to for advice on the dreaded mosquito subject, so I have been doing countless hours of research as to how we, and all of my mother and father friends, can enjoy all the nature that this beautiful state has to offer with our little ones without coming home having to shower ourselves in calamine lotion. The first place I started was searching for anti-mosquito products that would be safe for babies and young children. As for my husband and I, we use OFF. Yes, I know it is not “all-natural,” but it definitely does the job, and well. However, there is no way we’d use that on our baby boy. My favorite product that I have found is Bite Free Waterproof Insect Repellent Cream. It is a scentless, light cream that is safe to rub on children (and animals) and has proven its worth on our son. We spend at least 3 hours a day, 2-4 days a week hiking in mosquito infested wilderness, and he has come home with zip, zero, nada mosquito bites! Eureka! You can also go the all-natural, homemade route. But if you are like me and barely have time to pee, let alone whip up a magical batch of this goodness, spend the $12 and buy this stuff. IT WORKS. My next challenge was to figure out how to dress the little one during our hikes. If mosquitoes are a problem for you, chances are you live in a hot, humid climate. Dressing a baby in long pants and shirts can be harmful to their health in heat like we experience during the summers here, which is why investing in a safe sunscreen for babies along with a safe mosquito repellent is crucial. We use Babyganics Mineral Based Sunscreen Spray. Again, this is a product that I would swear by. Time and time again this product is on lists of top sunscreens for babies, and most importantly it is very affordable and accessible. We buy ours at Target for around $10. We have been using it since our son was about five months old, and we haven’t had a sunburn incident yet. Plus, it allows him to be dressed in light-weight, sleeveless clothing which keeps him cool in the brutal heat and humidity. And as always, make sure you include a wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun of their fragile scalps and faces. The final challenge was finding a carrier that is comfortable for both parent and child and one that keeps him sheltered from heat and bugs. Now, there are tons of carriers for babies; Bobas, Ergos, Mobies, the list goes on and on. For hiking however, we knew we needed something that went above and beyond an everyday carrier. After hours spent at every outdoor store in the area, we finally settled on the Osprey Poco Plus Kid Carrier that we purchased at REI. It is a tad pricey, but was by far the best money we have ever spent on any piece of outdoor equipment before and after baby. It is so incredibly comfortable that I sometimes forget I’m wearing it with a twenty-pound toddler on my back. The carrier is breathable, so much so that our son has yet to break a sweat, and it also has a sun-shade which has proven invaluable on long hikes in the blistering heat. He can eat in there on our breaks, and always takes a nap while we are on the move. Plus, it does a darn good job of keeping the bugs at bay as the child is sheltered from head to toe. It is priceless. As any outdoorsy family with little ones knows, hiking can be a challenge, especially when mosquitoes are an issue. How miserable are we, as adults, when we get a hundred bites? Now imagine being a helpless child who doesn’t know how to manage those bites. Yeah. It would SUCK. So do yourselves and your little loves a favor and don’t begin any hike without being 100% prepared for the elements. Introducing our children to the great outdoors should be a memorable and enjoyable experience, so start off on the right track. RES MBMary Beth Burgstahler was born and raised in the Southern California Mountains and attended college at Cal State University Monterey Bay where she majored in Human Communications.  Having lived her entire life in Wilderness areas, she gained an affinity for the outdoors and outdoor activities, one of the main reasons Mary Beth agreed to moved to her husband's home-state of Minnesota in June of 2013.  Outdoor adventure abounds in the Land of Ten Thousand Lakes. Shortly after their move, Mary Beth and her husband, Jacob, welcomed their first son, Jackson, in August of 2014.  They now reside in White Bear Lake, MN.

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With every hike, I felt physically stronger and the dark clouds moved further and further away from me. In June, we celebrated our son’s second birthday on a hike with 30 or so friends whom we had met through hiking with our children. It was a sweltering day, much like those first days I ventured into the woods with Mason. As we approached a shady forested stretch and I watched Mason running and laughing and looked around at all of the smiling families around me, all I could think was how happy I was. The simple act of putting one foot in front of the other in an effort to evade depression got me here. It’s may be a cliché, but the first step truly is the hardest. Once you take it, you’ll notice how quickly the path will open up in front of you and the clouds will lift. Tips for Successfully Getting on the Trail Create a regular hike/walk day. Try to plan at least two hikes a week. (If you plan two, you’ll likely make it to at least one.) Pack the night before so you don’t use the next morning’s chaos as an excuse to stay inside and skip it. Choose a mantra for the trail. As heavier thoughts or stressful things enter your mind, go back to that word and look at the trail. Try to leave the cell phone out of reach so you can enjoy the hike. Find a hike buddy who will help keep you accountable and get you out there. Don’t let your gear hold you back. Think used, think simple, think repurpose. I put my old cashmere socks on my baby’s legs over his clothes and booties to keep him warm on cold days! Keep it close to home. No need to go on an epic journey to find adventure. Some of my best days hiking were no more than a few miles from my house. Don’t get hung up with weather. Rainy day? Carry an umbrella on trail. Too hot? Look for shady trails and water features. Find groups like Hike it Baby (or start one in your area) to help get you out on days you just don’t feel like it. Shanti Hodges hikes between 3-10 miles a week on average and tries to get outside with Mason at least 3 days a week year round. In spite of being viewed as a hike addict, she is not afraid to admit that she needs the Hike it Baby 30 Challenge to motivate herself out on the bad days! Her secret to getting out on days she's not feeling it and there isn't a challenge going on is to text a handful of her hike buddies and get them to guilt or motivate her out the door.  This article first appeared in Green Child Magazine. Check them out for awesome stories about healthy parenting. ABOUT OUTGROWN OutGrown is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works to create a world where everyone can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of spending time outside. We are focused on creating opportunities and removing barriers to access so families with babies and young children can take their first steps outside. We believe all families have the right to connect with nature, benefit from spending time outdoors and be inspired to a lifelong love of nature. Since its grassroots inception in 2013, OutGrown is a growing community of 280,000 families and over 300 volunteer Branch Ambassadors. More information on all of our programs can be found at    EDITORS NOTE: We hope you enjoyed reading this article from OutGrown. We’re working hard to provide our community with content and resources that inform, inspire, and entertain you. But content is not free. It’s built on the hard work and dedication of writers, editors, and volunteers. We make an investment in developing premium content to make it easier for families with young children to connect with nature and each other. We do not ask this lightly, but if you can, please make a contribution and help us extend our reach.
10 Tips for Keeping Babies On Trail
Arika Bauer / Zion Adventure Photog As the founder of Hike it Baby, an organization dedicated to getting kids on trail from birth to school-age, people often think adventuring outdoors with a newborn must have come naturally to me. Or they assume I was just a hardcore outdoors person pre-baby. Nope. Neither was the case. While I now may look like a seasoned veteran with my now 5-year-old, I only got to this place from a lot of trial and error and advice from others around me. Now I feel it’s my duty to pay this knowledge forward, so here goes for those of you who are hesitant to get on trail with your little one. Streamline Bring what you really need on trail and nothing more. Two diapers if you have an explosive baby. One bottom change or a onesie. The top won’t usually get soiled. One bottle. Leave the rest in the car. If you have to carry extra, how can you make it lighter? Collapsible water bottles for example can be a great way to keep your load lighter. Carriers are key A quality carrier can make or break whether or not your little one likes to hike. Hand-me-downs are great, but when it comes to carriers, if you want to get out a lot, do the research. Try a lot of brands and don’t get one just because it’s cute. Get it because it’s functional and will let you hike an hour or more comfortably without back pain. Twig and Lens Photography / Laura Castro An infant usually won’t complain about being snuggled up against your chest on hikes. A toddler, however, might throw a fit. Make sure as your child evolves, so does your carrier. When Mason was an infant, we used a Baby K'Tan because it was like a sling but had some support and was easy to get on and off on trail. Then we graduated to an Onya Baby for lumbar support as our nugget got heavier. Now we switch between that and a Deuter frame carrier depending on the type of hike and weather. The frame carrier isn’t good for a lot of ups and downs (if this is your child), but it’s great for protection from sun, rain or snow or you need space to carry things. Don't Forget the teethers and a blanket! Teething babies are no fun on trail, so remember your teething beads. Make sure they are on a necklace or tether so you won't lose it midway through a hike as well. A teether keeps them busy and calm while teething and the soft blanket is a perfect place to put your precious one on a hike break! If you haven't tried a chewy of some sort yet and you are experiencing a regularly super fussy baby, sore gums could be the cause. Pick your trail wisely What may once have been a short hike for you, now could be a pretty epic adventure with a fussy baby. Gauge how your little one is doing. Stop often, and if things are going well, honestly assess a turnaround point. Better to start heading back early over having a super unhappy child to battle with at the end of a hike. Snack it up If you are at the eating phase, bring snacks you know will work. Don’t experiment with new foods on trail. A hangry (hungry and angry) baby is not a fun hiking partner. I often travel with lollipops or gummy bears on trail so if things are going bad, I have an emergency solution. My son isn’t food-driven, but a little bit of sweets on trail will often calm down a tantrum so we can redirect. Photo: Anka Trifan Bottle feeding If you don’t nurse and need to carry milk there are lots of solutions for keeping it cold and warm. Start with frozen packs and put them in your clothes to warm up during the hike with body heat. Also, look into the soup-sized thermoses (Hydroflask makes a good one) and put hot water in. Add a cold bottle to that and heat the bottle, then drop a tea bag in and you are set. Pumping on trail It is possible to pump on trail! There are great small hand pumps that allow you to pump then add a nipple and serve. Easy as that. Look for a nice out-of-the-way bench or a tree in the woods, lay baby down and pump away. I often found myself so relaxed in the woods that my milk flow increased. Could be all of that oxygen and exercise? Find a community Having a community to help motivate you and show you new trails makes it so much easier. Even now after three years of hiking all around Portland, people in my hike group still continually introduce me to new trails. Also, the more kids on a hike together, especially at that 3- to 5-year-old stage, the more likely they are to motivate each other. We have seen 5-year-olds hike six miles because there were other kids to keep them moving. Different trails for different ages As your child ages up, different trails will work for him or her better. With little ones, you can hike almost anywhere with good footing. As they get older, you'll want to be aware of steep drop-offs, a lot of turns in the trail and things like falling rocks and slippery roots. New walkers are unbalanced, and while trails are excellent training ground for them, if they fall over every other step, it can be frustrating for them. Look at the trail you're adventuring on with a child’s eye. Look at the ground and what’s in the way. A little incline for you might be Mt. Everest for a 2-year-old. Songs and bubbles One of the easiest ways to deal with child meltdowns is serious distractions. Bubbles and songs can help a lot with this. I am a terrible singer but I have gotten pretty good at “Wheels on the Bus” and “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” (this is a book that has a song-like feel). Bubbles combined with song can really help move the hike along and get you through rough patches. If all else fails, bribe them I know, this seems like a bad idea because you want your kiddo to love nature just because it's nature. But the reality is there are those days when lollipops are just part of the program. I keep some in my glove box for when we are having "those" days. I don't have to resort to them all the time, but when I really want to hike and my son doesn't, out they come. Share with us in the comments below some ways you get your kids on trail. Read more: 9 Tips for soothing a cranky baby on the trail Hiking with a newborn This post is sponsored by QALO.