What are You Reading?

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Here at Hike it Baby we are all about encouraging families to get outdoors and enjoy nature! It's also fun to read about nature and our Hike it Baby members have reviewed books that are themed about nature or getting outside with families. From board books for infants to non-fiction for adults, here are some of the books members submitted reviews for. Carlie Kallmann, Vancouver, WA What are You Reading (1)S is for Smores: A Camping Alphabet by Helen Foster James and Lita Judge A cute book that's great for kids big and small to help them preview what is to come or to talk about a previous experience!     Carlie Kallmann, Vancouver, WA I Love Dirt!: 52 Activities to Help You and Your Kids Discover the Wonders of Nature by Jennifer Ward, Susie Ghahremani Richard Louv Geared for kiddos roughly 3-8. This is a great book about different discoveries right below our very feet! Carlie Kallmann, Vancouver, WA Why Dirt Is Good: 5 Ways to Make Germs Your Friends by Mary Ruebush This book is written by a Virologist and gives scientific reasons as to why dirt germs are good for you. While scientific in nature it was a readable and she gave many accounts of personal experiences. Carlie Kallmann, Vancouver, WA What are You Reading (2)Last Child in the Woods: Saving Our Children From Nature-Deficit Disorder by Richard Louv This man is a genius and so right on the money! This talks about how our kids are spending too much time inside which is causing what he calls Nature Deficit Disorder. This is a chapter book that will pull you in and have you saying "YES!" to everything he describes. You'll appreciate your HiB family that much more!   Carlie Kallmann, Vancouver, WA The Nature Principle: Reconnecting with Life in a Virtual Age by Richard Louv This is the sequel, if you will, to his other book " Last Child in the Woods:...". He talks about how ADULTS need nature too in our age of technology everywhere. He describes the many benefits of Vitamin "N" to our bodies and rhythms. It will make you put down the technology and jump into the dirt with your kids! Alana Dimmick, Eatonville  What are You Reading (3)15 Minutes Outside by Rebecca Cohen Author Rebecca Cohen challenged herself and her family to get outside for 15 minutes every day for one year.  She succeeded, and 365 Days Outside was born.  In this book you will find one idea for an outdoor activity every single day for an entire year.  The book is set up by month, beginning with an introduction  and followed by a list of of things you can do outside with just 15 minutes for each day of the month.  Some activities are geared toward older kids (elementary and beyond), but there are plenty of ideas for little ones, too.  This makes a great reference book to pull out when looking for a little inspiration!   May, Austin A Mountain Alphabet by Margaret Ruurs This beautiful book has 26 pages of beautiful mountain scenes, one for each letter of the alphabet.  Each letter's page incorporates as many plants, animals, natural features, and human adventurers that start with that letter of the alphabet as possible.  The text doesn't mention all of them, so it's fun to search each page for as many letter-appropriate pictures as you can find! This is a family favorite with both toddler and parents in our house.  The same author/illustrator duo also has another book, When We Go Camping, that's another favorite of ours. Want to see more reviews? Check them out on our Hike it Baby Blog! http://hikeitbaby.com/what-are-you-reading-2/ http://hikeitbaby.com/what-are-you-reading/
What are YOU reading that inspires a love for nature? Share with us here and we will feature your review in an upcoming blog post!  

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Are We Sharing Our Adventures Responsibly?
Last spring, I shared a photo of Mason lying in the flowers at Rowena Crest on social media. A few hours later, someone blasted me because they felt I was irresponsible to let Mason lie on the path in a field of wildflowers. I'll admit, it was definitely not adhering to Leave No Trace ethics. Honestly, I just couldn't help but get the shot because it was so dang cute! In the image, I also shared our location and said it was a not-to-be-missed hike. My first reaction to the post was an eye roll toward those who blasted me. I mean, come on, it was a well-traveled wildflower spot and there were thousands of flowers. What was one little toddler lying down going to do to that spot, anyway? Within a few days, I saw my Facebook feed fill up with friends heading out to Rowena Crest. They took similar shots and thanked me for the tip. While I'm not sure if we were super harmful on that spot, I think we made a visible human impact. I can now see how one picture can inspire hundreds, and even thousands, to go to a place. And that's where the true impact becomes detrimental to nature. To share or not to share As I thought more about my responsibility in getting people out there, I also noticed others talking about it online. In addition, there were articles on this topic in well-respected outdoors publications, like Outside this spring and even further back in online publications like The Outbound. So the ethical question: Is sharing beautiful outdoors spaces on social media destroying those hard-to-reach places? To some degree, it's a contributing factor. Are groups like Hike it Baby, which helps get more people outside, also contributing to this? Possibly, but it depends on the messaging we share and the guidance and principles we instill in our community before we share places. I can make an impact As founder of Hike it Baby, I have the opportunity to impact how families utilize and treat parks and open spaces. I can see how, in our hyper share-everything world, my one image can accidentally harm nature, even if that's not my intention. I like to think that while I may share, or overshare, my outdoors life and encourage hundreds of people to follow in my family's footsteps and get out there, I also know that making the outdoors more accessible for all comes with a price. And sometimes that price means the less aware, less prepared people venture out there thanks to our posts. On September 2, 2017, some teenagers playing with fireworks in the Columbia Gorge set off a massive fire. It trapped 150 hikers overnight, and resulted in 49,000 burned acres by the time the fire was out. My guess is that it was not these kids' intention when they carelessly tossed fireworks into the Gorge and filmed it, undoubtedly for their social media feeds. For those of us with younger children, we have an opportunity to teach respect before they become teenagers. This is not to say these teens didn't have wonderful parents who took them out hiking regularly. But one has to wonder how much time they spent in the woods as little ones, learning how humans impact the woods with our presence. I can make a commitment With 2018 fast approaching, I want to personally up my commitment to share open spaces and encourage all to get out there. But I also want to work harder to offer more guidance. I encourage deep thought in everyone to consider what is left behind after your hike. This isn't just the forgotten trash, the dropped binky or the squished flowers, but it's also what you add to the message when you share this adventure in your daily life on your social media and beyond. I have a book coming out in May 2018 called Hike it Baby: 100 Awesome Adventures with Toddlers and Babies. The goal of this book is to help families get out more into nature. But unlike most guidebooks, we don't look for the farthest places. It offers more accessible spaces and a first step into the outdoors so we can teach our young to respect nature from their earliest days. We hope this book will help everyone stop and think about what we teach our children about nature on a daily basis. We share resources to help us be more thoughtful as we venture out there. In a recent study conducted by a handful of researchers for "The Nature of Americans National Report: Disconnection and Recommendations," it was determined that Americans are becoming disconnected with nature. But all is not lost. Finding ways to reconnect children and those who have less access, and the younger the better, means there will be more protection and respect for nature as people grow up. According to the study, "Connecting Americans and nature must be a vibrant, ongoing effort supported by all members of the public. The state of the natural world and our place within it cannot afford for us to act slowly. We must act now to ensure that present and future generations are connected with nature.” I can encourage respect for nature So while it's not necessarily a bad thing that we Instagam every beautiful moment because it connects others to nature and inspires them to get out, it's good to stop and think first. Before you post, ask, "Am I posting responsibly and not necessarily broadcasting every nook and cranny in nature with GPS coordinates?" Go ahead and share those space. But consider regular reminders and support networks to encourage people to get out there with respect. This is our moment to change the world and help others touch nature. Nature heals and is always there for you. It connects people better to one another. Nature teaches our children valuable lessons. She helps us all connect with ourselves better. Go ahead and share her beauty. But remember to do it wisely and with instructions so people just learning to connect with her do it well from the start. It all starts with you and that picture you post of your child lying in a field of wildflowers. "I feel like, as photographers, we have a bigger responsibility to ensure that we don't meadow stomp then share and be aware of the environment around us. It's easy to be lured by mountain scapes and to run through wild flowers because of what we see on IG and Facebook. It's also easy for others to see it and not think of the consequences they have to the land, but rather, because someone else has done it, so surely one more couldn't hurt. I feel like the power of social media will oftentimes be more about the likes rather than the experience, thus creating more traffic on our favorite trails and people not adhering to Leave No Trace and accidentally creating patches and new small paths that lead astray for just a photo. "I do a lot of research, alone and with the kids, to find desolate areas and trails that not many have wandered. But I also try to make sure that my kids adhere as much as they can to the LNT philosophy. There are times when they stray, or forget that their footprints and their new paths can hurt their favorite landscapes. Harrison even cried once because he didn't stay on the trail and stepped on a small plant. He was absolutely devastated because I reminded him of how big we are. It's definitely something I hope others will do, especially as the trails get busier and getting outside starts to mean more to those around us." —Hike it Baby Photographer Ashley Scheider "I understand both sides and am a HUGE advocate of leave no trace. It’s a balancing act though between enjoying the outdoors and fostering a love for it with the kiddos with leave no trace. For example, I allow Pax to choose a leaf on the trail to carry and sometimes bring home. I’m also the person who will clean up others’ trash on the trail. Educate, educate, educate!!! A few irresponsible people on the trails could ruin them for everyone, but being personally and communally invested in our trails and beautiful places is so important." —Hike it Baby Member and Photographer Becca Harrison Few fun resources and to learn more about raising your children to protect nature: Leave No Trace Junior Rangers 5 Gyres Read More Painted Rocks vs. Leave No Trace 10 Ways to Have a Positive Hike it Baby Environmental Impact
What is Toddler Led?
When Hike it Baby started it was all about babies. We were a small group of mom's who headed out on trail to escape sitting inside in the middle of summer. We walked, we talked and every week we grew and so did our children. From moms and babes we quickly expanded to dads, partners and then there were grandparents, aunts and uncles, foster parents and one day we looked around and babies were toddlers, then kids. Now in less than two years we are a family organization growing faster than a sunflower sprouting in the hot summer sun. Now many of us who started hiking with our infants have toddlers. So here are a few tips we've pulled together to help you as your little one ages up and you are looking for safe trails for that transitional phase or if you have two kids (a new baby and then a roaming toddler or little kiddo). Having a little walker doesn't mean you have to stop getting out there, you just want to think a little more about the trails you are heading out on to. Look for parks with loops so that it's fun for you even if it's short. Out and backs are ok, but loops keep it more interesting unless the views are amazing. Think about how long your kiddo will let you carry him or her. Is it 5 minutes or 45 minutes and plan around that. Think shorter and more play time vs. trying to really get to a destination. If you have a child who will let you carry you can consider trails with drop offs as long as there are good walking bits for him/her to be let down. Flat trails can be fun if you find interesting things in it. We recently hiked a park that had a campground and picnic area all around it so there were lots of water taps for kids to stop and play with every 10 minutes or so. That was great on a hot day. Animals are awesome! Nature preserves with turtles, ducks, woodpeckers, robins, snakes and other critters cruising about can be so exciting for a kid. Early in the morning before things heat up is the best time to find animals. Railings are key. If there are drop offs on the side of the trail it's great when a trail has some kind of guard rails. This can give you an extra moment when you have an escape kiddo. Consider a harness system like the one we sell on Hike it Baby. The idea of a "leash" makes some people squirm but if you are near water or cliffs letting your toddler or kiddo roam a bit while you remain safely behind him/her can offer them a lot of opportunity to make good decisions while you don't have to feel nervous. This will allow you to go on steeper trails. Look for fun features like small waterfalls trickling down hillsides that kids can put their hands in and go under. Even if it's just drips. This can stop a fussy toddler in their tracks and adjust the mood of the hike. Find trails that are less busy so your kids can roam without "bothering" runners and dog walkers. It's nice for kids to have freedom when they are "exploring" hiking in the early stages. Starting on trails that are flatter with maybe slight hills here and there will help build confidence for both of you. Carry snacks and little toys. These can help make a momentary tantrum disappear quickly. Hiking with other toddlers can make all of the difference in the world in keeping kids going. Find a walking stick or other "nature toys" like a fern (yes we know this isn't leave no trace) or some flowers or leaves. Be understanding if your little one just isn't into it. You may have had your heart set on seeing a waterfall or an amazing view but adjust. Look around where you are at and see what you can seize in the moment for amazing experiences. Plan a shuttle or pick up if you are going for a long hike. You never know when that meltdown will come and how bad it will be. Toddler times can be trying times for serious hikers. But they can also be an opportunity to slow down and look at the world around you. Think of it like riding a bike to get somewhere instead of driving a car. Your bike ride will often be a more pleasurable experience because you are "feeling" where you are going instead of just driving and arriving. Let your toddler help you really experience the trail and look at it in a different way. This time will pass quickly, so  enjoy the moment while you can. ​Shanti Hodges is the Founder of Hike it Baby and Mama to 2-year-old Mason River. She's always been a fast person so having a child has helped her view time on the trail in a whole new light.         ABOUT OUTGROWN OutGrown is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works to create a world where everyone can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of spending time outside. We are focused on creating opportunities and removing barriers to access so families with babies and young children can take their first steps outside. We believe all families have the right to connect with nature, benefit from spending time outdoors and be inspired to a lifelong love of nature. Since its grassroots inception in 2013, OutGrown is a growing community of 280,000 families and over 300 volunteer Branch Ambassadors. More information on all of our programs can be found at WeAreOutGrown.org    EDITORS NOTE: We hope you enjoyed reading this article from OutGrown. We’re working hard to provide our community with content and resources that inform, inspire, and entertain you. But content is not free. It’s built on the hard work and dedication of writers, editors, and volunteers. We make an investment in developing premium content to make it easier for families with young children to connect with nature and each other. We do not ask this lightly, but if you can, please make a contribution and help us extend our reach.