Lead a Hike Prizes - May 2016

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All around the world, Hike it Baby families are getting outside and hiking trails because of the incredible volunteers who Lead Hikes for their group! We appreciate this so much that we automatically enter every person who submits a hike to the website calendar in a prize drawing at the end of each month. Just by the simple act of submitting a hike, you are motivating other families to get outside AND you have a chance to win one of three prizes from our prize sponsors at Oboz Footwear, My Outdoor Alphabet, and The Okee Dokee Brothers! It’s so much fun and so easy! Anyone can lead a hike, just ask your local Branch Lead if you have any questions. So, what are you waiting for? Fill up that calendar and Lead a Hike this month!

Lead a Hike Prizes - May 2016

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