National Take a Hike Day: Hitting the Trail Again After Baby Arrives

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With all of the exciting changes happening in your life when your baby comes home, the attraction to those things that were an important part of your life before baby are still there too. Hiking is probably part of what makes you who you are. With “National Take a Hike Day” on November 17, it's a great time to get some advice from parents who found their own way to introduce a newborn to hiking. When you and your baby are ready, the trail is there and it will provide the same benefits you enjoyed before. What’s even better is you can now introduce and share these benefits with your baby. National Take a Hike Day by Lisa Boness for Hike it Baby For Nicole Rosenberg, her hikes with a newborn started on the first day home from the hospital. We started with a stroller and a walk around the neighborhood. Eventually I figured out that he slept better outside, so we’d bundle up and go for walks when he needed a nap. He’s 2 now, and to this day, I use a carrier and the outdoors to encourage naptime. Sure, we go on more epic adventures, but every time we get outdoors together is important. It’s a good way to encourage healthy habits, to learn and to enjoy ourselves.” Like Nicole, one of the new benefits you may also discover of hiking with a baby, is the effect it has on baby’s sleeping habits. “Start small. A walk around the block at a time your baby is generally happy and/or napping. When you feel confident with that, go on a short familiar easy hike,” suggests Vanessa Wright. Vong Hamilton found that hiking was the key to better sleep for her third baby. "I hiked while I was pregnant with my little guy up until two days before he was born. From day one, he was a terrible napper. He wouldn't sleep unless I was holding him. Frustrated, I had had enough of the sleep-deprived crying baby, so we packed up and went for a hike for some mama self-care. Not 10 minutes into our hike, he'd fallen asleep and slept the whole hour of the hike! And that's how our days went those early weeks; almost every day we hit the trails so he could nap. Don't be afraid to get out with a baby! That might be just what baby needs to get some ZZZZs and what Mom needs to stay sane."

For some additional tips, complete with the step-by-step to first hikes with a newborn, check out 8 Steps To Help You Hike After Baby.

Starting close to home and trying these hikes when it is the best time for you and your baby makes those first excursions easier. Finding support from other parents and communities helps too. “Start with paved trails or boardwalks! Easier footing as you get used to the big changes you've just experienced. Bonus: it's suitable for baby wearing and strollers, so if you connect with a group of newborn caregivers, all are welcome/comfortable,” advises Kati Austgen. Laura Miller found her community through HiB. "Getting out in nature is the best thing for you AND baby, hands down. Adventuring with HiB families is the best because, collectively, you can tackle anything. Whatever feels too overwhelming or intimidating alone outnumbered by babies becomes comical challenges in such good company. Plus, the other mothers are always far more prepared than me with backup items (anything you could think of, seriously) so that helps my confidence and security as well. Just do it: get out, stay out, repeat daily!"

More information on the importance of community when getting back to hiking with a new baby, check out The Importance of a Mommy Community and Father Finds Inspiration And Fun With Hike It Baby.

Knowing that baby is comfortable will give you peace of mind to enjoy the hike. Katie Fox offers this bit of advice: “Go somewhere familiar and take it slow. Don't push yourself and just enjoy being outside and sharing the world with your squish! Stretchy wraps are especially fantastic because they add an extra layer of warmth and can help both parents and the baby feel more confident and secure in this new adventure!”  

More great ideas on what to bring to keep your baby comfortable as you introduce them to hiking can be found here.

Whether it's the motivation to get out on a hike to find that bliss you enjoyed before the arrival of your baby, to introduce your new baby to the benefits of getting outside (including better sleep for you and baby!), or the desire to connect with the hiking community and the support found among other parents, taking that first hike with a newborn is possible. Vanessa Wright shared this additional bit of encouragement: “After having two kids, I've realized the easiest time to hike is when they are small babies. I regret not hiking more during that phase with my first! There will never be a time when they're lighter and more content just snuggling with you, so use this time for your advantage.” What advice do you have to help parents with young kids get out on trail? Please share in the comments below.

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  Lisa Boness lives in the mountains of Colorado where she indulges her love of the outdoors with as much hiking as possible. Her other interests include writing, home improvement projects and  spending time with family (including her husband, Eric, and her favorite “trail critter,” Ridley – a Maltese).          

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How Hike it Baby is Starting a Movement for New Parents - As Featured in the Washington Post
Parenthood is an Adventure. Bring it Outside. Shanti Hodges, founder of Hike it Baby, just wanted to get outside after giving birth to her son six years ago. “When I had Mason, I knew it would feel isolating,” she says, “but I didn’t expect to feel like I had no friends or that I couldn’t get out into nature.” Hodges knew about various active mom groups, such as Stroller Strides, but that wasn’t what she was after. “I didn’t want to work out, I just wanted to get outside,” she says. “I knew it would be good for me and for the baby.” Shanti Hodges, Founder of Hike it Baby, with her son, Mason. Creating an Outdoor Community for Families Beyond how to get outdoors with your child, Hike it Baby is focused on creating the community parents and caregivers of young children need to make getting outside easier and more enjoyable. It's proven that getting outside more often benefits everyone, and that time in nature can have lifelong, positive impacts on children. Read the full article New parents join a real movement for their babies and themselves: Hiking by Amanda Loudin published in The Washington Post. Find a community of like-minded families at Hike it Baby. Join a hike near you today! About Hike it Baby Hike it Baby is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to getting families outdoors and on trails across the U.S. and internationally, supporting, educating and inspiring families through their more than 300 communities across North America. Since its grassroots inception in 2013 in Portland, Oregon, Hike it Baby is now a growing community of 270,000 families and 500 volunteer branch ambassadors hosting more than 1,600 hikes per month. More information, as well as daily hike schedules, can be found at, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram. Photo courtesy of Arika Bauer.