10 Free Gifts to Give Mom this Mother’s Day

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A History of Celebrating Mom

While the celebration of motherhood and mothers can be traced back to the ancient Greeks and Romans, the American incarnation of the Mother’s Day holiday did not happen until the early 1900’s.  After the death of her own mom, Anna Jarvis came up with “Mother’s Day” as a way to honor the sacrifices that mothers made for their children. After gaining financial backing from John Wanamaker, a department store owner in Philadelphia, Jarvis organized the first official Mother’s Day celebration in 1908. Following its success, Jarvis petitioned to have the holiday added to the national calendar. She argued that American holidays were biased towards the achievements of men, and urged politicians to adopt a special day to honor motherhood. Her hard work paid off, and in 1914 President Woodrow Wilson signed a measure that officially established the second Sunday of May as Mother's Day. While Jarvis had originally conceived of Mother’s Day as a day of personal celebration between mothers and families, it quickly became highly commercialized. In an odd twist, this led Jarvis to denounce the holiday and spend the rest of her life lobbying to get the day removed from the national calendar. mom with kids in the outdoors on a hike

Showing your Appreciation Without the Price Tag

While expensive gifts can be wonderful, heartfelt gifts that cost little to no money, which was the original intent of the holiday, can mean even more on Mother’s Day. It can show Mom that she means more to you than a few clicks of your mouse while shopping online or a quick trip into a store to pick out a gift. Handmade gifts and small acts of kindness are a great way to make Mom feel special. It can also show the kiddos that time and effort are priceless, and showing you care doesn’t have to come with a price tag.

Check out these ideas for Mother’s Day gifts that don’t involve buying  more than what you already have on hand at home:

1. An interview with questions for kids to fill out about their Mom. Check out our printable Hike it Baby Mother’s Day kiddo interview here!

2. A homemade Card from the kiddos that actually shows effort (meaning the younger littles may need a little assistance from an adult).  

“A homemade card that actually shows some effort - both from the kiddos but also requires my partner to sit with them and help”  - Kate, Kingston, Ontario Branch

3. Have a “What Mom Wants” Day where Mom gets to choose the activities, meals, etc.

4. A video of the kids talking about what they love about mom and wishing Mom (or Grandma) a Happy Mother’s Day.

5. Give Mom a break to do what she wants, whether that means a walk in the woods, time alone in her bedroom to read or relax, a virtual coffee date with a friend, etc.

6. Let Mom sleep in or have a “lazy morning” where she can relax, take a long shower or bath, etc. without being disturbed.

“To sleep in.  I haven’t done that in years!” - Paige, Cleveland, Ohio Branch

7. Have the kids write and perform a skit or song especially for Mom.

8. Bring Mom her favorite breakfast in bed (after letting her sleep in, of course!) or put together a backyard picnic for Mom to enjoy.

9. Relieve Mom of her “mom duties” for a day by picking up the emotional labor and making all of the decisions that come with having kiddos. This could mean choosing what the kids will eat throughout the day or what chores need to be accomplished by all family members.

“To not be in charge of Mom duties. Without having to nag or remind anyone to do them. Have my plate empty of responsibilities for a day or even a couple hours to do whatever I want” - Melissa, Kitsap Peninsula, Washington Branch

10. And last but not least, perform Acts of Kindness for Mom. This could include doing chores (ie. vacuuming or laundry), changing all baby diapers for a day, letting mom eat an entire meal while it’s warm without her having to get up for anything, etc.

  Hike it Baby works to be the most effective hub of tools, information, and community inspiring all families with babies and young children to get outside and connect with nature. Learn more about Hike it Baby’s mission and how you can get involved. Click here to download the printable Mother's Day Interview. Mother's Day Interview for kids printable pdf


Hike it Baby is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to getting families outdoors and on trails across the U.S. and internationally, supporting, educating, and inspiring families through their more than 300 communities across North America. Since its grassroots inception in 2013 in Portland, Oregon, Hike it Baby is now a growing community of 270,000 families and 500 volunteer branch ambassadors hosting more than 1,600 hikes per month. More information, as well as daily hike schedules, can be found at HikeitBaby.com, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram. Photo courtesy of Arika Bauer.

Editors Note:

We hope you enjoyed reading this article from Hike it Baby. We’re working hard to provide our community with content and resources that inform, inspire, and entertain you.

But content is not free. It’s built on the hard work and dedication of writers, editors, and volunteers. We do not make this ask lightly, but if you are able to afford it, make a donation, and become a Hike it Baby member.  A membership also makes a great gift for that new parent in your life. We make an investment in developing premium content to make it easier for families with young children to connect with nature and each other. If you can, please make a contribution and help us extend our reach.

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Leave No Trace with Little Ones
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The point is not to strive for perfection all the time. It’s to decrease our impact on the environment whenever and wherever possible and to teach our children to do the same. The tips above can help your family make fewer environmental impacts. You can also check out these other fun resources from Leave No Trace to help your kiddos understand the impact their actions can make on the environment:   Fun Resources from our friends at : Learn the Leave No Trace Hand Motions to help kiddos remember the 7 principles. Check out the Leave No Trace and Bigfoot Activity Booklet for some fun, education activities for older kids. This Trash Timeline Game can be played with kids (and adults) of all ages. Here is a free Online Awareness Course for parents and caregivers who want to learn more about Leave No Trace.   How do you practice the Leave No Trace Principles with your family? Let us know in the comments below!   ABOUT OUTGROWN OutGrown is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works to create a world where everyone can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of spending time outside. We are focused on creating opportunities and removing barriers to access so families with babies and young children can take their first steps outside. We believe all families have the right to connect with nature, benefit from spending time outdoors and be inspired to a lifelong love of nature. Since its grassroots inception in 2013, OutGrown is a growing community of 280,000 families and over 300 volunteer Branch Ambassadors. More information on all of our programs can be found at WeAreOutGrown.org    EDITORS NOTE: We hope you enjoyed reading this article from OutGrown. We’re working hard to provide our community with content and resources that inform, inspire, and entertain you. But content is not free. It’s built on the hard work and dedication of writers, editors, and volunteers. We make an investment in developing premium content to make it easier for families with young children to connect with nature and each other. We do not ask this lightly, but if you can, please make a contribution and help us extend our reach.
Easy, Fun Ways to Have a Playful Picnic
Created in partnership with   One of the things I love most about summer is the picnics. There’s something special about relaxing at a park on a warm afternoon after exploring the sights and trails nearby. It’s easily one of my favorite family outings! Over the years I’ve learned that adding fun and easy touches to a picnic can add excitement to your adventure. It also tends to have the side benefit of motivating my kiddos to keep moving down the trail to make it to the post-hike goodies.  As you work towards your 10 Park Challenge this month, consider these easy, fun ideas to increase the playfulness of your family picnic. Charcuterie Board, Picnic Style If your family is like mine and prefers to graze on a variety of goodies during outings, the kid-friendly charcuterie box is a great option! You can re-use those old veggie or fruit trays from your last barbeque or even use a clean tackle box and fill it with all your family’s favorites. For us, we prefer fruits (like blueberries and grapes), veggies (especially peppers and carrots), lunch meat, cheese, crackers, nuts, etc. My kids love to help choose which foods fit and fill the tray before we head to the park. Freeze it If you’re heading out for a fun adventure on a hot day, take along some frozen treats to enjoy such as frozen grapes, frozen yogurt tubes, frozen fruit pouches, etc. Even if they thaw out before you dig in, they are sure to provide a cold, refreshing treat on a toasty summer day. Animal Themed Foods One of my favorite snacks as a kid was “ants on a log”. It was simply peanut butter on a celery stick with raisins on top. I thought it was the coolest thing, and my parents were sneaking in veggies without me fighting it. I now make this snack for my own boys, and my older son will pre-make a batch and stick them in a container for our trips to the trail or the park. We top them with raisins, blueberries, and even chocolate chips for a sweet treat. Another fun animal-themed snack is butterfly baggies. Simply fill a snack bag with one or two snacks, cinch the middle with a pipe cleaner, and add a googly-eyed clothespin to finish them off. Simple and fun for kiddos to enjoy and play with during a picnic. Cookie Cutters – Not Just for Cookies You know those cookie cutters you tend to store for 11 months out of the year and pull out just for holidays? You now have an excuse to dig them out of storage and use them to make fun sandwich shapes. Our favorites are the star and evergreen tree on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. We also use the mini-cookie cutters on fruits and veggies such as cucumber slices and watermelon. They make for a fun surprise and encourage kiddos to eat more fruits and veggies (who can resist a heart-shaped slice of cucumber?). Food Art Encourage your kids to “play with their food” to create fun pictures. Whether it’s cut-up fruits and vegetables, crackers, cheese sticks, etc., you may be surprised at what their creative minds come up with! Simply use a napkin or plate as a canvas, provide some examples if needed, and watch them smile and laugh. The best part? Clean-up is easy and nutritious. Skewer it I remember one barbeque we attended where they provided some fun fruit and veggie skewers as an appetizer. My picky older son thought they were the coolest thing and ended up eating more fruits and veggies in one sitting than he ever had before (some of which he refused to eat when offered at home). I asked him what he loved about them, and he replied “Mom, they’re on a stick!” as if it was the most obvious answer. Ever since then, I will often bring fruit and veggie skewers on outings. I usually cut the sticks in half, pile on a pattern of fruits and veggies such as strawberries, peppers, cucumbers, and grapes, and put them in a bag to enjoy at the park. Chase the Rainbow My family loves “Rainbow Picnics”. We head to the fridge (or grocery store) and pick out foods from every color of the rainbow to take along with us. Once we settle down with our picnic, we create a rainbow with our food before chowing down on our colorful goodies. Here are some options we enjoy for each color: Red – Strawberries, red peppers, grape tomatoes, watermelon, salami Orange – Carrots, orange slices, orange peppers, cheese Yellow – Yellow peppers, pineapple, banana Green – Green grapes, Kiwi, Sugar snap peas, cucumber Blue – Blueberries Purple – Purple grapes, cherries, purple peppers Don’t Forget the Drinks One of my favorite things as a kid was adding fresh fruit to homemade lemonade. We would make the lemonade the night before and bring it to the park along with an assortment of fresh fruit (such as strawberries, limes, and watermelon). You could also make some decaf sun tea or even just a special bottled drink from the grocery store. Looking for an adult beverage without the side effects? I love to bring along some non-alcoholic brews to enjoy during a picnic, especially following a hike. My favorites are the Upside Dawn and Free Wave brews from Athletic Brewing Company. They’re refreshing without compromising my mental state. As a bonus, this company donates 2% of sales to protecting and restoring local trails like the ones we frequently visit. Pick Your Own Fruit One of my favorite things about our time in Washington State was blackberry season. We would go for a hike and snack on the blackberries growing all along the sides of the trails. Now that we are in Virginia, we have enjoyed mulberries and the occasional wild strawberry. Just be sure you know EXACTLY what the fruit is before noshing on them to prevent consuming inedible varieties. Common fruit varieties that ripen in the summer include blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries. Have the Kiddos Choose My oldest tends to be a picky eater. When we pack a picnic, I let him choose which fruit, veggie, and sandwich he brings, and we pick a special “picnic treat” at the grocery store. For older kiddos, you can have them make and/or pack the picnic cuisine themselves (with some guidelines if needed). This can add to the excitement since they get to surprise you with what they chose for the family.   We want to see what goodies you bring along on your next picnic! That’s why Hike it Baby has partnered with Athletic Brewing for a #showusyoursnacks social media challenge this month. When you are out visiting parks and enjoying your outdoor time this month, be sure to snap a photo or reel of how you and your family likes to enjoy snacks on the go! Be sure to tag @hikeitbaby @athleticbrewing #10parkchallenge #showusyoursnacks and 3 friends you think will participate in the challenge, and you will be entered to win a stocked cooler backpack from Athletic Brewing Company! (Be sure to make your settings public so we can see your posts and reels!). What playful ideas will you come up with?  ABOUT OUTGROWN OutGrown is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works to create a world where everyone can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of spending time outside. We are focused on creating opportunities and removing barriers to access so families with babies and young children can take their first steps outside. We believe all families have the right to connect with nature, benefit from spending time outdoors and be inspired to a lifelong love of nature. Since its grassroots inception in 2013, OutGrown is a growing community of 280,000 families and over 300 volunteer Branch Ambassadors. More information on all of our programs can be found at WeAreOutGrown.org    EDITORS NOTE: We hope you enjoyed reading this article from OutGrown. We’re working hard to provide our community with content and resources that inform, inspire, and entertain you. But content is not free. It’s built on the hard work and dedication of writers, editors, and volunteers. We make an investment in developing premium content to make it easier for families with young children to connect with nature and each other. We do not ask this lightly, but if you can, please make a contribution and help us extend our reach.