Outdoor Moms Making a Difference that Everyone Should Know

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When I started my research on outdoor moms, I honestly only knew of a handful of women that made a significant impact on the outdoor space. But, after a quick Google search, I was blown away by how many women have contributed to the environmental movement and have made advancements for women in outdoor recreation in the last century. This list is just a fraction of the remarkable female conservationists and outdoor enthusiasts, however, it includes women that were also mothers at the time of their most significant work. For many listed here, it is being a woman and a mom that fueled their passion to leave the world a better place than they found it. The list also includes some of our contemporary outdoor mamas who are paving the way for the current generation. Arlene Blum image by Cullen328 Arlene Blum at an event for the 1978 American Women's Himalayan Expedition to climb Annapurna. (Image: Cullen328)

Arlene Blum

“[motherhood is] life’s best and most challenging adventure.”

Arlene Blum fell in love with climbing as a college student at Reed College in Portland, Oregon in the 1960s. In addition to earning a PhD in biochemistry and embarking on a successful career as a biophysical chemist she also has a storied climbing career. Arlene was part of the first all-woman team to ascend Alaska's Mount Denali in 1970. In 1978, she led a team of eleven women to climb the tenth highest mountain in the world, Annapurna (I) in Nepal which, until then, had been climbed by only eight people, all men. She led the first expedition to climb Bhrigupanth in the Indian Himalayas, leading a team of Indian and American women. In July of 1981, over the course of three months, she walked 900 miles across the Alps, from Yugoslavia to France, with her 4-month-old daughter on her back. She has said motherhood is “life’s best and most challenging adventure.” Arlene has written two books, Annapurna: A Woman's Place and Breaking Trail: A Climbing Life.



Patricia “Trish” Ellis-Herr

Patricia Ellis-Herr documented hiking all 48 of New Hampshire’s highest mountains with her 5-year-old daughter, Alex in her memoir Up: A Mother and Daughter’s Peakbagging Adventure. In 2013, her two daughters joined her on a 500-mile hike along El Camino de Santiago to raise money for the Global Fund for Women and GirlVentures. In 2014, the trio hiked the John Muir trail raising money for Feeding America. You can read about their hiking adventures in their blog. Trish hopes to inspire other parents who want to facilitate their children's love of the outdoors and show young girls and women that hiking is a woman’s sport, too.

hike it baby founder shanti hodges and her son Shanti Hodges and her son Mason. (Image: Michelle Craig)

Shanti Hodges

Shanti Hodges is the founder of Hike it Baby and Hiking My Way Retreats and author of the book, Hike It Baby: 100 Awesome Outdoor Adventures with Babies and Toddlers. Hike it Baby started in 2013 in Portland, Oregon when Shanti noticed everyone in her new mom group sitting inside on a beautiful sunny day. She casually invited a couple of families to join her for a hike with her new baby and so began a new community of families exploring the outdoors together with very young children. Hike it Baby is now a national non-profit organization with over 400 branches that get almost 280,000 families on trail each year.



Aurora Castillo

In 1984, Aurora Castillo, a fourth-generation Mexican-American in her seventies, formed the Mothers of East Los Angeles (MELA). MELA has been nationally recognized as an environmental organization that has been given credit for the defeat of several environmentally threatening projects. Among these projects were a state prison, a toxic waste incinerator, a hazardous waste treatment plant, and an oil pipeline. Aurora was awarded the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize in 1995 for her work. She was the oldest person and first Latina to receive the Goldman Environmental Prize. Although she never birthed children of her own, her work was rooted in the health and safety of the children in her community and was affectionately known as “Nina,” short for madrina, or godmother. She passed away in 1988 at the age of 84.

Teddi Boston

In 1976 at the age of 49, mother of four Teddi was the first female thru-hiker to complete the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) traveling north to south. She started at the Canadian border and ended at the Mexican Border saying she did it the reverse to the usual direction because she was told it was impossible. Teddi started backpacking in the San Bernardino Mountains in the 1960s when two of her daughters were in Girl Scouts. In 1972 she took eight girls on the full John Muir Trail hike (a 215-mile trail from Yosemite to Mount Whitney). Jack Haskel of the Pacific Crest Trail Association says Boston has a lasting legacy in the hiking community. “People recognize her as one of the early solo female hikers, and today there’s a lot of solo women out on the PCT, and Teddi is one of them that pioneered that,” he said.

Helen Engle

Helen Engle was an American conservationist and activist, and mom of seven focused on wildlife and natural space preservation in the northwest United States. She co-founded various environmental organizations, including the Tahoma Audubon Society, the Washington Environmental Council, Washington Wilderness Coalition, The Arboretum Foundation, Nisqually Land Trust, and Citizens for a Healthy Bay in Tacoma. She left nursing in the 1950s after the birth of her third child, and with her husband, joined a local hiking group. Her environmental awakening occurred not long after when she discovered a local copper smelter was sending out a toxic plume that contained arsenic, lead, and other heavy metals. She went on to become a pillar of conservation in her community. Engle died in her home at University Place on March 11, 2019.

Emma Grandma Gatewood on a hike Emma "Grandma" Gatewood (Image: Stratness)

Grandma Gatewood

“If those men can do it, I can do it.”

Emma “Grandma” Gatewood was the first woman to hike the entire 2,050 miles of the Appalachian Trail by herself in 1955. She was 67 years old at the time, a mom of 11 and grandmother of 23. She’d survived more than 30 years of marriage to a brutal husband who beat her repeatedly. She would go on to hike the Appalachian Trail two more times, walked nearly 2,000 miles in 95 days from Independence, MO to Portland, OR as part of the Oregon Centennial celebration, and was instrumental in the creation of the Buckeye Trail in her home state of Ohio. Her daughter, Lucy Gatewood Seeds, has said in interviews she believes the fact that no woman had yet hiked the Appalachian trail presented a challenge to her mother. An obituary quoted daughter Rowena saying her mother stated, “If those men can do it, I can do it.” You can read more about her hikes and life story in Ben Montgomery’s biography Grandma Gatewood’s Walk: The Inspiring Story of the Woman Who Saved the Appalachian Trail.

Justine Nobbe + Stephanie Feller

After Adventure Mamas Initiative (AMI) co-founders and longtime friends Justine Nobbe and Stephanie Feller both became mothers in 2015, they were confronted with traditional maternal stereotypes. Instead of feeling discouraged, they became determined to push back knowing their adventures were an integral part of self-care. This was the catalyst for the Adventure Mamas Initiative to be born.

Justine has enjoyed the hilarious learning curve of integrating little ones into her dirtbag lifestyle. She’s accumulated over 250 professional trail days as an adventure therapy guide and field director, completed thousands of miles of self-supported bike touring and backpacking, and rock climbed around the country.

By day, Stephanie is a full-time digital art director and after hours, she commits her energy to propel the mission of AMI. “I want women to know that regardless of location, experience, kids, or age, they can set big goals and pursue adventurous challenges.”

Heather ‘Mamma Bear’ Burror

In April of 2012, Heather ‘Mamma Bear’ Burror, a second-grade teacher, helped her 8-year-old daughter Sierra ‘Monkey’ Burror become the youngest person to thru-hike the Pacific Crest Trail. The mom and daughter hiked between 10 and 24 miles every day to complete their 2,600-mile trek ahead of schedule. The mother-daughter pair also hiked the 500-mile Colorado trail in 2013 and a large section of the Continental Divide Trail in 2014.

Lucia Pychowska

In the 1870s, Hoboken, NJ resident Lucia Pychowska began spending her summers in the White Mountains with her daughter Marian and a small group of fellow mountaineers. They were among a select few who enjoyed exploring the White Mountain backcountry in the 1870s. And, at the age of twelve, Marian was already an experienced hiker. While we don’t know how many “firsts” these women made, their importance lies more in their explorations of the mountains. Through original letters, Lucia, Marian, Lucia’s sister Edith, and their friend and fellow mountaineer, Isabella Stone document their adventures, exploration, and love of the mountains.

Hike it Baby works to be the most effective hub of tools, information, and community inspiring all families with babies and young children to get outside and connect with nature. Learn more about Hike it Baby's mission and how you can get involved.

About Hike it Baby

Hike it Baby is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to getting families outdoors and on trails across the U.S. and internationally, supporting, educating, and inspiring families through their more than 300 communities across North America. Since its grassroots inception in 2013 in Portland, Oregon, Hike it Baby is now a growing community of 270,000 families and 500 volunteer branch ambassadors hosting more than 1,600 hikes per month. More information, as well as daily hike schedules, can be found at HikeitBaby.com, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram.
Images courtesy of Michelle Craig, Stratness (Wikimedia), and Cullen328 (Wikimedia).
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[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUIttomc6to[/embed] Celebrating Success by Giving Back To commemorate their sixth anniversary as a grassroots nonprofit dedicated to getting families outdoors, Hike it Baby launched a month-long campaign to give back to our trails. The community responded by hosting 96 trail cleanup hikes across the US and Canada. Hikers removed a total of 940 gallons of trash.  Several partners supported Hike it Baby’s efforts, including Deuter, who provided 1,000 reusable Deuter “Junior Dirtbags” to collect trash.   “It was really amazing to see the Hike it Baby communities coming together to celebrate and clean up the trails,” said Jessica Carrillo Alatorre, Hike it Baby’s Executive Director. “And our co-branded kids dirtbag with Deuter and Leave No Trace™ were the perfect complements to the celebration. Our community couldn't wait to get the reusable bags. Families loved using them to clean up. Sometimes we forget that even with babies and toddlers we can still get outside, give back and make friends. This campaign helped prove it's possible. Even more importantly, we’re helping shape our children’s good habits to love and care for the Earth. Together, we're raising a generation to love the outdoors.” The Mission Hike it Baby’s mission focuses on supporting families with children from birth to five years old, helping them to get outdoors and celebrate nature. During this campaign, babies as young as eight weeks old participated in cleaning up our trails. “Children under five are learning the habits and behaviors that will last a lifetime,” Carrillo Alatorre said. “They love learning how to take care of their things and it’s important to teach them this planet is one of the things they need to help take care of if they want it to last. Once they know what to look for, it’s so fun to see little ones pointing out the trash, sharing Leave No Trace ethics with their friends and working hard to make good choices. Little steps of pointing out and picking up trash turn into bigger impacts like collectively removing 940 gallons of trash. Everyone can make an impact and it’s our job to teach our children how to make it positive.” Additional partner support came from Leave No Trace through educational resources, Clifbar, who donated 50,000 kids’ Zbars and Extreme Terrain’s Clean Trail Initiative Program Grant, which covered all shipping costs for the campaign.  About Hike it Baby Hike it Baby is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to getting families outdoors and on trails across the U.S. and internationally, supporting, educating and inspiring families through their more than 300 communities across North America. Since its grassroots inception in 2013 in Portland, Oregon, Hike it Baby is now a growing community of 270,000 families and 500 volunteer branch ambassadors hosting more than 1,600 hikes per month. More information, as well as daily hike schedules, can be found at HikeitBaby.com, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram. Image credit: Deanna Curry
An Introduction to Intersectional Environmentalism
Intersectional environmentalism is a term established by environmentalist Leah Thomas to explain the connection between marginalized communities and the issues facing the sustainability of our natural environment. To fully understand intersectional environmentalism it helps to know the meaning of intersectionality and the history of the environmental movement and race. Let’s get started! What is Intersectionality? Intersectionality was coined in 1989 by professor Kimberlé Crenshaw to describe how identity markers “intersect” with one another and overlap. Identity markers include race, class, gender, and other individual characteristics. It recognizes that people experience the world differently based on their overlapping identity markers.  “Intersectional theory asserts that people are often disadvantaged by multiple sources of oppression: their race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, and other identity markers. Intersectionality recognizes that identity markers (e.g. “woman” and “Black”) do not exist independently of each other and that each informs the others, often creating a complex convergence of oppression.” (YW, Boston) For example, if you are an LGTBQ+ Black woman you experience discrimination differently than if you are an LBTBQ+ white man. You can read more about the history and meaning behind intersectionality here and here. Environmental Racism Now that you know the meaning of intersectionality, let’s take a brief look at the history of environmentalism and race. The environmentalism movement as we know it today in the United States began in the early 1900s out of concerns for protecting the national resources and spaces in, particularly, the Western United States. The conservationist principles as well as the belief in a fundamental “right of nature” were to become the bedrock of modern environmentalism. The conservation work of men like Muir, Roosevelt, Wilson, and others of that era are lauded still today. They helped to create our national parks, protect animal species, and establish spending time in the outdoors as a form of recreation. But it’s important to note that their work was done to protect those spaces specifically for people just like them, upper-middle-class and aristocratic whites.  The environmentalist movement in general has a long history of racism. When the Sierra Club polled its members, in 1972, on whether the club should “concern itself with the conservation problems of such special groups as the urban poor and ethnic minorities,” 40% of respondents were strongly opposed, and only 15% were supportive. In 1987, the United Church of Christ’s Commission for Racial Justice published an influential report that found that hazardous waste facilities were disproportionately located in minority communities, and called this unequal vulnerability “a form of racism.” The environmental movement, the report observed, “has historically been white middle and upper-class.” (The New Yorker) Why Does Race Matter? Dr. Robert Bullard, who is known as the father of environmental justice, in a 2018 Greenpeace article, answers the question of why does race matter? when we talk about the environment. “When certain populations are somehow provided less protection from, say pollution, it’s because of race. Or at different times when locally unwanted land use is targeted for different reasons, like refineries and pipelines, it’s because of race and this becomes an issue around justice. Protection should not be distributed because of the color of your skin. Everyone deserves a clean, healthy, sustainable, and livable environment. That’s why race matters.” Historical Discrimination Communities of color are more often targeted to host undesirable and environmentally harmful facilities, such as hazardous waste sites, landfills, and dirty industrial plants. Due to high housing costs and historical discrimination, low-income and minority neighborhoods are clustered around industrial sites, truck routes, ports, and other air pollution hotspots. People of color are also more likely to live closer to pollution and harmful substances. A 2018 study by the EPA’s National Center for Environmental Assessment found that Black people are exposed to about 1.5 times more airborne particulate matter than white people and that Hispanics had about 1.2 times the exposure of non-Hispanic whites. The study found that people in poverty had about 1.3 times more exposure than people above poverty. A 2005 study from the University of Michigan found that Black children are five times more likely to be poisoned by lead. More than one hundred Indigenous reserves in Canada don’t have access to safe drinking water. Lower-income cities such as Flint, Michigan; Boyle Heights, California; Liberty-Clairton, Pennsylvania; and others are affected by poor air quality or unsafe drinking water. The list of these disparities goes on and on and on. Historically, people of color have also had less access to the outdoors, whether it be a lack of green spaces in urban neighborhoods to feeling unwelcome or unsafe in typical outdoor recreation areas. Like much of the United States, the outdoors were segregated or off limits to people of color, including swimming pools, beaches, parks, and even our National Parks. Even though the passing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 removed tangible restrictions, the tensions, emotions and unseen barriers to the outdoors for people of color still exist today.  Putting it Together The bottom line, fighting for the environment means something completely different to people of color. The traditional environmental movement fights for the preservation of land, air and water, but the fight doesn’t serve all people equally. Leah Thomas defines Intersectional Environmentalism as “An inclusive version of environmentalism that advocates for both the protection of people and the planet. It identifies the ways in which injustices happening to marginalized communities and the earth are interconnected. It brings injustices done to the most vulnerable communities, and the earth, to the forefront and does not minimize or silence social inequality. Intersectional Environmentalism advocates for justice for people + the planet.” She explains, “I wasn’t able to separate my identity from my environmentalism and this is when I discovered environmental justice. Environmental justice is the intersection of both social justice and environmentalism, where the inequity in environmental degradation is also considered.” (The Good Trade) Additionally, she writes, “This is the environmentalism that I would like to see in the world, one that has anti-racism and environmental justice embedded deeply within the philosophy, and which acknowledges the intersections of social justice and environmentalism.” (Youth to the People) Next Steps Intersectional environmentalism acknowledges not only the protection of the planet as a whole but for all of the people that live on this planet. By reading this article and others on intersectional environmentalism you’ve taken the first step. Understand the history of the environmentalist movement as it relates to racism, civil rights, and social justice. Follow, share, and learn from people of color in the outdoors. Instead of saviorism (“How can I save these people?”), being an intersectional advocate asks, “How can I use my privilege to amplify the work already being done?” (The Good Trade) Look locally to see how you can contribute to your area. Can you advocate for more bus routes to local parks, more green space in urban areas, or to remove environmentally harmful facilities? Initiatives such as 10 Minute Walk or working with your local city government to close a street to motorized vehicles opening up more recreational space in urban areas are simple places to start. Continue to unlearn and learn to broaden your perspective to be an ally for change. If we truly want to protect our natural environment, we have to break down the barriers to spending time in the outdoors for all people.  “One day I hope we won’t need the term “intersectional” to preface environmentalism. One day I hope that when people think of an environmentalist, they’ll automatically envision an activist that cares about both people and the planet.” Leah Thomas Recommended Further Reading and References: Intersectional Environmentalism: Why Environmental Justice Is Essential For A Sustainable Future - Leah Thomas - The Good Trade Intersectional Environmentalism is Our Urgent Way Forward - Leah Thomas - Youth to the People Environmentalism’s Racist History - Jedediah Purdy - The New Yorker Trump's EPA Concludes Environmental Racism is Real - Vann R. Newkirk II - The Atlantic Why Race Matters When We Talk About the Environment - Lauren Reid - Greenpeace The Environmental Justice Movement - Renee Skelton & Vernice Miller - The National Resources Defence Council  Intersectional Environmentalism: A Crash Course - Back to Zero - Medium  Practicing Intersectional Environmentalism - Leah Thomas - The Good Trade Photos courtesy of Krystal Weir @krystalweirphotography, and Ali Chandra @alirae29. About Hike it Baby Hike it Baby is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to getting families outdoors and on trails across the U.S. and internationally, supporting, educating and inspiring families through their more than 300 communities across North America. Since its grassroots inception in 2013 in Portland, Oregon, Hike it Baby is now a growing community of 270,000 families and 500 volunteer branch ambassadors hosting more than 1,600 hikes per month. More information, as well as daily hike schedules, can be found at HikeitBaby.com, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram.     Editors Note:   We hope you enjoyed reading this article from Hike it Baby. We’re working hard to provide our community with content and resources that inform, inspire, and entertain you.   But content is not free. It’s built on the hard work and dedication of writers, editors, and volunteers. We make an investment in developing premium content to make it easier for families with young children to connect with nature and each other. We do not ask this lightly, but if you can, please make a contribution and help us extend our reach.