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10 Ways to Combine Nature and Virtual Learning

School in the time of Covid-19 has certainly created many new challenges. While everyone is doing their best to give children a good education during this trying time, children, parents, and teachers are also struggling. With school closures came the rise in virtual learning, even among our youngest school-aged children. Parents and their children are juggling multiple virtual learning meetings...

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How Your Donation Helps Hike it Baby Connect More Families with Nature

Hike it Baby 30 September 2020 This Hike it Baby 30 Challenge we have two goals: Get outside every day in September Raise $30,000 Why $30,000? To be more diverse, equitable, and inclusive it was necessary to eliminate the cost of membership. Membership fees were a significant part of our income and in order to continue, we need more financial support through donations. Additionally, COV...

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An Introduction to Intersectional Environmentalism

Intersectional environmentalism is a term established by environmentalist Leah Thomas to explain the connection between marginalized communities and the issues facing the sustainability of our natural environment. To fully understand intersectional environmentalism it helps to know the meaning of intersectionality and the history of the environmental movement and race. Let’s get started! ...

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Backyard Camping: An Epic Adventure Right Outside Your Door

This summer, the days have felt especially long. Due to COVID, I find myself saying “no” and “we can’t” a lot more than I want to. The restrictions and precautions evoked by parks and outdoor spaces, along with those we choose to abide by as a family, have left me feeling like I’m trapped in a shrinking room! Then one day, shoulders slumped as I sad-sacked...

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30 Things You Can Do Right Outside Your Door in 30 Minutes

We know that getting outside is good for us. Whether you are facing times of great uncertainty, stress, and sadness or you are just looking to get some fresh air, nature can help. However, it can be hard to find the motivation to step outside with the intention to enjoy nature when we have so much on our plates inside. That’s where participating in a challenge with like-minded people can ...

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Update to Mission and the Elimination of Paid Membership for Hike it Baby

In celebration of our seventh anniversary as a grassroots nonprofit dedicated to getting families outdoors, we launched a new mission, vision and values specifically focused on our core value of leaving no family behind. In support of our renewed mission, we also are thrilled to have eliminated our paid membership model.  Through our updated mission focusing on removing barriers to spending ti...

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9 Diverse Children’s Nature Books to Add to Your Collection

As parents, focused on being outdoors and immersing our children in nature, we often tend to bring the outside indoors through books. Books offer a way for our children to experience diverse aspects of nature they may not otherwise be exposed to and allow parents to introduce new experiences to their children in a safe environment. In other words, nature books are an amazing addition to any hou...

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How to Take Your First Steps Outside with a New Baby

Having a baby is scary. There, I said it. Whether you gave birth to a baby, watched your partner or even your own child give birth, or you adopt or foster a baby, taking responsibility for that tiny little human is both awe-inspiring and scary as hell. You spend those first days or weeks trying to keep your baby in a safe bubble, but eventually, you know you need to get out of the house and get...

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Volunteer Spotlight: Dustin Thorley, Hike it Baby 30 Team Captain & Social Media Co-Captain

Dustin Thorley Hike it Baby 30 Team Captain, Social Media Co-Captain Hike it Baby Brockville, ON Founding Branch Ambassador Dustin Thorley is the Team Captain for Hike it Baby’s largest bi-annual fundraiser, Hike it Baby 30, which helps further the Hike it Baby mission while inspiring families to spend more time outside. He is also a Co-Captain for the Social Media Team. Dustin...

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Celebrate National Breastfeeding Month 2020 with These Tips and Virtual Events

On August 6, 2011, the United States Breastfeeding Committee officially declared that August is National Breastfeeding Month. Additionally, Native Breastfeeding Week is celebrated August 9-15 and Black Breastfeeding Week is celebrated August 25-31. This year, there will be virtual events and activities to support the build support for the policy and practice changes needed to build a "land...

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