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Morrison Outdoors Baby Sleeping Bags Upgrade Family Camping Trips

Helping Babies and Kids Sleep Better When Camping The number one thing we are asked at Hike it Baby when it comes to camping is, "how do you camp with a baby?". The fear of late-night crying, unsafe sleeping conditions because of all the sleeping bags and pillows around, and the endless layers of PJ's and sleep sacks to get through during a nighttime diaper change can be enough...

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Tips and Information for Visiting a National Park During COVID-19

COVID-19 quickly ushered in several changes to our daily lives. And now that things are opening back up we all are accustomed to seeing ground markers to help us maintain a six-foot distance, mask requirements, hand sanitizing stations, plastic barriers between staff and patrons, closed businesses, and more. Complying with CDC safety guidelines in the time of COVID-19 is virtually everywhere. T...

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10 Things You Wouldn't Think to Bring On Your Next Camping Adventure But You Should

Are you planning a family camping adventure this season? If so, you have likely seen the extensive gear checklists and suggestions for what to bring with you. We have a pretty awesome one located in our Ultimate Guide to Camping with Kids. However, there are a few items the majority of these lists leave out that we think can make a family camping trip a whole lot better. Versatile, durable s...

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What Dads Are Packing In Their Hiking Packs (And You Should, Too!)

It's the night before a hike and you're prepping the bags. We all know the typical things we pack: Water Sunscreen Diapers Snacks But, let's be honest. Sometimes, Dads think of the stuff we never would have considered bringing. And gosh darn it, if those things don't save the day or become the hit of the hike. Sourced from our own HiB community, here's what ...

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Volunteer Spotlight: Jen Grenter, Branches/Data Team Captain

Jen Grenter Branches/Data Team Captain Branch Ambassador, Hike it Baby Chester & Montgomery County, PA Jen Grenter is the Hike it Baby Branches/Data Team Captain. The Branches/Data Team helps to manage the Hike it Baby network of Branches. They support current Branch Ambassadors as well as manage all of the dormant Branches (Branches without a current Branch Ambassador) by engaging...

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How the Practice of Forest Bathing Helped Me Reset My Mood, Perspective, and Wellbeing

One mom's story of how forest bathing, the act of simply being in nature, helped to reset her mood, perspective, and wellbeing. Breaking Point I am hovering over the countertop in the low-light of our kitchen, tears forming at the corners of my eyes, shoving spoonfuls of my cold dinner into my mouth. My almost-3-year-old son has been sick. He has had a fever, running nose and a cough...

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Five Easy Ways to Get Back on Trail Hiking Post Quarantine

COVID-19 disrupted life and left many of us aching to get back out hiking and enjoying nature. And while the virus isn’t going anywhere soon, quarantine restrictions are slowly easing up in many parts of the country. As this happens, getting back to your regularly scheduled hiking plans will likely be a part of the process. Need ideas on how to navigate this new post-quarantine landscape?...

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Tips to Stay Safe While Camping in the Post-Quarantine Era

I don’t know about you, but I am more than ready for a little time away from home and to get outside in nature. The camping season is upon us. But this year it’s going to be different. You all know the restrictions we must follow to keep ourselves, and everyone else, safe because of COVID-19. Social distancing, face masks, overloading hand sanitizer, and all that fun stuff. Camping seems to fit...

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Hike it Baby Post-Quarantine In-Person Hike Update June 2020

Challenges of Opening In-Person Hikes We recognize that public spaces have begun to open and stay-home orders and other restrictions have begun to loosen in certain communities. We are currently evaluating what in-person hikes will look like and what systems we need to have in place to support safe in-person hiking events in the post-Quarantine environment. These are some of the challenges w...

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Addressing Racial Disparity and Taking Action for Change at Hike it Baby

Dear Hike it Baby Community, I find myself shaken to the core and vehemently angry about the injustice and loss of life experienced by my fellow humans who are BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color), and at this moment specifically, Black people. I am ashamed this is not a new issue and it’s one I have had the power to act upon, to a much higher degree, to help change. We live in a world wh...

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