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How Hike it Baby Families Use Water Filters to Access Clean Water Every day, Everywhere

With the vast majority of our planet’s surface covered in water (over 70%!), drinkable water should be easy to find, right? Unfortunately, that is not always the case. Between undrinkable saltwater and pollution in our waterways, clean water can be hard to come by. Even here in the United States, there are sources of water contamination that are making people sick and putting out kids at ...

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Great Companies Giving Back: Turtle Fur and #ProjectWarmth

Here at Hike it Baby, it’s no secret that we love the outdoors. We feel everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy and feel comfortable outside, no matter what Mother Nature has in store. Unfortunately, keeping warm when temperatures drop isn’t always easy. Effective cold-weather gear can come at a hefty price. That’s why we are so excited to share Turtle Fur’s Projec...

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Top Takeaways from the 2020 Winter Outdoor Retailer Conference

Get More People Outside Attending the Outdoor Retailer Conference January 29 - 31, 2020 was an engaging experience fueled by inspiring talks about the future of outdoor recreation to meeting with top brands in the outdoor industry. The major takeaway from Outdoor Retailer 2020 was straightforward: all people need to get outside more. According to a study from the Outdoor Industry Association, o...

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The Insider Guide to Hosting A Hike for Your Hike it Baby Branch

Any active member of Hike it Baby can host a hike. As a non-profit organization built on community it’s important everyone has the opportunity to contribute to and help build their local Hike it Baby branch. The more hikes on the calendar, the better! But, we get it… the idea of hosting a hike can be intimidating. We highly recommend you attend a Hike it Baby hike and read through ...

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Turn Your Everyday Purchases into a Fundraiser for Hike it Baby

In 2016 we became a 501c3 nonprofit. While this was a really amazing transition from being a neighborhood hiking group, it also was a huge responsibility to uphold. It's our mission that every family with a baby or young child knows that Hike it Baby exists as a resource and a community where every family is welcome, supported, and can find connection in the outdoors. We have community memb...

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Volunteer Spotlight: Paige Forberger, Calendar Team Captain

Paige Forberger - Calendar Team Captain Branch Ambassador, Hike it Baby Muncie, Indiana Hike it Baby runs on volunteer power and we want to recognize the amazing individuals that donate their time and energy to make Hike it Baby thrive. This month, we caught up with Paige Forberber, the Hike it Baby Calendar Team Captain. The Hike it Baby calendar team personally reviews and approves an aver...

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5 Helpful Articles for a Successful Winter Hiking Experience with Kids

Starting out as a new parent can be daunting enough but trying to get kids outside, especially in the wintertime, can seem impossible. So, what’s a mama to do? Well, search the Hike it Baby blog for inspiration, of course! least, that’s what I did. I’ve rounded up 5 great Hike it Baby articles on winter hiking with kids to get you started and answer all those burning que...

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Five Tips to Prepare Your Kids for Snow and Cold Temperatures

Eventually, most kids learn to love snow. But for some babies and toddlers, cold temperatures and snowy conditions take some getting used to. Parents of young children are always excited to introduce their kiddos to a first snowfall or a winter hike, but quickly feel disappointment when the experience turns from winter wonderland to tantrums and tears. It may take some time for them to fully e...

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How to Overcome These 6 Common Winter Hiking Dangers

Winter hiking can often be more rewarding than summer hiking. After all, it’s easy to get out of the house when the weather is good. However, hiking in colder weather requires a bit more planning, and certainly, more gear in order to overcome potential dangers. Here are 6 common winter hiking dangers to be aware of, and what you need to do to overcome them. Colder temperatures Cold...

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How to Comfortably Fit a Hard Frame Child Carrier for You and Your Baby

Frame Carrier Advantages One of the greatest advantages of a kid's hard frame carrier is your ability to carry more supplies like food, wipes, diapers, toys and anything else for your child. It’s also great in the event of inclement weather. Most carriers come with rain shields to keep your baby and carrier dry. Another advantage is that your child is actually centered a little bit...

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