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Snow Play: 10 Ways to Enjoy the Winter for Unlimited Fun

With cold days and snow blanketing the ground, plan some fun activities for you and the family close to home! While some trails may be snow-covered and inaccessible and with temperatures falling, you may be hesitant to head out on a hike. If that's the case, you can still enjoy some snow play from your own home or neighborhood. Here are ten ways you can still enjoy the snow this winter and get ...

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Happy New Year: Be the change in 2018

As we close out 2017 and welcome a new year, I want to take a few moments to reflect on all that I am grateful for. Five years ago, just before Mason was born, I had no idea what my life would look like in 2018. I was nervous about having a child and if I would continue to get out on the adventures I hoped for once he came. I didn’t know how I would make friends or if I would be a nervous paren...

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Book Review: Adventure Day with Dineo Dowd

Recreating memories from the trail Have you ever taken a hike that changed your thinking, your attitude or perhaps even changed your life? Have you wished you could bottle those memories and feelings and relive them day after day? That's what Hike it Baby Madison Branch Ambassador Dineo Dowd did with her new book, Adventure Day. Adventure Day takes the reader on a journey to recreate a hike Di...

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Hiking Essentials: What to pack for a day hike

You’ve made up your mind. You’re going to try this hiking thing that everyone keeps talking about. Or maybe you are still on the fence whether it will be right for you. On the other hand, you may be no stranger to hiking, but you’re unsure of what hiking essentials you’re “supposed” to bring with you on a day hike. Regardless of whether you're a beginner hiker or seasoned pro, the question of ...

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Hiking Challenges to Get Your Family Outside in 2018

As another year comes to a close and we reflect back on what we have accomplished (or failed to accomplish), many of us look to the new year as a fresh start and a way to better ourselves. In other words, it’s “New Year’s Resolution” time. Each year, similar themes are to increase health, decrease stress and spend more quality time with family and friends. We think there is a way to encompass a...

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Being in the outdoors can help sensory exploration

My 11-month-old son and I were hiking a favorite trail along a picture-perfect mountain stream lined with flowers and full of the smells of summer, the buzz of insects and the roar of rushing water. He was quietly riding on my back when I became aware he was leaning way over to one side. He stopped, but a few minutes later, did it again. I glanced back and realized that he was attempting to gra...

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We just wrapped up another great Hike it Baby 30 Challenge—the fourth and final one of 2017!  We’d like to thank our Hike it Baby Challenge Sponsors and Prize Donors for the great prizes they provided for November's HiB30. The winning participants were entered into the prize drawings simply by signing up to achieve 30 miles in 30 days OR spend 30 minutes outside 3 times per week with their fami...

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10 Reasons why getting out in the cold is good for your soul

It's that time of year again. It seems to sneak up on us. One minute you're out enjoying summer and camping with family and friends, and then, boom, the temperatures drop and it's pumpkin spice flavored everything, EVERYWHERE. Oh, the holidays. A mix of beauty, love, joy ... and total chaos. Every year around this time it can feel like the holidays are closing in on you. You worry about schedu...

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How to Prepare for the Unexpected When Hiking in the Cold

One of the biggest fears when hiking in the cold is the threat of the unexpected. What if you get caught in an unpredicted storm? What if you get stranded? Or what if you lose the trail? Following these tips can help prepare you for unexpected events and keep you safe. Check … and then Re-check the weather The weather can be extremely unpredictable in winter and can change within minutes. Check...

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We just wrapped up another great Hike it Baby 30 Challenge – the fourth and final one of 2017!  We’d like to thank our Hike it Baby annual sponsors for the great prizes they provided for November's Hike it Baby 30 (HiB 30). The winning participants were entered into the prize drawings simply by signing up to achieve 30 miles in 30 days, or spend 30 minutes outside 3 times per week with their fa...

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