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7 Unique and Creative Winter Hikes Your Kids Will Love

Getting outside for winter hikes is tough. It's cold, it's wet, and you are busy with the holidays and all the things that you were supposed to do but couldn't. Or didn't. You want to get outdoors, but it's so much work to get outside. And So. Many. Layers. Preparing to get yourself and your children on a hike is no easy task. Here are a few hike suggestions to get you excited to get outside. ...

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Essential Winter Hiking Gear for Families

“There’s no bad weather as long as you’ve got the right gear.” For the most part, this is true. But with snow flying in much of the northern U.S., what is the “right” gear? Even for some of the most seasoned outdoor people, getting outside in the winter with your babies and toddlers can present a challenge. Some of the age old advice ring true. Wear layers. Avoid cotton as a base layer. But t...

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Seasonal Park Ranger Interview with DeAnn Casimiro

In this interview series, I'm going to introduce you to park rangers across the United States. Today's post features DeAnn Casimiro, or "Ranger Dee," a seasonal park ranger at Death Valley National Park. What is your name and job title?  My name is DeAnn Casimiro and I'm a seasonal park ranger, so my job title changes depending on my current job. Currently, I’m working at Death Valley National ...

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6 Tips for Self-care this Holiday Season

Ah, the holiday season … lights, presents, carols, treats, parties, family, goodwill and - for some of us - loads of stress! Do you ever feel like you’re running a sprint between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day? If you usually feel like crawling under the covers by January instead of boldly facing the new year, maybe it’s time to add a little self-care to your holiday routine. "Self-care" mean...

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Need a Kid-Friendly Podcast for the Car? 'You're Welcome'

Oh, the infamous long car ride with kids. Whether you're traveling for the holidays, on your way to the mountains for a family hike, or sitting in the pickup lane at school - there's only so many times you can listen to Frozen's "Let It Go," Lion King's "Hakuna Matata" or Moana's "You're Welcome." An alternative to Disney classics on repeat? Podcasts for kids - have you tried it? With the holid...

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Menstruation, the Trailhead and You

I had just started a new medication which had the lovely side effect of increasing the flow rate of my menstruation. My kids were bouncing off the walls. I was cranky and irritable. I finally announced, "That's it! We're going hiking!" I tossed our hiking bag together, threw in what I hoped was enough snacks and drove to the Loew Lake Segment of the Ice Age Trail. It's my "go to" trail. Thirty...

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Best Bike Trailers for Kids - Gear Review

Bike trailers for kids are gaining in popularity for those who like to fit more into their daily routine. What we love about them is they allow you to go out with the kiddos for outdoor time while still allowing you to have room for light shopping on the way home. Many of them are also easily adaptable from a bike trailer to a stroller - and some of them come with additional hiking or cross cou...

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5 Comfy and Cozy Winter Carriers for Babywearing

Babywearing in the colder, winter months is a great way to stay hands-free and warm - and still get all the baby snuggles. If I had a time machine, I'd go back to 2007 and tell my first-time mom-self about babywearing. I'm sad to report I didn't discover babywearing as a real solution until my third was born. Third! She is now 3 and has made it clear our babywearing days with her are numbered -...

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Conservationist Series - Theodore Roosevelt

This is a continuation of our conservationist series. Each post will detail a conservationist’s life, notable accomplishments and ways the conservationist connects to kids. This post features Theodore Roosevelt. MILITARY LEADER. PRESIDENT. NOBEL PRIZE WINNER. CONSERVATIONIST. Theodore Roosevelt unexpectedly became America's 26th president after the assassination of William McKinley. During his ...

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What Are You Reading? Check Out the Latest Book Reviews!

Have you been reading any good books lately? We like to share reviews on books that our members have read that are hiking- or outdoors-related. From infant board books to adult page-turners, we love to hear about what you are reading! I’ll include a review of my own in each blog post, but Hike it Baby would love to hear from you! Share a book review with us on this form and we may feature it in...

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