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Getting Outside When You "Just Can't Even"

So often, I find myself writing about how to overcome it all – how to keep moving. Why? Because I think it’s something most of us can relate to. Gone (for me) are the days when I can toss my kid and hiking go-bag into the car and go for a hike. The days when he was between 18 months and 2, and we had our act together. At least, as much as we ever have. Because those were the days that we didn’t...

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Don't Drop Your Camera While Carrying Your Kid - A Gear Review

Let’s face it, a camera hanging around your neck while you stoop over to pick up your child is a recipe for disaster. As a volunteer Hike it Baby photographer, I always try to figure out how to get myself, my two children and my camera out on the trail and back home in one piece. Thankfully, my children usually make it home unscathed. But while I chase them and nervously watch as they climb bou...

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The Challenge of the HiB 30 Sticker: Creative Ways to Display

I love getting my Hike it Baby 30 sticker in the mail each challenge. The small token of the sticker is a great reminder of all of the great memories the challenge provides. Most stickers in my house end up on my son's shirt for a few minutes or hours. I then find the remainders are found on toys, the floor, or in the dryer (usually stuck to some article of clothing). I don't mind when these do...

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The Less You Carry: Dealing with Postpartum Anxiety

Overprepared, me? The first hike I went on with my baby, my bag contained four bananas, seven bottles of formula (even though I was breastfeeding), two water bottles, a switchblade, a whistle, a first aid kit, a headlamp, two blankets, four changes of clothes for my baby, ten diapers, two full packs of wipes, a pack of matches and, just in case, a book called "Bushcraft" by the naturalist Mors ...

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Why Join the Hike it Baby 30 Challenge?

During every Hike it Baby 30 Challenge, someone posts a comment in the Challenge room that they feel overwhelmed and can't keep up. Between work, illness, family "stuff" and all else going on, adding something like the Hike it Baby 30 can seem daunting. Here's a little backstory on how Hike it Baby 30 started to help encourage you to give it a go, even if it seems like you cannot add another th...

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What are you reading? Book Reviews

Have you been reading any good books lately? We like to share reviews on books that our members have read that are hiking- or outdoors-related. From infant board books to adult page-turners, we love to hear about what you are reading! I'll include a review of my own in each blog post, but Hike it Baby would love to hear from you! Share a book review with us on this form and we may feature it in...

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Taking Learning Outdoors: Preschool Gets a Makeover

Learning outside used to be the norm... In grade school, there were two massive oak trees next to a walking path. Recess was time to sit under these providers of shade or walk the path looking up at their height. We also ventured underneath the playground and played kitchen, using our imaginations to bake different meals. While I can’t remember all of the day-to-day activities that took place i...

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Easy Meal Planning to Get Your Family Hiking this Month

One of the biggest challenges I face during a Hike it Baby 30 challenge is not the miles, but rather the hungry faces at the end of the day. Did I forget dinner prep? Oops! Looks like it's time for sandwiches again. Recently, I switched over to meal planning. Not only meal planning, but meal planning for the whole month. It changed my life. My biggest problem now is remembering to defrost or ex...

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Recreation Specialist Interview with Jon Jasper

In this interview series, I'm speaking with NPS rangers and Bureau of Land Management specialists across the United States. Today's post features Jon Jasper, a Recreation Specialist for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). What is your name and job title? My name is Jon Jasper and I am a Recreation Specialist for the BLM Arizona Strip Field Office. Is this the first National Park you've worked ...

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10 Photography Tips for Out on the Trail

The time spent out in nature with your family can be some of the most rewarding and special time there is.  Capturing those memories with your camera doesn't have to be complicated.  Below are a few tips and tricks to get you started on your way to taking great photographs of your family out on the trail. Have Your Camera Ready It does no good to bring your camera out on the trail with you bu...

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