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Hiking Through History

Bee and her dad, Dan, check out Washington's Headquarters at Morristown in Morris County, New Jersey during the National Park Service's 100th Anniversary celebration weekend in 2016. Sharing our love of history One of the reasons I married my husband was our shared love of U.S. and world history. Most of our vacations revolve around visiting a historic site. Now that we are a family of three, w...

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Losing a Child on the Trail: A Parent's Guide

Losing a Child: it’s every outdoor parent's worst nightmare – something distracts you momentarily and you turn around to find your child nowhere in sight. Calls are unanswered. A hasty search of the immediate area yields no sign of them. You don’t know where they are – do you know what to do? The first thing you must do is remain calm. Science has proven that when we panic, our thinking brain ...

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The Art of the Night Hike, Courtesy of a former Y camper

You've scouted the trail and picked the perfect night according to weather. Now there's just the children's temperament on that evening, the alignment of the stars and it's time to head into the woods at night with the hope that you'll keep the interest of the munchkin masses. I imagine that while many of our children are comfortable hiking in the day, some may not be so excited about doing so...

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Why this Dad is Raising an Adventure Loving Daughter

The most meaningful and formative moments in my life have been spent outdoors. I grew up having outdoor adventures nearly every day on the quiet, rocky coast of Long Island Sound in Southeastern Connecticut. During spring and summer, I’d wake up, walk the few hundred yards down to the beach and spend all day fishing and crabbing. In fall and winter, I’d hike into the thick woods behind my house...

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Running with Your Toddler

Some of the more gratifying moments as a parent are when our kids emulate our better tendencies and qualities.  One day I rounded the corner to find my daughter pushing her plastic shopping cart down the hall at high speed, crashing into the corners at every turn. I was instantly annoyed until she informed me that she was out for a run and was taking her stuffed animals out in their running str...

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Stroller Running with Your Baby Postpartum

When I first found out I was pregnant with my daughter, I was instantly overwhelmed, so I proceeded to do what I normally did to process any new information in my life – I went out for a run. The miles cleared my mind and gave me the space to solidify my emotions. I came back joyful about the new chapter in my life, though apprehensive about the things that I would lose. Running was at th...

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We just wrapped up another great Hike it Baby 30 Challenge—the second one of 2017!  We’d like to thank our Hike it Baby Challenge Partners for the great prizes they provided for April’s HiB30. The winning participants were entered into the prize drawings simply by signing up to achieve 30 miles in 30 days OR spend 30 minutes outside 3 times per week with their families. Hike it Baby hosts the ...

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We just wrapped up another great Hike it Baby 30 Challenge—the second one of 2017!  We’d like to thank our Hike it Baby prize donors for the great prizes they provided for April’s HiB30. The winning participants were entered into the prize drawings simply by signing up to achieve 30 miles in 30 days OR spend 30 minutes outside 3 times per week with their families. Hike it Baby hosts the HiB30 ...

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10 Tips for Camping with an Infant

Shortly after our daughter was born, we splurged and invested in a used pop-up camper, setting a goal of camping once a month during the season. That first year, we learned some valuable things about camping with an infant, applicable whether you’re in a tent, pop-up or RV. Tips for Camping with an Infant: 1. Getting there is half the battle with a baby. Start by exploring near...

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What are you reading? Children’s book reviews

Have you read any good books lately? We like to share reviews on books that our members have read that are hiking- or outdoors-related. From infants board books to adult page-turners, we love to hear about what you are reading! Share a book review with us on this form and we may feature it in an upcoming blog post! Reviews: [gallery link="file" ids="650976,650974,650973"] Shannon McDonald, from...

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