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What are you reading? Children's book reviews

Have you read any good books lately? We like to share reviews on books that our members have read that are hiking - or outdoors- related. From infant board books to adult page-turners, we love to hear about what you are reading! I'll include a review of my own in each blog post, but Hike it Baby would love to hear from you! Share a book review with us on this form and we may feature it in an up...

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Trails in Wales with Hike it Baby Cardiff

Today we have a special treat! Have you ever wondered what Hike it Baby looks like around the globe? Nikki Townsend for Hike it Baby Cardiff, Wales shares her branches favorite trails. In January this year I moved back to my home in Cardiff, Wales (the country next to England!) having spent 2.5 years living in Virginia and 1.5 of those years hiking with Hike it Baby Hampton Roads. I loved the ...

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Happy 4th Birthday Hike it Baby!

One of the first Hike it Baby hikes in October 2013 "But in every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks." - John Muir Four years ago when my son, Mason, was born, I never imagined that the simple act of going for a hike, something I had done hundreds of times before, would change my life so profoundly. It all started with me just being an ordinary mom, sitting in a new mama grou...

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Cloth Diapering while Hiking

I’ve heard it a few times now. “We do cloth at home, but use disposables on hikes… just in case.” Just in case what? Lets dig into our cloth diaper hiking fears and some simple suggestions to overcome them. Thinking back to when I first started hiking with my baby, I think it comes down to 2 main concerns: Carrying ALL the things! Leaks Fear #1: The bulk/weight of carrying all your gear...

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Yellowstone National Park and the Discovery of Myself

I’ve wanted to explore Jackson Hole and Yellowstone for as long as I can remember. When an opportunity presented itself that my Mom got a timeshare in Wilson, WY over 15 years ago it’s been more than just a wish. It was now a mission. She’s invited me since year one. I was just too busy with career, becoming a couple and then becoming a Mom. 5 years ago, my wife and I started a family and our ...

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Park Ranger Interview with Miriam Hornstein

Miriam in the welcome tent at the National Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington, D.C. In this interview series, I'm going to introduce you to park rangers across the United States. Today's post features Miriam Hornstein, a park ranger at Yellowstone National Park. What is your name and job title? My name is Miriam Hornstein and I am an Interpretive Supervisory Park Ranger at Yellowstone N...

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Hiking with a Hearing Loss

Losing my hearing November 2016 was one of the hardest months of my life. I was diagnosed with severe hearing loss, and between the two rare diseases I have that caused it, along with the rare type of hearing loss I have, I quickly started to feel all alone and like no one understood what I was going through. I could feel myself slipping into a depression. If it wasn’t for Hike it Baby and the ...

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Hiking as Therapy

Changing expectations When you become a parent you never dream of your child having a disability. Once the reality sets in and you can come to accept it, you do everything in your power to help your child live a healthy and normal childhood. We can’t always attend busy events at the local multiplex, go out to a loud restaurant, or sometimes even attend a birthday party. We do these outings occa...

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Nature Based Scavenger Hunts, your new hiking friend

There are days that getting my kids to agree to a hike is like pulling teeth. You'd think they never had a fun hike in their lives (which isn't true, just to be clear ;). I beg and plead and maybe even cry because I need that time outside. I hype up the place we're going and who's meeting us there. I bribe them with treats in their packs. But to no avail; they don't want to go ... until I bust ...

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Kiddy in the Backcountry begins in Quebec

One of the great joys of Hike it Baby is getting to watch the love of nature develop in our kids. We are excited to share a Canadian organization with you today. For those of you in Quebec Ti-Mousse dans Brousse (translated to English: Kiddy in the Backcountry) offers French resources for bringing your child on adventures with you. We hope you enjoy her expertise! Ti-Mousse dans Brousse (Kiddy...

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