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Tent, Toddlers and Sleeping under the Stars

Far and away one of the biggest concerns I had prior to taking my children camping, was whether they would sleep. I was concerned they would never fall asleep, that they would nurse all night, that I'd wake them up, that they'd wake me up, that they'd be up at 4 am. The list of worries was long. I'm sure you've had some of the same concerns. I assure you, your kid will sleep...

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Ethan's Strength: Trailblazing New Paths With Heterotaxy Syndrome

Hearing a child exclaim, "I'm having fun! I'm really having fun!" while out hiking is such a wonderful thing to hear. Knowing that it is the first time they have been able to walk more than a few feet without becoming exhausted makes it even more sweet. Children like Ethan, who was born with Heterotaxy Syndrome, have a much different experience than other children who venture outdoors to play. ...

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5 Hike Suggestions For Adventurous Families

One of the special things about Hike It Baby is all the grandparents, nannies, extended family and friends who join us on our hikes. Today we have a great blog post from an aunt in Colorado and her five hike suggestions for great hikes not to be missed. Enjoy this post about hikes for adventurous families from our guest writer, Kym Tyson, from 33 and Free! I was adopted when I was 3 months ol...

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How To Make Earth Day Last All Year

Did you celebrate Earth Day this year? Kristi reflects on how we can positively impact our environment and encourage our children to become stewards of the Earth. This Earth is truly a magnificent place. Its resources are unique to this planet. As the only known planet habitable for humans, we must take care of it. Every year, on April 22, the importance of this is brought to the center stage....

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Parenting Outdoors : No Plan Survives

When my husband and I found out we were expecting our first child, we made a parenting plan like many new parents do. We thought about what we wanted to do and what we didn’t want to do. Mostly though, our parenting plan boiled down to, “No plan survives first contact with the child.” No Plan Survives It’s a good thing we had that attitude because our first child certainly had a wild spirit all...

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Embracing the Puddle

It's pouring here today. Driving rain, crashing thunder, flashing lightning, the whole bit. For most people it sounds like a day to stay inside, dry and warm, but I know as soon as the lightning and thunder stop, we’ll be back outside. My daughter, Kai, is eighteen months old and puddles are her favorite thing on the planet. Even better, our local Hike it Baby branch loves puddles just as much...

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Conservationist Series - Benton MacKaye

This is a continuation of our conservationist series. Each post will detail a conservationist’s life, notable accomplishments, and ways the conservationist connects to kids. This post features Benton MacKaye. Forester. Teacher. Trail Maker. Conservationist. If you are lucky enough to have walked part or all of the Appalachian Trail, you've walked on an idea that came to fruition. Benton MacK...

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BOB Gear Challenge : A Journey to Healing

Jessie describes her experience so far during this month's Hike it Baby 30 Challenge with using BOB gear during a trip in memory of her brother. Have a tissue handy! This month’s Hike it Baby 30 Challenge is my family’s eighth consecutive challenge since we discovered Hike it Baby back in the summer of 2015. Our challenge experiences have varied greatly over the years as our family has grown. ...

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Earth Day 2017: Get Inspired

The calendar may say Earth Day only comes once per year, but you can live out the mission of Earth Day all year long with Hike it Baby and your families! Let these quotes provide some inspiration for you to get out and enjoy the earth, not just today, but every day. “We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” —Native American Proverb This powerful stateme...

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Hiking With a Newborn

First hike postpartum Our little one has been hiking with me since she was four weeks old. I was anxious to explore some trails, so, just one month after having her, I wrapped her up and headed out to hike with a local group of Mamas. I really wasn't sure what to expect. She could hate being in the wrap (I had never had her in one), she could poop through her clothes (which she does daily), or ...

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