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30 Ways to Spend Time Outdoors this Spring : HiB30 Challenge Inspiration

Sometimes deciding how to spend your time outside as a family is just as hard as getting out the door. Most of the time, inspiration can be found in our own backyard. Other times, we could use some fresh ideas for motivating our outdoor adventures. We are quickly approaching the start of the April Hike it Baby 30 Challenge so we wanted to give you 30 ideas for places to go to spend time outdoor...

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Conservationist Series - John Muir

This is the first post in the monthly conservationist series. Each post will detail a conservationist's life, notable accomplishments, and ways the conservationist connects to kids. Environmental activist. Writer. Inventor. Ecologist. Travel Enthusiast. The next time you visit a national park, you have conservationist John Muir partially to thank. Muir, often referred to as Father of Our Nation...

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What are you reading? Children’s book reviews

Have you read any good books lately? We like to share reviews on books that our members have read that are hiking or outdoors related. From infants board books to adult page-turners, we love to hear about what you are reading! Share a book review with us on this form and we may feature it in an upcoming blog post! Reviews: [gallery link="file" columns="3" ids="602982,589522,589520"] Colette Cl...

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Let's Go Camping with...Toddlers!

You've packed the tent, the stove, the screen tent, the reusable camping dishware, the fuel, the hammock, and the cooler. You even covered your bases with flashlights, water bottle, rain suit and rain boots. You think you're ready to take your toddler on their first car camping trip, but are you? Camping with toddlers isn't scary. We just recommend being very, very prepared. Today we're going ...

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Review: Wanderling 4-in-1 Jacket

For me personally, one of the hardest parts of heading onto the trail with a baby in a carrier is keeping warm and dry. While Wisconsin doesn't have as much rain as Portland, we do have plenty of wetness. Whether it's snowing in April (happened to us last year) or raining, getting Sky and me onto the trail and staying dry can be a challenge. Amy of Wanderling seemed to have the same challenges ...

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National Nap Day: Hike it out!

When I found out there is a National Nap Day my first thought was: That's hilarious. I mean, in all honesty, the only time you could ever consider scheduling a day dedicated to naps came far prior to the days of motherhood, career, wife, etc. You get the picture. My second thought was: Go take a Hike! No, seriously, go for a hike. In my time hiking with kiddos I have learned so much. Sunscreen...

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Thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail with a Baby

Would you hike the Appalachian Trail with a toddler? Sure, a bit of it. Why not? How about the whole 2,000 miles of it? Meet this South Carolina Hike it Baby family that is doing just this. Here's their story: It all started as I was driving to a Hike It Baby trek with my 2-1/2-month-old baby girl, Ellie. It was a 40 minute commute and Ellie was asleep, so I had some time to think. I had left m...

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St. Patrick's Day Themed Hikes

Killarney National Park, County Kerry, Ireland Celebrating St. Patrick's Day on the Trails I never noticed how many shades of green existed in the world until traveling to Ireland. There was something magical about hiking through Killarney National Park in County Kerry. From the luscious shades of green to the grand Torc Waterfall, the park was a hidden gem for my husband and me during a trip i...

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Geocaching: A Search for Treasure on the Trail

Long before Pokémon Go came along and encouraged youngsters to get off the couch and go outside, geocaching was providing real treasure hunt adventures for little kids and adults alike. While Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game that will have you walking around in circles at your local park, geocaching gets you into the wild and out of your comfort zone, with some tangible treasure at the e...

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Hiking in the Snow

"There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing." Looking out the window at two feet of snow blanketing the backyard and icy tree branches sparkling in the morning sun is magical and reminds me of my childhood. It makes me want to go outside and play! But then I think of how much work it will be to change all of my clothes and all of my one-year old's clothes... I take a deep breath, t...

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