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January 2017 HiB30 Challenge Partner Winners

We’d like to thank our Hike it Baby Challenge Partners for the great prizes they provided for January’s HiB30. The winning participants were entered into the prize drawings simply by signing up to achieve 30 miles in 30 days OR spend 30 minutes outside 3 times per week with their families. Hike it Baby hosts the HiB30 Challenge four times per year. Families from all over the globe come togethe...

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January 2017 HiB30 Challenge Winner - KEEN

Congratulations to Marsha Knepp winning a pair of shoes of her choice for her and her child, thanks to our Hike it Baby Title Sponsor, KEEN. Marsha won this great prize by signing up to achieve 30 miles in 30 days OR spend 30 minutes outside 3 times per week with her family. Hike it Baby hosts the HiB30 Challenge four times per year. Families from all over the globe come together to challenge ...

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January 2017 HiB30 Challenge Winner - Deuter

Congratulations to Arya Degenhardton for winning a carrier of her choice, thanks to our Hike it Baby Title Sponsor, Deuter. Arya won this great prize by signing up to achieve 30 miles in 30 days OR spend 30 minutes outside 3 times per week with her family. Hike it Baby hosts the HiB30 Challenge four times per year. Families from all over the globe come together to challenge themselves and enco...

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January 2017 HiB30 Challenge Winner - Onya

Congratulations to Lynette Oberly & Katie O'Donnell-Vicente on each winning a carrier of her choice, thanks to our Hike it Baby Title Sponsor, Onya. Lynette & Katie won this great prize by signing up to achieve 30 miles in 30 days OR spend 30 minutes outside 3 times per week with their families. Hike it Baby hosts the HiB30 Challenge four times per year. Families from all over the glob...

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January 2017 HiB30 Challenge Winner - BOB

Congratulations to Emily Mousette on winning a BOB Revolution Pro stroller, thanks to our Hike it Baby Title Sponsor, BOB. Emily won this great prize by signing up to achieve 30 miles in 30 days OR spend 30 minutes outside 3 times per week with her family. Hike it Baby hosts the HiB30 Challenge four times per year. Families from all over the globe come together to challenge themselves and en...

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My HiB Story: Hiking inspires happiness throughout the work week.

Finding a balance between hiking and working. Like many of you who are reading this, I am a mom. I am also so many other things; a wife, an employee, a daughter, a sister, a friend, and in my spare time...I hike. Often times I get asked how I have the time to do so much and still work a 40+ hour-per-week job. Frankly, the only way I am able to do so much is by planning. You must be thinking th...

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Photographer captures unique family photos on the trail - interview with Arika Bauer

Family photographs. Does the thought make you cringe? Having to coordinate outfits, choose a location, choose a photographer, and hope that everyone is in a good mood and stays clean for a set time can be stressful–let alone fun. Arika Bauer is  an outdoor-influencer that Hike it Baby follows because of her unique photographs that inspire families to get outdoors. “I am a mother of 3 littles li...

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Winter Outdoor Activities: What is 'Skinning'?

Every time a Hike it Baby 30 Challenge rolls around, many people see the 'What Counts?' poster and ask, "What is skinning?" I recently had the chance to chat with Mel Bourassa, a Branch Ambassador for the Front Range Foothills branch in Colorado. She and her husband, Dave, enjoy the hobby of backcountry skiing, so they go skinning frequently, but she mentioned that the...

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What are you reading? Children's book reviews

Have you read any good books lately? We like to share reviews on books that our members have read that are hiking or outdoors related. From infants board books to adult page-turners, we love to hear about what you are reading! Share a book review with us on this form and we may feature it in an upcoming blog post! Reviews: [gallery link="file" columns="3" size="medium" ids="550656,550655,550654...

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Combination Hikes are My Favorite

Combination hikes and the art of compromise. Combination hikes are a blend of kid paced or play and adult pace. It's the art of compromise that allows everyone to be satisfied and have a great time. Expecting the worst but finding magic instead. We showed up to one of our most recent hikes, fully expecting to gently coax our one and three-year-olds to walk about a mile in two hours. That night...

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