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Conservationist Series: Mardy Murie

Wife. Mother. Naturalist.  Author.  Adventurer. Conservationist. Mardy Murie has been called the “Grandmother of the Conservation Movement.” Along with her husband, Olaus, she played a key role in preserving forever some of the country’s last wild places. Who is Mardy Murie? Margaret Elizabeth Thomas was born on August 18, 1902, in Seattle, Washington, to parents who divorced when she was young...

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Finding our Favorite Trails

Guest Blogger Melissa Morrison talks about finding nature close to suburban Detroit and what makes certain trails her favorite. When we moved back to Michigan five years ago, hiking trails and outdoor time played a big role in where we would live. Like others, we had to be centrally located to our jobs, which ruled out much of the lush National Forest that Michigan has to offer, but thankfully...

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Battling Postpartum Depression Through Hiking

Adrienne Brand would consider herself an upbeat person most of the time. But when she had her son, something shifted. She remembers feeling disconnected from him in the first few months of his life. She went to a new mama group to help get herself out of the house and it was there that someone told her about Hike it Baby. Once she started hiking with the group she realized that what she had be...

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Raising Children to Love the Outdoors

Our boys love to be outdoors. When given the freedom to explore, they thrive. I think this is normal for most children. Some of my greatest memories as a child were spent outside with my family. In our busy world, there is freedom in unplugging from the chaos and heading outside, whether it be for an hour to hike, a few days, or sometimes even longer. I want my children to respect nature and un...

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Swamp Shenanigans

This photo was taken on an earlier hike I hosted on the same trail at the beginning of the swampy section. Confession: I got my HiB group lost on the last trail hike I hosted. I also accidentally touched a patch of poison ivy growing up a tree. And to round out my hike fail hat trick, I fell down with my toddler on my back in my framed carrier three times in the swamp section of the trail. Di...

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Meet the Park Manager: Jorge Gomes

In this interview series, I'm going to introduce you to park rangers across the United States. Today's post features Jorge Gomes, a park manager at Minnewaska State Park Preserve in New York. What is your name and job title? Jorge Gomes, Park Manager 2, Minnewaska State Park Preserve. Is this the first NY State Park you've worked at? If not, tell me what other parks/nature centers you've work...

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Yes, you are a #ForceOfNature!

Are you a #ForceOfNature ? Hike it Baby Founder Shanti Hodges shares her feelings about the Force of Nature campaign by REI and what it means for women to support each other in nature. Upper McCord hike with Hike it Baby Portland (April 3, 2017) A few weeks ago my friend Beth posted a hike and shockingly 20 women (and 26 babies) showed up to hike with us. Of the women three were carrying two ...

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BOB Gear Challenge - Conclusion

Legs on fire, I gripped the stroller handlebars tightly as I pushed nearly 100 pounds of kids, snacks, and BOB up the hill. My heavy heart pounded harder and harder with each step and threatened to burst out of my chest. A flood of tears spilled down my cheeks, an unbridled response to the physical and emotional overwhelm I felt through my entire body. The grief over the death of my brother onl...

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Congratulations to Anna Wersan for winning a kids backpack of her choice, thanks to our Hike it Baby Title Sponsor, Deuter. Anna won this great prize by signing up to achieve 30 miles in 30 days OR spend 30 minutes outside 3 times per week with her family. Hike it Baby hosts the HiB30 Challenge four times per year. Families from all over the globe come together to challenge themselves and enco...

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Congratulations to Alyssa Morgan on winning a BOB Revolution Pro stroller, thanks to our Hike it Baby Title Sponsor, BOB. Alyssa won this great prize by signing up to achieve 30 miles in 30 days OR spend 30 minutes outside 3 times per week with her family. Hike it Baby hosts the HiB30 Challenge four times per year. Families from all over the globe come together to challenge themselves and enco...

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