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A Year of Challenges and Change

It’s November 1st.  I’ve got a bucket full of Halloween candy and a waning desire to “get healthy”.  You know the one.  Lose weight, exercise more, start taking better care of myself, maybe even brush my hair on a regular basis. Challenges. I could go on, but I think you get the picture. I’m not gonna lie, the last year was rough. We moved to a new city where we didn’t know anyone.  My husban...

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Do Something Hard

I walked alongside a marathon with my six week old baby on my chest. I admired the runners, and thought about all the hard training–the effort, the emotional fortitude, the physical exertion. I enjoyed watching those who lined the road, cheering and celebrating. I am not a runner, and don't aspire to be one, but as I watched people of all ages, shapes, sizes, and speeds, I was inspired by thei...

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Find Your Park in October: Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado

John Muir once said, “The mountains are calling and I must go.”  I know exactly what he means.  It was a childhood visit to the mountains that hooked me forever on wild places and national parks.  Whether it’s the beauty, or something else we can’t exactly put our finger on, mountains inspire us!  If you’re looking for a little inspiration for your family this fall, then consider heading to Roc...

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What are you reading? Book reviews

Have you read any good books lately? We like to share reviews on books that our members have read that are hiking or outdoors related. From infants board books to adult page-turners, we love to hear about what you are reading! Share a review with us on this form and we may feature it in an upcoming blog post! Reviews: [gallery link="file" columns="5" size="medium" ids="452115,452119,452116,4521...

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That's Too Heavy!

Do a Google search for hiking blogs and websites and I can practically guarantee that you'll soon come across discussions about weight. If you were an ultralight backpacker prior to having children, you might be feeling a bit heavy these days. Certainly, having children along on a hike changes the way we prepare. However, I really want to encourage you to not completely overload yourself. If yo...

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September 2016 HiB30 Challenge Winners

We are celebrating the finish of the September HiB30 Challenge by thanking our Hike it Baby prize donors for the amazing prizes that some of our lucky participants won! These Challengers were entered to win just by registering their families to get outside in September for 30 minutes 3 times per week OR to achieve 30 miles in 30 days. Four times per year, HiB families around the world join i...

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10 Life Lessons Learned from Hiking with my Son

As my only child, Neko, goes off to Kindergarten, I think about all the wonderful times together, when it was just us. Often, it was just the two of us, as my husband worked long hours to support our little family. Being the Branch Ambassador for Hike it Baby Ann Arbor, most of these times have been spent outside and on the trails. We’ve made it a goal to hike 500 miles and spend 1,000 hours o...

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The Science of Outside

The spirit of Hike it Baby that endures for me, beyond meeting up for hikes, is the desire to instill in our children the glory of time spent outside. Nature is a space for us to unwind and reenergize, all at the same time. We know time spent in nature is good for us and science agrees. Recently I interviewed Dr. Marc Berman, Director of the Environmental Neuroscience Laboratory at the Universi...

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You Know You are a HiB Hiker When...

Every month we like to share those moments when you think, “You Know You Are a Hike it Baby Hiker When…” This month we took a look inside our car trunks. From the meticulously organized to the jumbled chaos, each one of these cars demonstrates the HiB spirit. How do YOU know you are a HiB hiker? Share with us on this form and we will include your comments on an upcoming blog post! Multiseason...

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September 2016 HiB 30 Challenge Sponsor Winners

We are celebrating the finish of the September HiB30 Challenge by thanking our Hike it Baby Challenge Partners for the amazing prizes that some of our lucky participants won! These Challengers were entered to win just by registering their families to get outside in September for 30 minutes 3 times per week OR to achieve 30 miles in 30 days. [gallery link="file" size="hikeitbaby-featured" ids="...

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