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Hiking with 3 Under 3

We all know that getting out with babies and toddlers is hard, but it is especially challenging for parents with many young children. Hike it Baby St. Louis member, Lauren, shares the benefits her family has experienced by taking their 3 kids under 3 years old out hiking. My name is Lauren and my husband’s name is Sean we have three wonderful boys – Liam is 2.5, Finn is 1, and Kian 11 weeks ...

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Embracing the Season of Slowness

Lauryn Koppes is a Hike it Baby Branch Ambassador from the Golden, Colorado branch. She is a mom of two and is enjoying the slowness of hikes with them during this HiB30 Challenge month. I’ve always loved the Hike it Baby 30 Challenges. Like many, my favorite part of the Challenges is the camaraderie of the community built during these wonderful, fleeting months. It’s inspiring, fun, and beauti...

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Preparing For Long Distance Camping Trips With a Toddler

In January of this year, I set a goal for myself. I wanted to get out and go camping with Sky Baby at least five times this year. As May rolled around and the weather started to become more tolerable for being outside all day, I started to make plans on when, where, and how. I’m really proud to say that Sky and I have been camping four times so far this year and I’m working on our next camping ...

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Change Your Challenge

This past year has wrought a lot of change in my life. Last September, I had just read about Hike it Baby and joined the group, but considered myself too much of a novice to participate in a 30-mile Challenge. Growing up, I had been an outdoor kid. However, I found that life as an adult was sedentary and lived indoors. My kids changed all that. I knew that staying sane would mean getting outsid...

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Hike it Baby is More Than Hiking

When I first dreamed up the idea of Hike it Baby I never imagined what it would become for so many people. For me personally as a new mother (and an older new mom) I just wanted to have an easy way to find new friends who liked to hike and hang outside with little ones. I remember thinking, "How cool would it be if there was just a calendar in it with all kinds of hikes I could go do with othe...

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New From Onya! Comparing New Onya Pure to Onya Outback.

Our friends at Onya have a new carrier out and we love it! The Onya Pure is a great carrier for those who hike and want a more breathable product. When comparison shopping, it may be difficult to tell the difference between the new Onya Pure and the Onya Outback carriers. Jessica is a trained babywearing consultant and manages social media for Hike it Baby. Using the help of our Branch Ambassad...

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Do’s and Don’ts of Hiking in Rattlesnake Territory

Is your family hiking in rattlesnake territory? In this article, Maria shares do's and dont's of hiking with kids around rattlesnakes. “Hey, Mommy! Look at me!!” my son cheerily yelled as he hopped onto some rocks off the side of the trail. Before I could say a word, I heard the unmistakable rattle and saw the quick movement of a snake jumping (luckily) away from my son. We were deep in the he...

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Father Finds Inspiration and Fun With Hike it Baby

Hiking is in my son’s blood and in mine. When he was inconsolable as a newborn, taking him outside was the only thing that soothed him. Now as a toddler, there is no place he would rather be than outside no matter the weather. I am grateful that Hike It Baby helps share the world I love with him and connects him to others who share that love. His friends are all from Hike it Baby and there is n...

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Fun With Foil – Camping Meal Ideas

Looking for a way to simplify dinner at the campsite, minimize dish cleanup, or want to try something new?  Then foil packet meals might be just the thing for your next family camping trip! The combinations and possibilities with this cooking method are endless, but here’s the basic technique: Start with a piece of heavy duty foil, about twice as long as the food you put inside (better to ha...

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Pregnant Moms Take the Hike it Baby 30 Challenge

We're kicking off the Hike it Baby 30 Challenge, September 2016! And to get you inspired, we have stories from some of our pregnant moms hiking in the challenge. We have stories from pregnant moms hiking in the first trimester, moms in the second trimester, moms in the third trimester, a twin pregnancy, and even moms due this month! If us pregnant mamas can do it, anybody can! "Hi! I'm a pre...

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