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The Olympics of Parenting

We are all preparing to tune into the 2016 Rio Olympics in support of our favorite Olympic athletes from around the world. There’s something about watching the best and brightest of us all coming together to chase their dreams and goals that’s incredibly unifying. For 16 days, the world sets aside its differences for the glory of friendly competition, for the joy of sport. As parents, as humans...

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Preserving The Love

I was naive to the burden of responsibility that would take up residence on my shoulders when I came home from the hospital with that first little miracle bundle of baby. The list of things I can influence for good or evil has only grown since that first day and then multiplied by three: manners, character, education, relationship skills, discipline, healthy eating habits, love or disdain for t...

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Nourishing Parents During "The First Forty Days"

Last month, Hike it Baby had a giveaway of the book: The First Forty Days, by Heng Ou. Here, Heng Ou shares some more advice on how to help new parents in those First Forty Days after the birth of a baby. Stay tuned to Hike it Baby for another chance to win this book this month! I’ve always been a do-er. Most women are do-ers. So, when my busy life screeched to a halt after the birth of my firs...

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Video - How To Pick a Trail

Jessica Featherstone, from the Hike it Baby social media team, introduces our latest video produced with our friends at Baby K'tan! Sky was born on a beautiful August day in 2014. I remember looking out the window and wanting to be outside, breathing fresh air, and enjoying the sunshine. Apparently you aren’t supposed to take the big carts with the baby in it outside of the hospital so that dre...

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Find Your Park in July: Great Basin National Park, Nevada

Every national park – big or small, obscure or well known, nature mecca or historic monument – is worth visiting with a family. But there are a few special places that seem to give you more bang for your buck. A few gems where, instead of settling for the shorter or easier hikes because of the kids, the best hikes are short and kid friendly. Great Basin National Park in Nevada is one of those r...

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The Importance of a [Mommy] Community

A “mommy” community can mean the difference between sanity, and…not. Truly. And it matters on a high level for overall health and well being. A prominent UCLA neuroscientist has even written a book on human connection and relationships may be nearly as important as the basic needs of food, shelter, and water. It’s not just limited to mommies either. Just about any word can be substituted for “m...

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Successful Camping as a Solo Parent

This past week my friend asked if I wanted to take my kids camping (sans husband) and I said yes. We headed up to Potawatomi State Park. It was my first solo trip with Graham (almost 3) and Warren (almost 1) and it was Warren's first ever time sleeping in a tent. Just prior to setting out anxiety set in. I silently dreamt of all the ways this trip could end in disaster. I left anyway, knowing t...

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Appreciating the Solo, Adults-Only Hikes

I love hiking with Sky and having her explore the trails with me. That being said, sometimes all I want to do is go, go, go. I want to move and rack up some mileage. I want to not constantly worry about a toddler falling or running off into the pond to catch frogs. Sometimes, I want to be in nature and get to enjoy it for myself. Watching a tiny human run wild can be difficult to really enjoy n...

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You Know You Are a HiB Hiker When…

Every month we like to share those moments when you think, “You Know You Are a Hike it Baby Hiker When…”. We ask, you tell! Here are some of the thoughts that our members shared this month. How do YOU know you are a HiB hiker? Share with us on this form and we will include your comments on an upcoming blog post! Your diaper bag contains an emergency space blanket and a compass because your d...

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Hiking Helps Heal – Relearning to Walk After a Stroke

Experiencing the joy of witnessing your child’s first steps is a milestone most parents never forget. For Amanda Johnston, she watched her 15-month-old son perfect his walk while relearning how to walk herself. In February 2016, at the age of 29, Amanda had an ischemic stroke (CVA) due to heart defects that she was unaware of. Her journey in healing is so inspiring. Encouragement from her famil...

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