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Lead a Hike Winners - February 2016

Congratulations to the volunteers who submitted hikes to the website calendar in February and won some fun prizes! Hike it Baby hikes would not exist if members did not lead them and we love to show our appreciation with monthly random drawings of Hike Leaders for prizes from our awesome prize sponsors! How can you be entered? It's so easy and fun on top of it: Lead a Hike! Just by submitting a...

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Lead a Hike Prizes - March 2016

All around the world, Hike it Baby families are getting outside and hiking trails because of the incredible volunteers who Lead Hikes for their group! We appreciate this so much that we automatically enter every person who submits a hike to the website calendar in a prize drawing at the end of each month. Just by the simple act of submitting a hike, you are motivating other families to get outs...

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HiB30 Challenge Winners - Onya - Jan 2016

CONGRATULATIONS! Hike it Baby is so excited for the winners of the HiB30 Challenge Prize Drawing! Our incredible Title Sponsors at Onya have generously donated prizes and we can't thank them enough! One lucky winner is going to receive an Onya Carrier and was picked from a random drawing of everyone who participated in the January 2016 HiB30 Challenge. Are you inspired? We are! Join us in the...

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Hike it Baby for the Whole Family - One Dad's Perspective

I’m a new father (my little girl is about 1.5 years old now) and I’ve always been a healthy/active/outdoors-loving kind of a person. When we had our daughter, my wife found a new group, Hike it Baby, whose sole purpose was to encourage and help facilitate families to get outside and enjoy nature, and that sounded right up my alley. As simple as it sounds, I’ve found it to be a lot more than jus...

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When Nature Calls in Nature – Part 1

You may look at the title of this blog and think, "Oh great...yet another post about getting in touch with the outdoors, listening to the great call of the wind or the sound of a waterfall."  Yes, those things are all beautiful and inspiring, but this particular call of nature refers to those dreaded moments that every outdoors man/woman faces when their bodies suddenly alert them (and usually ...

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I see summer!

I know summer is still far away but I am getting excited. It's coming, right? The other day on our walk in the woods I saw some crocus poking their green stalks out of the ground. That's the first sign! The second sign is that the campgrounds just opened their floodgates for booking and it's time to plan for July. What? Plan camping for July in January? Yes, that's right. Did you know that Res...

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Lead a Hike Prizes - February 2016

All around the world, Hike it Baby families are getting outside and hiking trails because of the incredible volunteers who Lead Hikes for their group! We appreciate this so much that we automatically enter every person who submits a hike to the website calendar in a prize drawing at the end of each month. Just by the simple act of submitting a hike, you are motivating other families to get outs...

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2016 First Day Hike Winner - Martha Rodriguez

Congratulations to Martha Rodriguez! On January 1st, 2016, over 500 Hike it Baby members in 7 countries around the world showed their HiB Spirit by checking in on our website to show where they were hiking the first day of the year. Every family that checked in a First Day Hike on the map was entered to win a prize from Cozey 7®. We are so happy for our winner, Martha Rodriguez, who won a Co...

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Why I Hike - Coming Full Circle

I grew up living on the outskirts of town on top of a mountain, where the nearest neighbor was a least a half mile away. In the 1980's, there were not enough families living on our road to justify the cable company running cable lines up to our house. I missed out on Punky Brewster, Alf, Mr. Belvedere, Silver Spoons, all the shows my school friends raved about. Instead, we got one channel with ...

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November ’15 HiB30 Challenge Winners!

Congratulations to everyone who competed in November’s HiB30 Challenge! All of the Challengers were entered to win some pretty amazing prizes and here are a few of the big winners this time around! Read more posts in the Hike it Baby Blog with other hiking winners and their stories. Thanks to our Hike it Baby Prize Partners at BuffUSA, Chums, Field Trip Jerkey, Milkmakers Lactation Cookies, and...

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