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You Know You Are a HiB Hiker When...

We've all had one of those moments when you stop and think, You Know You Are a Hike it Baby Hiker When... It's so much fun to see what all of our members have to share when it comes to having one of those thoughts! Here are a few that were submitted this month! You plan your own birthday around hiking a new trail before going to a play cafe with other HiB families you've met. That's totally me...

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Special Needs Hiking with HiB's Lindsay and Cameron!

Lindsay is a Colorado native who lives with her husband, Clint, son, Cameron, dog, Rozzie, and cat, Bailey, in the woods in Evergreen, Colorado. Before becoming a stay-at-home-mom she was a third and fourth grade teacher. As a parent with a child with Special Needs, she has learned through experience how to stay motivated and enjoy hiking with her Hike it Baby group in Evergreen. Here is her st...

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9 Tips To Get Hiking With Your Child With Special Needs

Getting kids outside is one of my biggest passions and I believe that every kid – no matter their ability – should have the opportunity to get on the trail. This is not only possible, but fun! It just requires a little extra planning and preparation. Always discuss with your child's medical provider before exposing them to any new activity that may impact their health. With help from some inspi...

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Home Stretch Hike 2015

Feeling a little stressed out about the holidays? Go for a walk. Clear your head. Even if it's just 15 minutes around the block. Here we are. It's December. It's chilly, dark, and gosh dang it, getting out just isn't as easy. Is it? This time of year requires some extra motivation. This is when I try to wrap my outdoors stuff with something fun like a good reward. For example, at the end of th...

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Thankful for Hiking...

The holidays are in full swing and 2016 is just around the corner. As we approach the new year, we wanted to take a minute to hear why you are thankful for hiking with your babies. We have already received numerous inspiring and amazing responses! Here is what some Hike it Baby's members had to say: I'm thankful that I get to share the hiking experience. The wind in my hair, the sun on my fac...

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4 Ways to Make Winter Weather Hiking Merrier

So the weather’s changed. The summer strolls filled with giggling children bounding through picturesque parks and trails are gone. Replaced by drippy rain, muddy trails, and calls of cold hands and wet clothes from just about everyone. Or is that just my family of fair weather walkers? Some warm hot coco is usually a quick and easy recipe for getting the kiddos to find their happiness again. Th...

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Hike it Baby's 13 Days of Giving

Hike it Baby hikes couldn't exist without our amazing hike lead volunteers around the world! To show how much we appreciate you and the time and energy you give when you lead those hikes, we are giving away 13 prizes throughout the month of December. You will be entered to win a prize every time you submit a hike to the website calendar for the month of December, but you are also being entered ...

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Lead a Hike November Prize Winners

Congratulations to our November Lead a Hike prize winners! Just by submitting a hike to the Hike it Baby Calendar these lucky hikers were entered to win prizes from our awesome sponsors at Ahnu Footwear and Injinji! It's such a fun, easy and motivational way to get yourself in the running for more amazing prizes throughout the year! Inspire others to get outside and submit a hike today!!

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HiB T-shirt Contest Winner: Alexandra Tebow

Over the last month we held a "design a t-shirt" contest on the Hike it Baby Facebook page. We had numerous great entries! To enter, the designs had to be related to hiking and have an original design. They could be submitted as a digital file or hand drawn. Once the contest closed on November 20th Hike it Baby members cast their votes. With more than 350 votes, the winning design belonged to A...

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Extending the HiB30 Challenge - One Family's 100 Mile Challenge

After the first HiB30 Challenge in November of 2014, Sarah and Thomas Box decided that 30 miles in 30 days was a great way to motivate themselves to get out everyday and enjoy nature during the coming Alaskan winter. They decided that 100 miles in 100 days would be a great bridge until the next challenge! Here is their story: My name is Sarah Box and my husband is Thomas. We have a son, Mann...

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