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When No One Shows - Hiking On

You are standing at the trail head, drawing designs in the dirt with your toe. Your two year old tugs impatiently at your hand, asking where his friends are. The baby on your chest wriggles in the carrier, ready for a nap. "Two more minutes," you say. "Let's just give it two more minutes." You've been there for twenty minutes already, and are fairly certain no one will show. Your Facebook post ...

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Mama Mechanics (for dads and other caregivers too!)

Getting onto the trail with baby is a wonderful thing!  It’s good for everyone to get outside.  Walking, or better yet, hiking, with my littles always raises my spirits and they love being outside.  But these benefits quickly evaporate if hiking with baby is uncomfortable or even painful. As a certified Alexander Technique teacher, I help people learn to use their bodies better.  I think of th...

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IBW Week's Onya Baby Carrier Winners

Congratulations to our three winners from the October International Babywearing Week and Hike it Baby's Onya Baby Giveaway! These three lucky winners logged hikes the week of October 4th, automatically entering them into the contest. Thank you to our friends at Babywearing International for partnering with Hike it Baby in a week of babywearing celebration!  Also, thanks to our sponsors at Onya ...

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Lead a Hike Prizes - November!

Lead a Hike! Did you know that for every hike you submit to the calendar that you are entered to win an awesome monthly prize? It’s so easy and fun! Just submit those hikes and inspire and motivate others to join you! Our awesome prize partners this month are giving us these prizes for November: Ahnu Footwear (winner’s choice) or Injinji Women’s Run 2.0 Socks! Good Luck and Happy Hiking!

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Getting out & staying out

Two years ago if you had told me I would not only be hiking in rain, but also in 20 degree weather and in snow with a baby strapped to my back I would have said no way. That was so not me. I loved getting outside but I have to admit that I was always a fair weather outdoor enthusiast. If we hit the ski slopes and the weather was icky, you would usually find me sipping hot chocolate in the lodg...

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Hike it Baby Sacramento Goes Bilingual

A lot can happen on Hike it Baby hikes: exploration, new friendships, reaching new milestones, gaining a supportive network. With a little creativity, some branches are expanding Hike it Baby’s reach into new communities and culture. Hike it Baby Sacramento is one such branch that is currently exploring and expanding their Spanish-speaking hikes. The United States' Spanish-speaking population ...

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What Are You Reading?

Do you and your kids love the outdoors AND love to read? We ask Hike it Baby members to share with us what books they are reading that promote hiking and outdoor fun for families! From board books for infants to non-fiction for adults, here are some of the selections submitted this month. Enjoy and please share a review of your favorite nature-based book to be featured in our upcoming blog! An...

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HIB Hacks! Hike Without Breaking the Bank

Since becoming a member of Hike it Baby I wanted to learn what the best gear was and what to avoid spending my hard-earned money on. I wondered how other families balance the want and the need of hiking gear, especially when it comes to infant/toddler/child equipment. Balance. As a single parent and someone who loves to get outdoors with her little one I have learned the art of balancing in so...

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You Know You Are a HiB Hiker When...

You know you have a HiB baby when she nurses to sleep flipping through a trail guidebook. -Maura Wamsley You make sure to hide the hiking carrier from your two year old as you rush out the door for errands in order to avoid the tears when you tell him you aren't going hiking today. -Melissa Hollingsworth, Atlanta You are searching for a hike nearly every day of the week and are looking in adv...

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Meet HIB Photographer Ashley Scheider

When Ashley joined Hike it Baby her impact and presence was immediately felt because within her first few hikes these incredible photos started showing up in my Facebook feed. From the start Ashley had a way of capturing Hike it Baby spirit and it was fun to watch her personally progress from mama who had never thought hitting the trail to becoming a leader on waterfall hikes in the Gorge. Her ...

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