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Hiking During Hunting Season - 10 Safety Tips

Hunting is a very popular outdoor activity here in the Mitten. In fact, in northern lower Michigan and the Upper Peninsula, many schools will close for “Opening Day” and, yes, my family does actually own a hunting cabin “Up North”. Whether you agree with hunting or not, we share the same spaces with sportsmen and it’s important to stay aware and safe during the weeks of Hunting Season. Here so...

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Hike it Baby 30 September Winners Announced

We have another Hike it Baby 30 down! September was an amazing month. Together we hiked almost 30,000 miles with over 800 families in the mix. This Hike it Baby 30 was one of the most adventurous so far with families logging 50, 60, 70 even 100 miles. So many toddlers getting their miles in too. Our favorite thing was how many people posted that they walked to do errands over driving. You all r...

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Toddler Friendly Camping Tips and Tricks

This past weekend we went camping. My husband and I have both spent a lot of time camping and for us having a toddler doesn't make camping that much harder. It might be less relaxing, but it's a lot more fun! Camping is a pretty toddler friendly activity as it is. Most kids I know love to be outside and so living outside is their idea of a great time. We didn't try to do too much - ...

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Lead a Hike Winners - September 2015

Congratulations to Suzanne Halekas of Iowa City and Angela Macke from Albuquerque for winning prizes from Bern and Klean Kanteen just by submitting and leading hikes in September! Our awesome prize sponsors offer us amazing prizes to give away in our prize drawing to anyone who submits a hike to our website's calendar each month. It's that easy and so much fun! So get out there and lead a hike ...

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Overcoming Obstacles: Toddler Tantrums

Have you ever had a day that you were really excited for a hike, miraculously left on time, and got to the trail head early, started the hike on a high note, and then everything fell apart? This describes my day a few weeks ago. We had a farewell hike for one of our beloved branch leads who is moving away and I was looking forward to the hike and to seeing our friends… and particularly to getti...

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5 Tips for Keeping Up the Hike It Baby 30 Momentum

Congratulations! You’ve completed your first (or second, or third, or tenth) Hike It Baby 30 challenge! Perhaps you made it to the 30 mile mark, perhaps you achieved your own ambitious mileage goal, or maybe you simply got outside more often than usual. Regardless of the number of miles you logged this month, kudos to you for intentionally making the time to go outside with your little ones. I...

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More on Winter Hiking with Infants, Toddlers, and Children

As the weather turns colder, questions arise about how to keep your little ones safe and warm on the trail. The following information is not a “one size fits all” but some basic principles to follow that will help keep your child happy, safe, and frost bite free! The number one key in keeping your little one warm is being prepared beforehand. Dress in layers 1. Wicking layer- Thin layer, worn ...

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Lead a Hike Prizes - October!

Hey Hikers! Do you love to hike? Do you love to win prizes? Did you know that for every hike you submit to the online calendar that you are entered to win a monthly prize? This month's prizes are Tifosi Hagen Sunglasses (pink or black) or a Specialized Small Fry Child Helmet! Thanks to our awesome prize sponsors we can offer up that little bit of incentive to get you leading those hikes and mot...

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Be Here Now

Fun on the playground and the puddles at Fort Steilacoom Park in Lakewood, Washington. I consider myself a fairly laid back parent. Although I try really hard not to sweat the small stuff, I have been known to avoid giving my toddler foods that have an unfavorable mess-to-satisfaction ratio, or help him eat slippery foods with his spoon to keep his lap clean although I...

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Ask the Expert: Rattlesnakes on the Trail!

Hey Hikers! Do you hike in an area that has "Beware of Rattlesnakes" signs at the trailheads of your favorite hikes? I do and so I had a lot of questions about them and the safety precautions needed when using the rattlesnakes' home for my personal hiking fun. I received some great answers from Hugh Quinn; Retired zoo Curator of Herpetology, lecturer to various groups in the Black Hills about h...

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