Hiking-inspired Valentine's Day Craft

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Hiking-inspired Valentine's Day craft by Jenyfer Pattonf for Hike it Baby In this day and age of over-processed everything, I struggle to find Valentine options that don't create sugar-rushed kids, trash or junk toys that just get thrown away. So I went in search of Valentine's Day craft ideas for some hiking-inspired options and found a creative idea from Wilder Child that is great if your child collects treasures from your backyard - of if you have feathers, rocks, nuts or shells around your home. I took it a step further and wanted Valentines we could take hiking but that you wouldn't have to carry out (except the peels). I found a great pen that writes on pears and bananas. However, if you write on a pear, you have to make sure your markers are safe to ingest or buy edible ink markers. I'm not about tracking down a whole set of markers that I'll use once. I have tiny living goals and am training my brain to purchase strategically for that goal. One-use items don't usually count, which means I'm sticking to fruit with peels. Bananas are great but tend to get extra smooshed in our hiking packs ... so oranges it was!

How to Make Cutie Valentine's Day "Cards"

Hiking-inspired Valentine's Day craft by Jenyfer Pattonf for Hike it Baby I first tried using a pen, but I didn't like the skinny lines, so I adjusted. With my sharpie all set, I went to work. Hiking-inspired Valentine's Day craft by Jenyfer Pattonf for Hike it Baby I looked up conversation hearts to pull a few sayings and got to writing. Hiking-inspired Valentine's Day craft by Jenyfer Pattonf for Hike it Baby Until I had a bag full of Valentine Wishes to hand out. Hiking-inspired Valentine's Day craft by Jenyfer Pattonf for Hike it Baby If you're more artistically inclined than I am, you could even use colors and add hearts and emoji faces to your collection of oranges. I did the whole bag in about 10 minutes. Success? I'd say so. Now we're ready to head out on a Valentine's Day hiking adventure with a special surprise treat to share. Happy hiking and Happy Valentine's Day!

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Leave the top section open in order to secure the parchment paper. Carefully slide the parchment paper through the slits you created. It should stick out some on either side.  Close up the box once the parchment paper is in place and carefully pull the parchment paper tight.  You don’t want to pull too hard or it will break. Tape the box shut along the seams. You will want to tape everywhere there is a potential light leak, so along the sides of the front lens and all along the top seam. Tape the parchment paper to the side of the box on both sides so that it stretches flat inside the box. After the paper is secure tape around the slits enough times in order to ensure that no light can leak through.  When you are done, you should not see any of the parchment paper.  If you used white or light-colored cardstock you may want to tape around the entire box so that no white cardstock is showing.  This will also help make it more durable for little hands to use. 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A Thankful Tree
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