Backpacking 101: The next adventure

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One of my intentions this year is to get more backpacking miles in. Backpacking is my solution when you run into the following scenario: You've done one million day hikes, and it left you wanting more time in nature. You've car camped the local campgrounds. You wished for a bit more privacy and isolation. Enter backpacking as your next adventure of choice. At the very basic, backpacking is loading a backpack full of the gear, clothes and food you'll need; hiking to the backpacking site; camping; and hiking back to the car. Backpacking trips can range from overnighters to 5-month thru hikes of longer trails. But let's start off small.


Most backpackers don't jump into a 5-month thru hike as their first backpacking trip. There are many reasons for this, aside from financials, like making sure you like your gear and physically training yourself to carry the additional weight of a loaded pack. Ideally, you want to pick a route that has a distance you can cover in 1-3 nights. For my backpacking trip, I wanted to hike a trail that's short, close to home and a new trail to me. The Blackhawk segment of the Ice Age Trail checked off all those factors at 7 miles. This isn't my first backpacking adventure, but I'm trying to work out some gear decisions, so I wanted a trial run. Things to factor in when picking a route
  • How far can you walk in a given day?
  • How many nights do you want to be gone?
  • Are there available backpacking shelters or campsites along your route?
  • How far of a drive is it?
  • Where is the nearest ranger?
  • Is cell service good or spotty in that area?
  • Will you be walking out and back? Or from one point to the other point?

Permits and Reservations

My current trail doesn't require a permit, but a lot of trails do. Check your route and make sure that you obtain the appropriate permits as necessary. Additionally if you are using a shelter that requires reservations, you'll want to make those in advance if possible.
  • Obtaining permits can be a simple call to the park ranger office or a lottery style system. Especially if you plan to backpack in the national parks, you’ll want to check the parks’ website. Usually this needs to be done well in advance of your trip. One website to check is, which has the online availability for backcountry sites for most, but not all parks.
  • Shelters tend to be run by the park or forest that they are located in. This often will mean a call to the park to check availability and a call to Reserve America. My camping spot in April was available about a month in advance, but I had to compromise on a start day. Had I called earlier, I might have gotten the day I wanted. The most popular trails often have quotas that fill up quickly, so it’s worth checking early to secure your spot.


On trips where my husband and kids comes with, we divvy up gear, which makes it a lot lighter. But because I'm going alone, I need to make sure that everything I carry fits in one bag.  This means I'll probably bring the bare minimum on this trip and pack the night prior to allow me to best judge the weather. Backpacking 101 by Heidi Schertz for Hike it Baby
Water filter, knife, extra water bladders, emergency kit, med kit, phone, headlamp, WakaWaka Power+ and a LOKSAK (odor proof bag for waste)
Navigation: I'll have my phone (with a pre-downloaded map of the area), and I'll also carry a physical print-out of the trail. Lastly, I always have a compass in my emergency kit. Backpacking 101 by Heidi Schertz for Hike it BabyLight up the dark: In addition to my headlight, I'll be carrying a WakaWaka Power+ that functions to charge both my cell phone and as a flashlight. It'll be caribinered to my pack to grab solar energy for when I need it. I've made sure that it's fully charged prior to leaving home, so I don't have to rely on the weather. However, even on 25% power it's able to fully charge my phone and serve as a flashlight. First aid, emergency prep and knife:  I have two kits: a small first aid kit for one person and an emergency kit that contains a Mylar blanket, extra compass, and fire starters. I never hike without a knife or multi-tool. Find one that you love and bring it along. You never know when you'll need it. Plus, if you pack right you'll need to whittle a stick for some marshmallows. Hydration: Make sure you know if water is available on your route. In this case I'll be bringing a water bladder that tucks into my bag and an additional plastic bag to refill if necessary. I'm also bringing a squeeze style filter to purify water if I resupply. There are many options when it comes to water purification. This one is light and efficient, and I won't regret carrying it if I don't use it. Other choices include sip (inline) filters, pump filters, gravity filters, boiling water, UV sterilization pens and chemical purification tablets. Each style of filter has its advantages and disadvantages and purifies different things. Pick the method that works best for you. Backpacking 101 by Heidi Schertz for Hike it BabyStove and fuel: One of the things I'm most looking forward to on this trip is a shakedown cruise of our new stove. It's a wood and kindling stove, which is new for me. My other option is a isobutane/propane stove. Depending on whether you're going solo or with a family, the size of stove you want to carry will change. You'll want to make sure that whatever stove you bring you have the appropriate fuel for it.  My dad forgot the fuel in the car on one backpacking trip: It's definitely different eating dehydrated meals cold! Hiking or trekking poles: Hiking poles help in a lot of respects. They increase your balance and help you adjust to the increased weight you are carrying. For hikers with weak knees or ankles, poles can really increase stability. They’re great for water crossings as an additional point of balance. Additionally, they improve the circulation to your hands and arms, which means you don’t have hands that are asleep when trying to set up your tent.

Shelter and Sleeping Comforts

Backpacking 101 by Heidi Schertz for Hike it Baby
This combination should keep me toasty on a cold night.
I'm opting for a one-man tent in this circumstance because the weather is going to be cold and unpredictable. The tent allows me a bit more warmth than a hammock. My sleeping bag and insulated sleeping pad are also coming with – again for warmth. Additionally, I carry a sleeping bag liner with me that adds 25 degrees of warmth to my bag. It's going to be chilly when I'm hiking with overnight lows in the 15-30 range. So I want to be prepared.


Backpacking 101 by Heidi Schertz for Hike it BabyIt's not a secret that I run on snacks. I have a bag full of trail mix, some gummies, a few snack bars and some sugar snap peas in my food bag. Additionally, I'm carrying two dinners, some tea for a hot drink with dinner, instant coffee for breakfast, a breakfast package and a meal bar. I carry all my food inside an odor-proof pouch. Wisconsin isn't bear territory, but if you plan to backpack in bear territory, you'll need a cord and bear bag or a food storage canister. When it comes to dishes, I carry the minimum: spoon, cup, bowl and a pot to boil water.


This one is really seasonal – and trail-specific. As I'll be hiking in early April in Wisconsin, temperatures could be anywhere from below freezing at night to 50s-60s during the day. (Though I'd be super lucky if it hit 60.) But I also run cold, so I plan to really carry only one of each item, except socks. Changing into fresh socks once I reach camp makes it feel a bit more cozy and gives my other pair a chance to dry out. Backpacking 101 by Heidi Schertz for Hike it Baby
Top Row: down vest, fleece 1/4 zip, Boody long-sleeve, Vasque Pow Pow boots. Bottom Row: Sweatpants, Under Armour cold-weather leggings, Handful Bra, moisture-wicking tank top, wool underwear and socks. Not pictured: winter coat, wool hat, wool hand warmers and fleece gloves.
Here's a short list of items you might want to consider packing. Keep in mind your time frame and hiking climate. You obviously wouldn't want shorts in April in Wisconsin, but they might be best for a backpacking trip in Florida.
  • Base layers (wool, bamboo or synthetic)
  • Mid-layer (fleece, wool sweaters, down vests)
  • Element protection (windbreaker, coat, poncho)
  • Socks & Underwear (always an extra pair)
  • Hat (sun or winter)
  • Gloves and neck gaiter
  • Sunglasses
  • Shoes (trail runners or traditional hiking boots)
  • Camp/sleep clothes

And last but not least: the backpack

Not all backpacks are going to work on every body type. You want to find one that fits comfortably on you and keeps the weight over your hips. Trying on different backpacks at the store is important. Most outfitters will have weighted bags on hand to help you get the feel for how heavy the bag will be when it's full. For those of you who have used a framed baby carrier like the Kid Comfort from Deuter, you'll probably find that the brand of kid carrier that was most comfortable is also the one you lean toward when purchasing a backpack. This makes sense, because the style of framing and padding will be similar. There are a lot of great backpack companies, but it’s nice to have a place to start. Keep trying backpacks on at the store until you find one that fits and works well for you.

A note on gear accumulation

We are a one-income family, so for us, a lot of the highest-end gear is simply beyond our price range. We have opted to slowly upgrade piece by piece in order to make backpacking part of our family's lifestyle. This method often means that we carry non-backpacking versions of items (read: heavier or bulkier). Other options we have tried: Renting gear, borrowing gear from friends and asking for gear for gift giving holidays and birthdays. One of the things I love about renting or borrowing gear is that it allows me to see if the product works for us before we invest money in it. We also have to choose which items we are willing to splurge on. We received our backpacking tent as a gift, but we've also been able to find good deals on sale sites, used sites and by shopping off season. For our next upgrade, we plan to tackle our sleep system and invest in a double sleeping bag.

Backpacking sounds like more work

Backpacking may be a bit more work than car camping. It certainly requires an amount of forethought and planning to make everything go smoothly. However, the challenges in backpacking are also part of the rewards. It's liberating to know that you can sustain yourself for a couple of nights. Additionally, backpacking takes you into territory that you cannot always get to via traditional camping methods. Lastly, once you've acquired a system you like and gear you are comfortable using, it gets really easy to have your backpack set-up to just go. Because the amount of items you are taking is minimal, the first trip of the season often takes the most time to prep. After that, you just grab and go. I'm looking forward to my trips this year. Last year we backpacked once. This year I'm hoping to make it out three or four times. I've caught the backpacking bug. ... Have you? Photos courtesy of Heidi Schertz.

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What are some ways you prepare for backpacking trips? Please share in the comments below. Backpacking 101 by Heidi Schertz for Hike it Baby  

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The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Backpacking with Babies - part 3: 5 Things We Wish We Knew Before Our First Trip
  The picture above was taken when our son, Squeaks, was fitted with his pack for the first time. It was also the point I knew that my dreams of sharing my love for the mountains through backpacking with him could be a reality. And how hard could it be, right? I’ve hiked the entire John Muir Trail and much of the cross-country Sierra High Route. My gear list is dialed in. Gordon Ramsey himself would devour my dehydrated sweet potato bark. But like so many other facets of my life which parenthood has challenged, backpacking with a baby was no different. Here are 5 things we wish we knew before we set out on our family backpacking adventures.  (This is part 3 of our Backpacking with Babies series. Be sure you to check out the first part of this series in which we discuss the backpacking basics with a baby on board. And Part 2 talks about gear that's adapted for backpacking with babies.) 1. Practice Planned Flexibility My wife once told me she thinks I enjoy planning for hikes more than the actual walking. I can’t say I completely disagree, and if my knees could speak after 5 miles of ground-pounding downhill, they would side with her. It’s not that I’m out of shape or that I’m allergic to nature, it’s just that I’m a spreadsheet GOD. I mean my spreadsheets have spreadsheets. There is something comforting about having the itinerary dialed in so much that I know the exact mileage to get to the perfect campsite with the softest dirt and most epic vista. It took all of 5 minutes into a 20-mile backpacking trip with our son to realize this type of hypervigilant planning wasn’t going to fly. In that short time, he made it very clear to us (and everyone else in the Sierras that morning) he had no intention of staying in the carrier for one more minute. So we stopped, took a break, and after some repositioning of his harness and coaxing through song, we managed to tame the beast and get back on trail. We begrudgingly walked on, feeling embarrassed and leery of what was to come. Was all of this a big mistake? Are we over our heads? Is it selfish of us to impose this foreign lifestyle on such a little human? These negative thoughts lingered for a few miles, but as we traipsed deeper into the mountains, they washed away to reveal new feelings of rapture toward the land’s scenery we were passing through. Part of this change in thought was attributed to our son’s mindful eye and the way he interacted with nature. As we allowed ourselves to stop to admire the curious ways he went about exploring rock patterns and pine needle textures, time and space slowed, and any sense of urgency and expectation faded. There were more important things happening here. You may still struggle with the egocentric inner voices of the backpacker who “once was” pre-baby. Try your hardest to ignore these urges to push harder, go faster and climb higher – you will probably have a better time! If you do have the time, give yourself the opportunity to fulfill these urges on different, kid-free trips. 2. There Is No Ultralight Version When I go out on my “Adventure Dad” trips (backpacking trips without little people), I meticulously maintain a LighterPack account where I log every ounce of gear down to the last Band-Aid. It’s a fool-proof way of making sure everything is accounted for on a trip. Due to its success, I thought it only made sense to start such a list for our family outings. We were initially doing “ok” on weight until we added the 18 pounds of grubbulous squish that was my son at 10 months; the 3-person tent; the double sleeping pad; and the bear canister with food pouches. As we watched the pounds skyrocket, we gave up any hope that this was going to be a lightweight affair. It was time to embrace our inner “pack mule.” This meant breaking out the big guns – or in our case, mitigating heavier weights with a few helpful strategies: Carrying a bigger pack to manage larger volume and weight -  I usually keep gear in a smaller, lightweight frameless pack. These packs are not meant to be used when the total weight of gear exceeds 30-35 pounds. But backpacking with Squeaks, I was easily pushing 40+ pounds in my backpack with all the gear. I ended up using a 70L pack, which not only had the extra volume but carried the weight well. Using a balanced pack - When carrying heavier loads, making sure your pack is evenly balanced is key. Here are some tips on loading your backpacking by L.L.Bean. Using trekking poles - Trekking poles are always a good idea when backpacking, but they’re especially helpful when carrying heavier weights. They improve balance and reduce the impact on your knees and leg muscles. 3. You May Have to Play the “Napping Game” Squeaks was colicky as an infant and the only thing that would get him to sleep was walking. During the “dark ages,” we walked from sun up to sun down to get him to sleep. We still attribute his love for hiking to our rambler ways of old. Consequently, it did not surprise us that he was a good sleeper on trail. Now it wasn’t always the prettiest looking position, but the kid slept. Well, he slept as long as we were moving … This meant we were often left playing the “Napping Game,” which is a game of sleep time logistics. I’m sure many parents are all too familiar with it. Here are two examples of how this game played out on trail for us: If Squeaks fell asleep at 3 p.m. and we were only .5-mile from our proposed camp, we would either have to walk past our campsite to another site farther down trail or walk in circles around our campsite until he had been down for about an hour. We’ve done both. If Squeaks fell asleep at the start of a 2-mile uphill climb of 1500 feet, there was NO STOPPING. We could not stop to catch our breath, drink water or even talk to the nice couple who looked at us like we were going the wrong way heading farther into the backcountry. If you are incapable of drinking water while walking (like someone’s mama I know) and you have a sleepwalking kid like ours, bring a bladder with a hose so you can drink and walk! 4. Babies Are Not Quiet Many backpackers venture out to embrace the solitude and quiet reprieve that the wilderness offers. We believe it is our duty to respect this need, whether it be on trail or in camp. That said, we are carrying a baby and babies are not quiet! On one particular trip in the Sierras, after 8 grueling miles of walking,  we crawled into our campsite with a perfect spot overlooking a pristine alpine lake. I had just blown up our 2-person pad when I noticed a hammock set up on the other side of a tree just 50 feet away. After a little investigation, I quickly learned that this hammock belonged to a man who was backpacking with his wife. We relocated as best as we could immediately to a less ideal spot, but in the end we were glad we did so. That night, Squeak’s side of our pad deflated and it was this dad’s job to blow it up every hour (we chose this option rather than dunking the pad into the frigid water in the middle of the night to find and repair the leak). Needless to say it turned out to be a very noisy night! If your tent site options are limited and you are worried about your baby keeping others awake, be sure to talk to your neighbors about your “situation,” or even pack out ear plugs to offer to other groups! 5. Embrace Your Inner “Dirtbag” When you’re backpacking, dirt is simply unavoidable. It will fill the cracks in your dry hands and embed itself in your toenails. There will come a point where you will wash your hands clean in a body of water and wipe them dry with your shirt, pants, towel or handkerchief … only to look down and find them just as dirty again. Like your hands, if you try to keep a baby clean in the woods, you will lose! Babies have more cracks and crevasses than glaciers, as I'm sure you discovered this when you were struck by a strange smell coming from your baby and found a "fold" that hadn't been cleaned for some time. We challenge you to embrace your inner “dirtbag!” Unless you plan on packing out pounds of wipes (which you'll have to haul out), forget about the folds for a few days. Forget the face. Forget the feet. And forget the fingers. If you need to hone in on an area, let it be the baby bits. Diaper rashes are not to be messed with on trail! Dehydrate your wipes beforehand! Leave them out in a dry place for 24 hours before your trip to save weight! Reconstitute with water when you need them. Parenthood has thrown many new humbling experiences our way and backpacking with a baby was one of them. But with all the failures and lessons learned in the mountains, there has come a newfound sense of inspiration to change what it means to enjoy the wilderness and share that idea with our son. We would not have had it any other way. Comment below and tell us some of the lessons you’ve learned while backpacking with your little one. Read more: The ultimate beginner's guide to backpacking with babies: The basics The ultimate beginner's guide to backpacking with babies - Part 2: Gear List Backpacking 101: The next adventure Backpacking 102: Taking the kids
The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Backpacking with Babies - Part 2: Gear List
In our first part of this series, we discussed the backpacking basics with a baby on board. In Part 2, we will be getting knee-deep in gear. To the devoted backpackers, their gear list is the key to their heart. Simply asking avid outdoorsmen to see such a list is not something you do on the first date. That being said, by this point in our journey, I feel like we’ve gotten to know each other enough that I am ready to show you ours. If you have never backpacked before, fear not! We're recommending that you just go for a single night on your first outing. You can get away with almost anything in that timeframe. Now we’re not telling you to pack a pair of Levis and a Tommy Bahama T-shirt and call it a day, but we're saying that John Muir was able to carry a cast iron stove as he traversed the Great Western Divide at over 10,000 feet, so you don't have to feel "prepared" before heading out on the trails. Keep It Organized If you don’t keep a checklist of all your gear for your trip, you should! Otherwise, there is a very good chance you'll end up unpacking and repacking your backpack the morning of a trip, just to double check that you remembered to pack an extra pacifier or the baby Motrin. For all you Type A planners, is a great resource when creating a gear list for an upcoming adventure with your little human. With LighterPack, you are able to list and categorize your gear and include its weight and a website link to the item. Now let’s dive into gear! Overnight Backpacking with a Baby Gear List Detailed List Here are the two gear lists we maintain for our family trips on LighterPack. Each section is broken down by category, location of items in our pack, a link to the gear item if possible and its weight. Dad’s gear Mama and Squeaks' gear General List Below is a general list to help you prepare for your trip! You won’t find any brands here so feel free to add your own style! 1. Packs Dad: 70L Pack with waterproof liner Mama/Squeaks: hard-frame carrier 2. Go-Suits Dad: hat, sunglasses, Buff, l/s shirt, pants, underwear, sock liners, socks, trail runners Mama: hat, sunglasses, l/s shirt, pants, underwear, sock liners, socks, trail runners Squeaks: hat, sunglasses, l/s shirt, pants, socks, soft-soled shoes 3. Extra Clothes Dad: stuff sack, extra socks, extra sock liners, extra underwear, base layer top/bottom, insulated top layer, beanie, gloves, rain jacket, camp shoes Mama: stuff sack, extra socks, extra sock liners, extra underwear, base layer top/bottom, insulated top, beanie, gloves, rain jacket, camp shoes Squeaks: stuff sack, extra socks, fleece PJs, fleece bunting, base layer top/bottom, insulated top, beanie, booties, rain suit 4. Sleep/Shelter Tent, Dad’s quilt, Mama/Squeaks’ quilt, Dad’s sleeping pad, Mama/Squeak’s double sleeping pad 5. Cook System Stuff sack, fuel, stove, pot, pot stabilizer, lighter, small kitchen towel, spork x2, baby spoon, cup x2, small bowl 6. Food Bear canister, 8 lbs of food for two days (3 lbs for adults, 2 lbs for Squeaks) 7. Water Stuff sack, filter, adapter, clean/dirty 1L bladders, 3 1L water bottles w/ sport tops, backup treatment, extra cap 8. Toiletries Ziploc bag, toothbrushes, toothpaste, foot cream, eye care, flossers, sunscreen, lip balm, hand sanitizer 9. Electronics Stuff sack, battery bank, smart phone, satcom device, cords, wall adapter, headlamp x2 10. First Aid Ziploc, small quick guide, baby meds (Motrin in small container with syringe, Benadryl for emergencies only, adult meds, like Motrin, Tylenol, Benadryl, DayQuil and NyQuil), Leukotape strips, various Bandaids, small tube of Neosporin, gauze pads, gauze roll, Steristrips, alcohol swabs, tincture of Benzoin, Q Tip, Ace Bandage wrap, bug repellent, bug net x 2, stroller-fitted bug net 11. Emergency Ziploc, dryer lint, storm matches, extra lighter, paracord, extra AAA batteries, Geartie, multi-tool  12. Diaper Kit Dry bag, gallon zip, quart zip, 10 diapers, 30 dehydrated wipes, changing pad, odor-proof bag, gallon zip w/ baking soda for Squeak’s dirties, quart zip w/ baking soda for grown-up dirties. 13. Other Items Squeak’s lovey, 2 pacifiers with leash, book for night time, teething toy, tether to hold teething toy, retractable mirror for hard-frame pack, pack towel 5 Game Changers Below are five of our absolute favorite baby-specific backpacking gear items we would never leave home without! Sunday Afternoons Kids’ Play Hat - We tried multiple hats for Squeaks before we found this one. We love this hat for its full coverage brim with soft veil back which allows him to rest comfortably in his carrier. We love how adjustable it is, both around the head and under the chin. It also comes in many fun designs and colors! Big Agnes Copper Spur HV UL3 MtnGlo - This tent is absolutely worth every penny. It’s very light but durable, easy to set up, and has plenty of room for a family of three. The MtnGlo lights are just bright enough to see what you’re doing in the middle of the night whether it’s finding the door zipper when nature calls or changing a diaper after a blowout (I never wish this upon any of you).  Read more on 4-person backpacking tents to help you decide what options are good for your family. LilleBaby Retractable Mirror - This mirror allows you to check in on your little one while continuing to hike using a retractable cord and a carabiner,which you can fasten to your shoulder strap Lil’ Sidekick Tether - This is a great way to solve your baby’s fascination with gravity. The tether hooks any toy, cup or bottle onto your carrier, no matter the size. Our Lil’ Sidekick’s job was to hold Squeak’s coveted “Drago” lovie that my son is slightly obsessed with and cannot sleep without. Needless to say, this was not a task for the faint of heart. The tether passed with flying colors. Leukotape - This one isn’t baby-specific, but if you haven’t heard of Leukotape, it’s time to jump on the bandwagon. There is a reason this stuff is in every thru hiker’s med kit. It was the reason I remained blister-free on the John Muir Trail and sections of the Pacific Crest Trail. You can buy this miracle tape off of Amazon for just $10. It comes in a gigantic roll you can partition for your hikes by wrapping it around a hiking pole, lighter or placing it on the backing paper of labeling stickers. If you were entertaining the idea of a backpacking trip with your baby in the future, we hope you found this information helpful! Feel free to ask any questions about our gear list or share your thoughts in the comments below.  Read more: The ultimate beginner's guide to backpacking with babies: The basics Backpacking 101: The next adventure Backpacking 102: Taking the kids Photos by Joe Linehan and Laura Castro. ABOUT OUTGROWN OutGrown is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that works to create a world where everyone can enjoy the physical and mental benefits of spending time outside. We are focused on creating opportunities and removing barriers to access so families with babies and young children can take their first steps outside. We believe all families have the right to connect with nature, benefit from spending time outdoors and be inspired to a lifelong love of nature. Since its grassroots inception in 2013, OutGrown is a growing community of 280,000 families and over 300 volunteer Branch Ambassadors. More information on all of our programs can be found at    EDITORS NOTE: We hope you enjoyed reading this article from OutGrown. We’re working hard to provide our community with content and resources that inform, inspire, and entertain you. But content is not free. It’s built on the hard work and dedication of writers, editors, and volunteers. We make an investment in developing premium content to make it easier for families with young children to connect with nature and each other. We do not ask this lightly, but if you can, please make a contribution and help us extend our reach.