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Winner Profile - Jen Hanold

Meet Jen and Myles, members of Hike it Baby Ann Arbor!  They competed in the HIB30 March Challenge and won Tiny Antlers Carrier Strap Suck Pads!  Congratulations! Tell us about your favorite hike in the world! I loved doing our first family hike last summer in the Adirondack mountains in Indian Lake, NY. My oldest, Austin, was having a great time going on hikes each day with his dad and we we...

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HIB 30 Profile - Gabrielle Epstein

This last month she made some big steps though after seeing other mamas on trail in the Hike it Baby 30 pictures and she put her stroller away, and really gave it a go at double wearing. In the private Hike it Baby 30 Challenge room we all cheered her on when she posted her first selfie picture outside walking a mile with her twins and dog. We could literally feel her excitement at this new ste...

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Inspirational Lead Kendall Killingsworth

The post baby experience for many mamas is similar. You’ve watched your body change dramatically from having a baby and there can often be concern about if you will ever get back in shape. How hard is that going to be? Meet Hike it Baby Kendall Killingsworth, a new branch lead for Hike it Baby Bonham in Texas. She can’t believe how her body and health have changed since starting with Hike it Ba...

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Make Your Own Energy Bars!

This recipe was created by Dr. Erika Siegel and is just one of the handful of recipes she'll be offering to those who join the Adventure Baby Boost, a 6 - week get after it accountability program developed by Hike it Baby founder Shanti Hodges. In our many markets there are huge sections of “health” or “energy” bars to choose from (and be overwhelmed by). You can get dizzy comparing grams of...

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Winner Profile - Kristi Klenk

Congratulations to Kristi from Hike it Baby, Portland! She won a jacket extender cover-up donated by our own Jeri Collins from Hike it Baby, Anchorage!! Her son, Louis competed in the March HIB30 Challenge to win this awesome prize! Tell us about your favorite hike in the world! "There are just so many in Oregon!....Silver Falls, Smith Rock State Park, Mirror Lake Trail to Tom Dick and Harry M...

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Winner Profile - Sabrina Skibba

Meet Sabrina from Hike it Baby Portland! She entered Mason and Brooklynn into the March HIB30 Challenge and logged 53.94 Miles and 3285 Minutes for the month!! Congrats on your prize win from RoadRunner Shoes!! Tell us about your favorite hike in the world!  "Triple Falls in the gorge. It's not a difficult hike but the view is stunning. I have done it several times and always leaves me speec...

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Hike it Baby 30 March Winner - Emily Kowtol

Meet Emily and Eliot from Hike it Baby Boston!  They participated in the HiB30 March Challenge and won Tifosi Wisp sunglasses!  Congratulations! Tell us about your favorite hike in the world It's a very cliche answer for a New Englander, but it's Mt Monadnock for me. It's challenging enough, it's close enough, it's views are beautiful, and I love seeing so many people out and about there. I've...

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Winner Profile - Kristen Belknap

Meet Kristen! She is a member of Hike it Baby Anchorage and her son Everett  competed in the HIB30 Challenge this March and won a Garmin vívofit®!! Tell us about your favorite hike in the world!  "My favorite hike in the world is on Kauai at the end of the road on the North side of the Island.  It's called Kalalau Trail on the Napali Coast." Favorite Hike it Baby moment so far?  "My favorite H...

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10 Essentials for the Trail with Baby

Heading out on the trail for the first time with baby can be intimidating, whether you are headed to somewhere local or further out. We know. That's why we hike together and count on each other to help bring things we may have forgotten. But there are going to be times when Hike it Baby may not be there and for those moments, it's important to know what to take and what might be excess for a da...

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Camping with Baby or Toddler

It's that time of year again! Summer is almost upon us and people are gearing up to go camping. Whether it's first time camping with baby or you've tried it a few times, there are heaps of details to think about. Last year we wrote 3 pieces on this topic so we'll share those links again here. First Time Camping with Baby Co-Sleeping with Baby What I wish I had brought camping And here are som...

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