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Winner Profile- Carolyn Pierce

Carolyn and her family are members of the Portland, Oregon branch! January in Portland is wet, very wet! That didn't stop Carolyn from bundling up and getting her family outside! She was outside for over 1000 minutes and over 60 miles! We are so excited that after all her hard work she won an Oakiwear Snowsuit!! You could be next! Registration is now open for our March 2015 challenge; http://ww...

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Hiking from a Little One's Perspective

Often when we head out for our adventures we focus on our own experience and don't think about what our little one is seeing right? Well chances are they are snuggled down in their carrier sleeping and not seeing much since so many trails lull baby to sleep, but if your baby is alert, put that phone/camera away and try to look at the trail through your little person's eyes. What is he or she do...

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HIB Partners with American Hiking Society

Want to get out there this summer? We do and we want you to join us! Hike it Baby has just partnered with American Hiking Society for National Trails Day. We are really excited about this relationship. Expect to see Hike it Baby planning hikes nationwide on June 6th! Hope you can all get out to join us. Feel free to share this info! And we have tons of photos available if you want to share this...

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Tears On the Trail

Do you have that one hike that’s unforgettable? Either everything was so awesome that you’re sure that the day will go down in history books as the most incredible hike ever. Or everything is so miserable that you’re convinced that no matter what you can never have a hike quite that bad ever again. My worst hike ever happened almost 3 years ago. My husband and I write trails guides, so whe...

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Hike it Baby 30 January Winners!

The January Hike it Baby 30 Challenge is DONE and the prize winners are being announced right here today! The next Challenge begins March 1, 2015. We will announce the registration for the next Challenge on February 21, 2015. Some of the upcoming Challenge prizes are Oakiwear outerwear for kids and Onya Baby carrier! Get your walking and hiking legs ready this month. March's Challenge will be ...

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Hiking with 2 Kiddos

Hiking is one of my all-time favorite activities, so I do it almost every week with my two kids. Our preference is to hike with dad but that means we would only hike on the weekends and holiday and I need more trail time than that. As a result, I have been hiking solo with my two kids since my daughter was six weeks old. My kids are now 2 and 5 and we are outdoor-loving, hiking fools. Not every...

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Winner Profile-Debbie Williams

Next up in our serious about the Hike it Baby 30 November winners is Debbie Williams. Debbie and her daughter Eastyn are members of our Vancouver Washington group! Debbie says the challenge really motivated them to get outside during a dreary November! They are the lucky winners of a pair of Adidas Mountain Sport Hiking Shoes; Perfect for when Eastyn begins leading Toddler-Led Hikes! Keep readi...

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Winner Profile-Katie Gertz

Hiking on to meet the next #HIB30 Winner! Katie Gertz and her son Dylan hike with our Portland Branch! Portland had an unseasonably cold November which made getting outside pretty challenging! Katie had a no excuse type attitude and completed the challenge! We are happy that she won a Discrete Banger Beanie! Keep reading to find out what Katies favorite Hike it Baby moment is...Hint; It is pro...

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Winner Profile-Nicole Hammond

Another Hike it Baby 30 winner! Isn't it amazing how many sponsors we had and how many winners we have got to meet so far!?!! SO COOL! Next up is Nicole Hammond! Her and her kiddos are from Detroit which means 30 miles in November is not easy, but they totally rocked the challenge! She won a waterproof rain cover for her ergo carrier thanks to! Keep reading to find out Nicoles ...

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Creative Ways to Save Your HiB30 Stickers

Hike it Baby is all about getting families outside and enjoying nature on trails as much as possible. That's why we love to motivate the masses a few times a year with the HiB30 Challenge. Get outside for 30 miles in 30 days or get outside for 30 minutes 3 times/week in 30. At the end of the Challenge, everyone who participated receives a unique Hib30 Challenge Sticker in the mail! They've beco...

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