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Hike it Baby 30 Profile - Cierra Maloney

Our Hike it Baby 30 winners were announced this week! Here's our first profile. Cierra is from Hike it Baby Pittsburgh which is one of our newer branches. We are excited to welcome her into the mix! Tell us about your favorite hike in th e world My husband and I did an epic hike in Waterton Lakes National Park during our honeymoon. It was to the top of a peak that looked into Glacier Park. It ...

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March Hike it Baby 30 Done!

We have just completed our March Hike it Baby 30 and we racked up a whopping 8420 miles and were outside 320,004 minutes  (that's 222 days outside!) While everyone really rocked it this month there were a few people who we need to send a big "crushed it" award for totally getting serious outside time going with your little ones! These rocking babies will get the choice of one:  Hike it Baby Ma...

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How to Have a Strong Hiking Core Post Baby

Having a baby is tough on your body! I know because I have been there. To help you get back to a strong space and hiking well, here are five tips to support you with postpartum recovery so you can reclaim your core as you get out there and hit the trails with your little one. Taking the time within the first few months postpartum to create a stable, aligned foundation will pay off in the end. A...

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Hike it Baby in the News!

What a fun month of hiking it has been. The Hike it Baby 30 is coming to a close and we got close to 7000 miles with those tracking miles (some were tracking minutes). We have had heaps of hikes in the calendar and lots of new toddler-led and kid-led hikes have been showing up in the calendar. In the last month we went from 2500 hikes to 3300 in the calendar! You are all getting out there like ...

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Winner Profile- Megan Caldwell

Next up for our Hike it Baby 30 January winners is Megan Caldwell from the Portland branch! Megan has two mobile and active boys, and as a family they rocked the January challenge! Megan even led her first hike with Hike it Baby! She won a Byer of Maine Traveller Double Hammock which I am sure her two toddlers will love! Keep reading to find out how her first hike went and the worries about be...

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Winner Profile- Jennifer Hanold

Jennifer and her son Myles are members of our branch in Ann Arbor Michigan! As all of you know the east coast had a pretty tough winter, which makes the fact that the Hanold family completed this challenge even more impressive!! Jennifer won not one but TWO Columbia Coats, One for her and One for hubby! Jenn has some great advice for new hiking families dealing with cold weather so keep reading...

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Winner Profile- Jeri Collins

Jeri is a very outdoorsy mom from our Hike it Baby branch in Anchorage Alaska. Not only did she complete the challenge with her daughter ivy but she brought her friend Kristas baby Philip along for the ride as well! Her family completed over 1500 minutes outside by not only hiking, but skating, sledding, running and cross country skiing as well! She won an awesome beanie from our sponsors at Di...

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How the Hike it Baby 30 Came About

Last fall Beth Silva headed out for a Hike it Baby Portland hike but enroute she checked Facebook and the mama leading the hike was concerned about rain so she cancelled the hike. Beth and Ramona had their hearts set on a hike though and the weather didn't look bad, so she decided to hit up Lower Macleay anyway. Sure enough it wasn't more than a sprinkle and as she hiked along this little sect...

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Spotlight - Anka Trifan

One of the coolest things about Hike it Baby is the community it creates.  The families it brings together come from all walks of life – some are seasoned hikers, some are just hitting the trail for the first time – and all are welcome.  Today we put the spotlight on Anka Trifan, a branch lead in Vancouver, Washington. Anka joined Hike it Baby in June 2014, and started the Vancouver branch with...

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Are you Ready for Spring Hiking with Baby?

Spring is approaching! It may not feel like it for those of us experiencing extra cold temperatures right now, but it’s true. While you’re stuck indoors, take some time to get everything ready for the first gorgeous spring day (or just a break in the weather). Below is a list of three basic items you need to get out on a trail. This list is by no means all-inclusive, but it is a great starting ...

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