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Thanksgiving and Hike it Baby 30 Last Week!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We are in the home stretch of the Hike it Baby 30! It's been such a fun month and amazing to see you all get out there and after it! We can't believe how hard everyone charged in spite of cold weather drops, rain, sick babies and vacations. Here's what I learned from the Hike it Baby 30 I hike more miles than I thought I hike! I am more likely to walk somewher...

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Raising Wilderness Savvy Children

Earlier this summer I was on a hike with my kids. I wanted to move down the trail, I was craving speed and distance. But, my 3 year old had something else on his mind. We had been talking about what to do if he got lost that morning. He had watched a YouTube video about the ‘Hug a Tree’ method after breakfast so being lost was on his mind. All of a sudden he stopped in the middle of the trail ...

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How to Prepare for the Unexpected

One thing that I love about the wilderness is the great unknown. On any given day you never know what you’re going to encounter or what you’re going to see. Last summer my uncle was mountain biking along trails that I frequently hike with my children. It was a beautiful summer day and he rode right past a mountain lion. He looked a the mountain lion, the mountain lion looked at him and then jus...

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Hike it Baby Car Preparedness

What's in your trunk when you hit the road to go for a hike? As the rain starts and the temperature drops, it is time to add a little more safety to your adventures. Finding a frozen waterfall, snowshoeing through silent old growth forest with your family, or watching 20 foot breakers crash on the beach far outweighs camping out on the sofa under natural spectrum lights. If you are headed out t...

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Pre-Hike Planning

A few weeks ago my branch had a Mama whose car ran out of gas. At the end of the hike her car wouldn’t start. We were about 45 miles from town and without cell service. To make a long story short we were able to get in touch with her husband who brought up a full can of gas. The specific details of this event aren’t all that important, but what’s important is to realize that we need to be prepa...

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Graduating to Frame Carriers

Here are a few more tips to get you out there with a frame carrier: 1. SHORT HIKES - Start with small hikes in local parks so your baby can get used to the different carrier and not being close to your body. Remember also, if you are carrying them in a frame carrier, they will get much colder so add extra layers because they aren't moving, you are. 2. ADJUST AT HOME - Make sure to do all of y...

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How to Pack for a Hike (and not forget anything)

Today as part of our safe hiking series we’re talking about how to pack for a hike. Here’s where I confess that the contents of my daypack never look the same because the environment is constantly changing around me. What I need for a short hike on our local forested trails 15 minutes from town at 8,000 feet where I can push my kid in a jogging stroller is  significantly different than what I ...

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Winter Hiking With Babies

It's cold out there! Winter hiking with babies can wonderful, however be sure to properly dress your little one as you take to the trails. Why? Babies are much more likely to loose circulation in their toes and fingers, so here are some tips to make sure you and your baby are properly dressed for winter hiking. DOWNLOAD OUR HIKE IT BABY WINTER CHECKLIST HERE TO HELP YOU GET PREPARED FOR YO...

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4 Safety Tips for Hiking with Toddlers

As our babies grow to toddlers eventually they want to leave the comfort of a baby carrier and hit the trails on their own two feet. Here are a few things that I’ve learned when hiking with toddlers and a few things that we try to think about to keep our toddlers safe on the trails. 2) Keep your toddler where he/she can be seen. If I'm hiking solo, my kid walks right in front of me where I can...

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Safe Hikes: An Introduction to our Blog Series

What would you do if you lost your child while hiking? Last spring an acquaintance, we’ll call her Suzie, told me a story about a time when she ‘lost’ one of her kid's on a hike. Suzie had no previous hiking experience but decided to take her children on their very first hike.  Naturally, they selected a trail in an area that was new to them. After a few miles of hiking Suzie decided to turn a...

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