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Autumn Goes to Clear Lake!

Labor Day is my favorite long weekend of the year. For me, it represents the gateway from summer to my favorite time of year, and now my daughter, Autumn. The leaves are just starting to change colors at higher elevations, and I can always feel the chill mixed in with the warm breezes of late summer. Like the last several years, we decided to spend this long weekend way from home exploring the ...

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Looking for Discounts on Gear?

We are starting to team up with different companies and get discounts on gear. This month the following deals are available. Onya Baby - $10 off any carrier from Onya Baby. They have a high chair built into them and the Nextstep is made from recycled plastic bottles. We love these carriers because the waist band is built based on backpack technology so it's easier to wear your baby! www.onyabab...

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Taking Baby Abroad

I'm one of those people that just loves traveling. I've traveled to different countries including Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany, Romania, Canada. My husband is even easier when it comes to traveling and during his touring days as a 'rock star' he traveled to even more countries than myself.I'm a pretty easy traveler, although I do tend to over-pack sometimes. This is a problem when you have a ...

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Alternative Ways to Battle Postpartum Depression

I had postpartum depression. I beat postpartum depression. I want to help you do the same. Postpartum depression is moderate to severe depression in a woman after she has given birth. It can happen soon after delivery or even a year later. However, it generally occurs within the first three months.  There are two types of postpartum depression (PPD). The early onset type is known as baby blues....

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Ready to Lead a Hike?

For a lot of people going on the hikes is fun, but there comes a point when you might be interested in leading a hike. This is a great way to show your new friends the trails you love, as well as show your appreciation back to Hike it Baby for all of the hikes you have been on. Leading a hike for the first time can be a little scary though because there's always that "What if no one shows up?" ...

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Log Your Hikes

I am a big fan of keeping track of hikes. I know that may sound a little anal retentive, but it's pretty interesting to start seeing how much you hike and how far. After years and years of hiking my husband and I have a really good idea of how long one-mile takes to walk or hike because we've always timed and logged our hikes. Logging your hikes doesn't have to be hard either. There are a ton ...

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Autumn's Magical Musical Weekend

This is the 4th piece in a series from Aron Goffin about her adventures with Autumn and her hubby this summer. A little over one month ago, we introduced Autumn to one of our favorite annual traditions - the Northwest String Summit -- a three day magical music festival with some of our favorite bands tucked in the hills of North Plains, Oregon. This year was my ninth year attending and Josh's ...

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Inspirational Hikes

I have an almost five-year-old son and an infant daughter. If I want to go anywhere, I find it helpful to put it on the calendar and plan ahead so we actually make it out the door between nap-times, meal-times, and other commitments. When planning to go for a hike with the kids, I usually think about where we’ll be walking/hiking, what time we’ll go, how long or how far we plan to walk, what wr...

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How Far Can You Go With Your Baby?

How far can your child or toddler hike? That depends on how old your child is and whether you carry her, push her, or let her walk by herself – and how energetic you both feel that day. And, of course, this can change as your child grows up. Don't be discouraged if you little one hates hiking at first or hates hiking later... This can and probably will change. Just keep doing it and adjust base...

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Want to Start a Branch?

Interested in getting Hike it Baby going in your town? Or want to help spread it to another town you used to live in or may be moving to? Hike it Baby can move where you move. Help us get there. Anyone can start a branch, you just need to contact us for details. Here are the steps: 1. we get you going on Facebook 2. We help you find a community of Mamas in your area who will want to join in ...

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