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Loading Baby on Back Alone!

One of the things I have found that holds a lot of new mamas back from doing things like hiking on their own is how scary dealing with a carrier can be. I remember when Mason was little I was scared I would smother him in a carrier or do it incorrectly and hurt his hips or some part of his body. Then later as he grew, I was scared I would forget to buckle it and drop him! And then back-carrying...

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Baby Steps = Healthy Knees

What can we learn from our children when hiking? Baby steps. Especially when knees are involved. They are some of our greatest assetts when hiking and so we need to take precautions to protect them. Our knees are incredibly designed, able to withstand enormous amounts of pressure and maintain mobility and stability all at once. Even though it’s a hinge joint (like a hinge on a door), its compl...

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First Time Camping with Baby

Thinking of going camping this summer but new to the whole game? It's not as scary as you think. Keep it simple when you start. Go close to home and take what you need, leave the rest. Here's a newbie primer for getting started. The Tent If you are co-sleeping great! Put the baby in between you and your partner. Bring a blanket/sleeping bag just for baby (blankets work fine) and then one for ea...

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Bear and Moose Safety

Ed note: This might be a topic that's pretty far fetched for most of us Mama Hikers, but if you are in a place like Anchorage, this is something you have to think about even when on trails around town! So we figured we might as well post it. It will also help those of you heading out to national parks this summer where there might be bears or moose or other large animals Okay, so we've heard ...

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Family Vacations That Matter

It's midday and I am sitting in Yosemite in the campground while Mason naps in the trailer peacefully. A warm breeze blows gently across the campground and rustles the the wall of our pop up shower tent. Mark has gone for a hike without us to get his hardcore on. After a beautiful 9 mile trek to Vernal Falls with Mason yesterday, I am happy to wait it out here in the campground and take a b...

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