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What's Hike it Baby 30 All About?

“Speed is not a priority, just enjoy your hike - Keep smile” ― Barry Perdana Putra So maybe you have gone on a few hikes with us and you've checked out some stuff around the Hike it Baby website, but you are wondering "what's this really all about? And who's running this ship?" Well let me fill you in on it all. Hike it Baby is made up of a bunch of awesome volunteers and friends who all com...

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Hello New Calendar Tool

Change and growth is good and we have only just begun to evolve into the amazing community we plan to become... Were you a little surprised when you went looking for your Hike it Baby FILL IN YOUR CITY calendar this morning and it wasn't there. You might have had a momentary panic and thought wait, did my branch close down?! Nope. We're not going anywhere. We are here for you. What we are doin...

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We're Not Afraid of a Little Rain!

Winter is creeping in and the leaves are falling (and in some places are gone already). Jackets are going on and baby snowsuits are being pulled out, borrowed and bought! This is the winter you will get out there because you have an amazing network of friends now who will do it with you. Here are a few pieces of gear to think about as you get out there. Having the right gear is an important st...

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Love Your Wild Spaces

On October 8 it was announced that Obama declared the San Gabriel Mountains in LA a national monument. While this may not seem relevant to you all who don't live in LA, it is to me because I spent a lot of time escaping to those mountains when I lived there over 10 years. This decision by Obama was a good move because apparently according to the data out there only 30% of the people living ther...

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The Giving Tree

Remember that book you used to love when you were a kid called the Giving Tree? That was one of my favorite all time book. The story is simple. A little boy grows up with a tree that gives and gives and gives to the little boy until he is an old man and the boy takes all. In the end when the boy is an old man and has nothing to give the tree, he goes to the tree and still the tree, that is now ...

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Autumn Goes Backpacking: The Final Summer Adventure!

Whew! It's been quite the summer of adventures with our baby! From car camping to beaches to cabins to festivals, Autumn has experienced her fair share of Oregon - not bad for an 11 month (soon to be a year) old. When we set out on her first adventure back in May, we envisioned a final culminating outdoor experience with a backpacking trip in September - the perfect way to welcome fall. As summ...

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What to Wear: Hiking in the Rain and Winter

My daughter was born last October, and our first Hike it Baby hike was just a few weeks after  that. I've been an avid hiker, snowboarder, cross country skier, mushroom forager, and camper year round in Oregon my whole life, and the one thing I know for sure: Layer! And Layer! And then, when in doubt, Layer! The new thing that I had to learn last winter was to layer for breastfeeding and my new...

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Keeping Hike it Baby Free For All!

Remember the first time you went on a hike with Hike it Baby how you felt? I felt supported, safe, not alone, excited. I felt like I didn’t have to apologize for being slow, tired, forgetful and clumsy. Remember the first time a stranger showed up on your hike that you led? She was that woman who just found the group on the internet or had a friend send her the Facebook link? My first “stranger...

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Wearing Double on the Trail

Hey, Hike it Baby parents. I know many of you with two little ones are wondering how you can easily get out and do a few carrier-only hikes. Well, here’s your quick guide to carrying two. First, let’s review safety ABC’s* of baby wearing. This applies to ALL baby wearing. Airway:  Your baby’s chin should be away from her chest. You should be able to place two fingers between her chin and ches...

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What to pack while hiking

Heading out on to the trail? Wondering what to bring? Here's a quick guide to what I take out there. Snacks and drinks If there's something we always over pack it's water and snacks. I never want to be caught deep out on a trail without water. This is super important even if it's heavy. This is even more important when you have children with you. Children can get dehydrated even if they're onl...

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