Babywearing Dad's Review From Wrap to Soft Structured

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Hiking Yosemite with our new little one

I didn't know much about carriers when I became a father. I knew my sister had used some kind of wrap with her firstborn and that it was somewhat complicated to tie. I also knew about a sling kind of carrier from some of my husband's siblings. Their popularity seemed to be on the upswing, with lots of people talking about the BabyBjorn carrier or the Moby wrap. I’m the kind of person who likes to research purchases, so I read a bunch of reviews and ruled out the BabyBjorn because it didn't have a waist belt and a number of people complained about back pain. Instead, I settled on a soft-structured carrier called the Beco Gemini, not as well known but very well liked from what I could tell. I also ran across a used Moby wrap and grabbed that too. However, I had to wait a little longer to try these out than I expected. Our son was born eight weeks early, and at 3 lbs. 13 oz, wouldn't meet the minimum threshold for any of these carriers for several months. Certainly there were ways to wear the Moby with a tiny baby, but I doubted my competence and it wasn't worth any risk. Babywearing was on hold for many months. Once we started wearing, I only wore the wrap a few times. Twice around the house to test it out, and once on a short hike. I found it to be unbearably hot, though, and both baby and I were sweating profusely. This was in January in California, so I could only imagine what summer would bring. The wrap just wasn't for us. The Beco was wonderful; it was very comfortable. I could wear the baby around the house with my hands free and get things done. It was everything I hoped it would be ... until he spit up on it the first time. Yes, it's washable, but it's a thick cotton material so it didn't clean easily and would take a long time to dry. Even with washing, a lot of the fabric was black and it began to accumulate stains and fading, especially where he would chew/suck on it at the top. The temperature control was pretty good around the house, but it became apparent that it wasn't great for hiking even in spring, and would be worse when summer came. Additionally, I had to wear a fanny pack over the waist belt if I wanted to carry diapers, milk, extra clothes and water. Carrier popularity seemed to be on the upswing from what I saw online, but in the distant suburb of San Francisco where we lived, I didn't see a lot of other people babywearing. And men babywearing was rare. However, it didn't make me uncomfortable to wear our son though because I'm pretty used to being the different one. But when I did see another man with a carrier, I felt a bit of solidarity and would always wave. Kind of like the Corvette wave, but for babywearing guys.

Family weekend backpack trip.

I started looking for something else. I knew from a family trip a few years ago that Kelty made a backpack carrier that worked for older kids. I'd carried a nephew down Lembert Dome in Yosemite (he was 3 or 4 then) and it was pretty comfortable. I went to REI to see what I could try out and found that Osprey also had a carrier. I loved the Osprey backpack that I'd bought about four years before - it was incredibly durable and very well designed. Normally you weigh a backpack with sandbags to test it, but this didn't work well with a carrier. Since this was a big purchase for me, I went so far as to acquire a child-sized doll from a thrift store, cut it open, and fill it with sand until it was twice the weight of my son. Thus tested, the Osprey was comfortable, so it passed. Besides being comfortable, I had two other considerations: pack volume (how much stuff I could cram into it) and sun protection. I was looking at the Osprey Poco Premium and it had a nice built-in sunshade. Also, it had more space than any other carrier I could find - at REI or online - so it seemed like a perfect match. With the help of a 20% off coupon, I splurged on what I hoped would be useful for many years to come. And it was! Our son is 3 years and 9 months old now and we've used it for just a bit more than three years and on so many hiking trips we've lost count. He fell asleep in it so easily - I was amazed. On day hikes, we might swap it between us and adjusting the torso length was pretty easy. We've used it for a few backpacking trips too, straining it's weight-bearing and capacity to the limit. Knowing what I know now, I would have tried some different things, but it did the job for us and did it well. I wanted to get back to backpacking, and I wanted to share a real wilderness experience with my son as soon as possible, and the frame carrier let us do that, so I was very happy with it. The Osprey Poco is not without its flaws though. If I went beyond carrying a total weight of 35 pounds or so, I'd start to find the waistbelt uncomfortable. At 45 pounds or more (max load is 48 lbs), I'll get bruises on my hips after a couple miles no matter how I adjust it. That level of weight is unavoidable on a backpacking trip, which we did a few of. The other drawback I found with frame packs are that they are big. Our frame carrier takes up a lot of space in the car and I don't feel comfortable sending it as baggage on the airplane. I'm afraid one of the tubes will get bent and then it'll be ruined. (ED NOTE: Check out Deuter as well if you are looking for a frame carrier. They have been a Hike it Baby sponsoring partner for over two years and have a frame pack we love. What we like about the Deuter is that it’s easily adjustable for persons who are different sizes and the waist band is amazing. They are also rated as the safest frame carrier on the market.)

My husband and son hiking in Europe in 2016.

In late 2014, I joined Hike it Baby. I was already hosting hikes for a moms' group I was part of (yes, the only guy), so it was a natural fit. In HiB, I started hearing about the Onya baby carrier. The Onya Outback seemed to be of a similar design to the Beco and just as versatile, but addressing some of the flaws that the Beco had. The fabric was nylon, so it would wash easily and dry quickly. Body heat could even dry it. It had built-in pockets - not enough for everything, but enough for some occasions. Plus, it was far more compact than the Beco, as it had a lot less padding. This was important because I was looking at an international trip in the summer of 2015 and needed a way to carry my son during hikes and any tourist outings where a stroller wouldn't work. Completely unimportant, but fun, the burnt orange of the Outback was a near-perfect match for my Honda Element. The Onya Outback turned out to be a great match for travel. Although I found the Beco slightly more comfortable, the Onya was definitely superior in terms of maintenance, packability and heat management. So the Beco went into storage after a little more than a year of use and I haven't gotten it out since. That's where things stabilized - we used the Osprey Poco Premium for hiking and backpacking, and we used the Onya Outback for travel and the occasional around-town usage where a stroller or backpack carrier wasn't feasible, like a museum. Once on a trip that involved a lot of hiking, I rented a backpack carrier because we were going to be hiking in the desert in summer and I didn't want to get too hot. Now, though, my little one isn't so little. When he weighed less, the weight of the Osprey didn't matter so much. Now, with just the pack and my kid, it's 40 lbs. Add the essentials like water, change of clothes, wipes and snacks and I'm carrying 45 lbs. Last August, I geared up to do a solo all-day hike from Tuolumne Meadows with him, and between the extra gear needed and the altitude (8,600 feet), I just couldn't do it. We had to turn around after a mile and do something else. That was the beginning of the end of the Poco for me. This spring, I was given the opportunity to try out the Onya Baby Pure. While this looks similar to the Outback, there are several substantial differences. The most obvious is the replacement of the pocket and hood with the large zippered ventilation flap. Anything that helps reduce heat when hiking hard is welcomed, so I was all for this. My son never liked the hood and the pocket had turned out to be too small for me to use for much, so neither of these were a big loss. More subtle, the padding on the front was thinner. This meant that the carrier rolled up smaller. I could easily attach it to the outside of a backpack and have it not be in the way. And when traveling, it took up less room in the suitcase. Finally, the placement of the hip belt buckle had changed from the odd, sewn-in side piece to a more conventional location. It was a lot easier to tighten, and I felt I had some options if it broke on a hike. The only downside I could see was the lack of color choices. We were headed to Utah for a week of hiking around Zion, so it was trial by fire with no backup. On our hikes, I started out with it rolled up and strapped to the side of my daypack. It rolls up pretty small, so it's not in the way. Then when he tires out, or there's a section I don't want him to walk through (thorns, poison ivy, narrow path on a cliff) or we need to go faster, I unstrap it and put it on and we're good to go. I mentioned I had a daypack, so you might wonder what I do with two packs. I put my son on my back and the pack on my front, or vice versa. I do heat up more, especially if my son is in front, but it does feel comfortable and well balanced. That turns out to be the usual case; my son says he likes to go in front so he can talk to me. I did sort through my daypacks to choose one that worked well in the front. I had to be sure the straps had a wide enough gap in the middle for my neck AND that nothing extended above the straps into my chin AND that the two hip belts could both be worn comfortably. It turned out I had exactly one daypack that met those criteria. We did two hikes carrying him on my back and it worked fine. I can't really think of a situation where I'd use the Osprey Poco now, given the hikes I do. There might be times when I'd want to carry things with only one pack, but the weight of him plus the Osprey plus stuff is too much and that's only going to get worse. Maybe if it were so hot that I really couldn't stand to have him next to me. We've got a backpacking trip coming up later in the summer and we've always used the Osprey before, but I think this time he'll walk and we'll take the Pure for backup. What kind of carrier are you using for your hikes? Share comments below and let us know what’s worked best when on the trail with a little one.

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How to find the right fit with a frame carrier
Finding a hard-frame carrier that fits mama (or daddy!) and her little one can be confusing and overwhelming to both those new to wearing and even those who are experienced wearers. Just like other types of baby carriers, hard-frame carriers vary between brand and model, making it hard to recommend the “perfect” or “best” carrier outright. Your best bet is to try on several and see which one fits you and your child best. However, there are some key features and guidelines that you should keep in mind when shopping for a frame carrier that might make finding the best fit for you easier. Here are some basic recommendations for hard-frame carrier safety and fit. Keep in mind these fit and feel differently than soft-structured baby carriers (which come with belts and buckles and sits baby close to your body). Fit for the wearer While it's important to keep baby close and tight to your body at all times (as with a soft-structured carrier), frame carriers are designed to carry baby slightly away from your body to keep you cool while hiking and allow more space to carry supplies. As long as your baby is secured in the harness properly, they are safe — even if they are not directly in contact with your body. This will feel strange if you are used to soft-structured carriers where you feel baby’s every move. Torso length fit is the single most important aspect of hard-frame carrier fit. I cannot stress this enough. The proper length pack will place the waist and shoulders in the proper places, allowing even distribution of the pack’s weight and will be the most comfortable for you. If it's too long, it will result in improper waistband placement or shoulder gaping. Too short will result in waistband digging into your stomach or pinching on your shoulders. Either way, who wants to hike with leg or shoulder pain? These carriers are designed for the waist belt to sit directly on your hips at the joint. This may feel strange if you are used to a buckle carrier that sits on your natural waist (although some buckle carriers are designed to sit on your hips as well). Direct pressure from the carrier being too low on your hip joint can add stress and drag to your legs, making it harder to hike. If you are not used to the fit and design of hiking with a pack, this could become painful after a while.  Wearing a hard-frame carrier at your natural waist will place the carrier too high on your back, making it too top-heavy. This will place all the weight on your upper back and can become painful very quickly. The shoulder straps should sit firmly on your shoulders. Any gap can add strain to your upper back, quickly becoming uncomfortable. A gap in the strap is not necessarily unsafe, but comfort on a long hike is the goal. These carriers are not cheap, so there is no point in settling for a carrier that sort of fits. It may also be important to point out that hard-frame carriers may not be as easily interchanged between caregivers. It will help to determine who will do the majority of the babywearing while hiking before making the purchase. Take the time to find a carrier that fits properly and you will be very happy. Fit for the wearee There is some concern over baby being in a seated position in the harness, rather than a spread-squat with knees higher than their bum. This issue is similar to the narrow base carrier debate. A seated position will not cause your baby to have hip dysplasia or other musculoskeletal issues. If your baby has no known issues, they will be just fine. If your child does have a known hip or other issues, then you should consult with their physician before using a hard-frame carrier. Hard-frame carriers are for babies who sit upright unassisted. The harness will not provide enough support on its own. The leg passes in most cockpits are too wide to be comfortable for smaller babies and newborns. And there are no infant inserts or hacks to make the carrier safe before this milestone. Make sure the harness fits against baby at all times. If by chance you fell, this keeps your baby from being thrown from the carrier. Think of them like a car seat harness built into your carrier. You want the strap snug with very little gaping (but not so tight it is hurting them). Make sure every buckle or clip is securely clicked into place. If the seat height adjusts, make sure it is the proper setting for your child. You want baby’s head to clear the front of the cockpit and shoulders below the back of the cockpit. For toddlers or preschooler, shoulders below the back is not a major safety concern, but ideal. Just make sure they are not so high up they can lean back and tip you over or fall out. Legs should be able to move freely and bend easily at the knees. Baby should be able to move a bit for comfort, but in general not be able to wobble over or jump side to side. If this is the case, you will need to adjust the width of the cockpit if possible (most have straps that tighten the harness widthwise). Please keep the weight limit of the carrier in mind. It varies between carriers, so please check the manual. The weight minimum guideline for when baby might be able to fit properly in the harness does not replace the guideline that baby needs to be sitting unassisted. For example, the minimum might be 16 lbs., which my son hit at about 4 months old but he was nowhere near ready to sit up unassisted yet. It would not have been safe to place him in the carrier just because he reached the weight minimum. Likewise, if your child is over the weight limit for the carrier, it is not safe for them to be worn in it. They may be  secure in terms of fit, but you run the risk of over stressing the carrier and causing the frame to break. Your child could then fall out or be injured from the broken carrier. There are carriers with higher limits suitable for heavier toddlers or preschoolers though, so you can always upgrade as your child grows. General Safety Tips The general rules of babywearing apply, even though hard-frame carriers fit differently. Please do not do anything on the trail you would not do holding your baby. Wading across a shallow, slow-moving creek is just fine. A large, deep river with swift current is not the best idea. Taking off the carrier with baby secured in it and handing it to a fellow hiker on the other side of a fallen tree is fine too. Tossing the carrier with baby in it up a cliff to your partner, however, is not a good idea. Just use common sense and keep baby safe at all times. Hard-frame carriers are only suitable for back carries. They simply will not work for front or hip carries. The torso of the pack will not fit comfortably over your front and the cockpit will block your line of sight entirely. As for hip carries, there is no real logical way to get the carrier to sit securely on your hips. Unlike soft-structured carriers, like a wrap or mei tei, they will not mold to your body shape. The straps cannot be crossed over to secure the carrier to your torso. Baby can only face forward in the cockpit as well. Mainly because the harness is not designed to work any other way. Facing forward also allows you to see your baby easily. You can check that they are safe, breathing and generally happy. Please keep in mind that the weight limits for the carrier include the weight of your child PLUS any gear you're taking. For example, the weight maximum might be 45 lbs. If you have a 30-lb toddler, 5 lbs of water and 20 lbs of camping supplies, that’s 55 lbs of total weight and you are over the limit and run the risk of the carrier failing. In general, if you are used to soft-structured baby carriers, hard-frame carriers might take some adjusting to get used to. Keep in mind they are designed by companies that specialize in hiking and camping equipment, not baby carriers. They are perfectly safe and compliant with the Juvenile Product Manufacturers Associate regulations. If you're considering taking your baby out into nature, hard-frame carriers are a great option. Please take your time and try on as many as you can before you buy. Don’t just settle for an “okay” fit- find one that is truly comfortable. Your hips and shoulders will thank you! Also, keep in mind that they may not be the best option for you. But don’t let that discourage you from babywearing while hiking. Soft-structured carriers that can mold and adjust to your body hike just as well. Just find the carrier that fits you best and get out on the trails! What frame carrier do you use to get your little out on trail? Please share in the comments below! Read more Hard-framed carrier: improve the quality of your hike Why you might need a new carrier Graduating to frame carriers Photos by Ashley Schneider and Laura Castro.
Hard-framed carrier: improve the quality of your hike
Sky was a little over a year old when I was finally mentally prepared enough to try a long day hike. I felt confident in what I would need for a full day's hike: 15 diapers, first aid kit, water for a family of eight, food for three days, three outfit changes and rain gear. With everything I needed, I was concerned about having to carry everything I would need with me, a one-year-old and my overactive imagination. Sky was starting to get heavy and I was concerned about footing, so I wanted her on my back, but my buckle-style carriers weren’t prepared to stuff everything. I wasn’t sure I really wanted to carry Sky on my back and a backpack on front (sounded super awkward). Enter the hard-framed carrier. Hard-framed carriers (like my beloved Deuter Kid Comfort III) are typically designed to carry both gear and kids. Some don’t have gear compartments ... just skip those. A hard-framed carrier is different from your typical soft-framed carrier or buckle-style carrier. They have an internal frame so your little one sits higher behind you for a great view. Hard-framed carriers are designed to sit differently on your body above your hips, similar to a framed backpack and unlike the typical soft-framed carrier or buckle-style, which can sit anywhere from natural waist to hip. A proper fit is important for comfort Torso Length – Adjust your carrier so that the hip belt will sit on your hips and the weighted carrier’s shoulder straps won’t have a gap on your shoulders. Take the time before you head out on the trail to get this perfect for you. I grabbed a sack of potatoes and tossed it into the seat to get a great fit. I had my partner help me get the perfect fit by some trial and error on adjusting by using their Varifit system. Since it’s an easy strap to adjust, we also marked my partner’s best fit so we could go between the two of us easily. Waistbelt – Put it on your hips. It belongs there. Don’t think of this carrier like your typical Tula or Ergobaby carrier. It’s designed like a backpack and you have to think of adjusting it like that. Shoulder straps – Is there a gap? Is the bottom of the strap under your armpit? Tighten as needed to get your fit. It’s easier to loosen to get the pack on and off as well. Load Adjustment Straps – Those straps going from your shoulder to the pack? Those are the load adjustment straps and perfect for adjusting the pack either closer to you or farther away. Try playing with these as well to see what you like. Comfort for your kiddo The hard-framed carriers are also designed with adjustments to help your little one feel comfortable as well. Seat – Look for the seat adjuster to get the right height. You want your child’s head to be above the front of the cockpit with their shoulders below the back rest. If you have a Kid Comfort III like me, I have my daughter periodically rest her head on the pillow so I can make sure she is comfortable when napping. Feet – Look for the stirrups and adjust these so your child’s knees are slightly bent. Harness – Make sure that the harness is snug against your child so they can’t wiggle out (I’ve learned this lesson for you.). Harnesses typically have several points to tighten so you can adjust to the child in that moment. The Deuter Kid Comfort III allows me to move the shoulder straps up and down, so Sky has a perfect fit. You want to make sure the harness is snug as this is what keeps your child in the cockpit. Accessories – If your carrier doesn’t come with it automatically, consider picking up a sunshade. I also highly recommend grabbing the rain protector as it’s very helpful for rain, snow and wind. You may also want to pick up a mirror like this one. It attaches to your carrier and will allow you to view your child. Extra tips for using a hard-framed carrier Your baby needs to sit independently. These carriers aren’t designed for kids who can’t sit independently, so don’t use it for newborns or any child who isn’t sitting independently. Each child hits this milestone in their own time. Mind the weight. Each framed carrier has a max weight it can safely carry to include the child, gear, water and the carrier. Sky is a little thing so we have been able to use this carrier for a long time. Each time I consider how much everything weighs (water is heavier than you think). If you are thinking about doing longer hikes and want to take gear along, a hard-framed carrier might be your perfect fit. For me and Sky, it’s allowed us to hike to the top of Black Elk Peak, backpack the Ice Age Trail, keep us on the trails longer and let me do more adult-paced hikes. Read more: Why you might need a new carrier. Babywearing Dad’s Review From Wrap to Soft-Structured Photos by Jessica Featherstone. Do you have a fit tip for a hard-framed carrier? Let us know below!